plz help

can any one help me my plant was doing so good this morning and then my step dad watered it i checked on it today and it looks bad out of no were can any one tell me what they think is wrong plz help or should i just put it to rest. the really green one is what it was this morning



Active Member
Looks like your step dad killed it with something. Just a though cause plants dont go that colour so quickly from overwatering.


Well-Known Member
holy shit wat'd u do water that with a gallon of tap water !!!?????way to much water and ph was way way way to high i honestly dont think u should save that one sorry

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
Looks like nute burn but i ant no expert. You might have some sort of nute build up. lower leafs usually start to burn first then makes its way up to the top.


Active Member
looks like it had already started to go before he watered, soil depletion? which would look like nitrogen deficiency. how long has it been in that container?


Well-Known Member
thats wat i was thinkin bad soil or soil with nutes in it with to much watering could burn and kill it quick especially miracle grow soil which it kinda looks like to me bro
looks like it had already started to go before he watered, soil depletion? which would look like nitrogen deficiency. how long has it been in that container?

it was in a big pot i just trans planted it in soil thats basicaly dry is that a smart move


Well-Known Member
if u didnt hurt any of your roots it could possibly make it threw .. who knows that plant didnt look good at all


Well-Known Member
i think your step dad watered.... i think he pee'd in it

i would just start over and water less often remember overwatering means watering too often not how much you use each time but if it had added nutes overwatering releases the nutes as would watering too much per watering good luck


Active Member
it was in a big pot i just trans planted it in soil thats basicaly dry is that a smart move
Thats fine. As long as it got watered, which you say it did. Sorry dude, but it looks really fishy. Either someone tried killing it or the soil you planted it in had way way to much nutes in it or your step dad used way too much nutes on it when he watered it.


Well-Known Member
can any one help me my plant was doing so good this morning and then my step dad watered it i checked on it today and it looks bad out of no were can any one tell me what they think is wrong plz help or should i just put it to rest. the really green one is what it was this morning

whats your temps like, could be heat stress


Well-Known Member
that aint heat stress bro thats overwatering with way to much nutes..

or his dad peed on them hahahaha


Active Member
hey everyone knows pee is good for your plant

If my dads killed my plant I'd be like "WTF pops!"


Well-Known Member
that aint heat stress bro thats overwatering with way to much nutes..

or his dad peed on them hahahaha
lol. I agree with yah man. yah i didnt look closely at those leaves, but yah its discoloring for the stem out which is a big sign of nute problems.


Well-Known Member
pee is good.....unless u stand there because u've had to much beer and unleashed all ur piss on the plant cause u were to lazy to go get water ?? hahhaha i'd do the same like WTF POPS want me to kill ur plant!!!