Science Over Faith?


Well-Known Member
inform me i am willing to learn...

my first thought is how can they know what happen 1 million years ago? they can only guess from that guess they form a belief.. but inform me
I am trying to, but I want to put it into context that you already understand, which is why I am asking for a real world example of what you deem accurate.


Active Member
I am trying to, but I want to put it into context that you already understand, which is why I am asking for a real world example of what you deem accurate.

i dont know what happend at your house last night,, how can scientist know what happend 1 million years ago


Well-Known Member
i dont know what happend at your house last night,, how can scientist know what happend 1 million years ago
Ok so maybe I am wording my question of what you think accuracy is, no problem.

What time did you wake up today?

Do you have an alarm, if so what moment was it set for?

Do you deem that an accurate look into time?

Because if you do, I would be able to dispute it, what second what that alarm set? When did you consiously wake up? What moment did you stand out of bed? When did you fist open your eyes.

And if you can get the exact second, what is the millisecond? If you can figure that out we can continue to move down to smaller and smaller increments in time so that you never have the actual time.

Now lets say you have to the second the time you 'woke'

So that is 1 second range in 1 day. So that means 1 divided by 86,400 (seconds in a day) so that is : .00011.

If you put that out 20 billion years it is a range of: 2.2 million years. So there is accuracy in these models, but the range seems so big due to the enormous span of time we are discussing.


Active Member
Ok so maybe I am wording my question of what you think accuracy is, no problem.

What time did you wake up today?

Do you have an alarm, if so what moment was it set for?

Do you deem that an accurate look into time?

Because if you do, I would be able to dispute it, what second what that alarm set? When did you consiously wake up? What moment did you stand out of bed? When did you fist open your eyes.

And if you can get the exact second, what is the millisecond? If you can figure that out we can continue to move down to smaller and smaller increments in time so that you never have the actual time.

Now lets say you have to the second the time you 'woke'

So that is 1 second range in 1 day. So that means 1 divided by 86,400 (seconds in a day) so that is : .00011.

If you put that out 20 billion years it is a range of: 2.2 million years. So there is accuracy in these models, but the range seems so big due to the enormous span of time we are discussing.

they might be close but who knows? they have nothing to go by


Well-Known Member
they might be close but who knows? they have nothing to go by
See the other thread. It is the timeline of the breakdown. Close is the best we can do, again because the closer you get to the point, it no longer really matters. Because of the asymptotes it never actually touches.

First they look at object '1' and find two points that allow them to find its 'rates', then they look at another and look at those 'rates', and that is what they go by. Multiple points with multiple things that are changing and that is what gives the final numbers with the best possible accuracy.

Han.... ur a slow learner.... :wink:
lmao you kidding me! I am trying to learn how this all works as I go! But seriously this is helping me to understand calculus better so I am stoked about figuring this out. It really is neat how applicable it is.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, nice how you didn't credit your source in either post.
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Spam from uncredited source.I'll follow you and call you out in each thread.:bigjoint:
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!


Active Member
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!

i guess you finally realized the truth


Well-Known Member
Fish, you can't handle the truth. Which is why you would rather believe a religion with no evidence than a quite sound theory with a shit load of evidence.