How To Sacre Deer with Mouse traps


Well-Known Member
Been having some problems with deer munching on my plants. I tried piss,hair and a few others things which did not seem to work to well.

I bought a bunch of mouse traps. I then layed lose sticks and grass around my plants. I set the traps and set them upside down on the lose sticks around my plants.

I have had no more problems. I find some of the traps set off everytime I go to my plants. The deer must set the traps off and get scared and run off.

Just wanted to post what has been working for me.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Been having some problems with deer munching on my plants. I tried piss,hair and a few others things which did not seem to work to well.

I bought a bunch of mouse traps. I then layed lose sticks and grass around my plants. I set the traps and set them upside down on the lose sticks around my plants.

I have had no more problems. I find some of the traps set off everytime I go to my plants. The deer must set the traps off and get scared and run off.

Just wanted to post what has been working for me.
I wonder what a bear trap would do? LOL!


use a mouse trap rigged to detonate a shotgun shell. you can also send theese threw the mail if you really wanna be a dick to someone


Well-Known Member
Hey that's a real good idea man! Maybe do a couple tiers in case they come back again before you come back to reset it...

edit : You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 5150 again.


Well-Known Member
nice idea!

shotgun shells? you will end up killing a ripper and giving us all a bad name, hehe
next year i'm gonna spread anthrax all around my plants, bet that will do the trick.

something i have found to always work was 20 pound fishing line, strung all around the trees nearby, criss crossing at different hights, the deer bump into them and get scared cause they can't see the line. not the best idea if your relying on stealth more than a completely traffic free area. i grow where NOBODY walks, but if you don't the lines could attract a person to a well hidden plant they would otherwise overlook...


Well-Known Member
You can also rig some up to trip lines. Pretty easy to do with just thread.


Well-Known Member
some of my guys use the shotshell thing-

not for deer, but for sneakin thieves, ahhh same thing i guess