When do I harvest? Newbie needs help...

Brick Top

New Member
who cares if theres seeds in ur bud.. its still FREE weed..

I guess it would be free weed if someone gave you bagseed so you didn’t have to pay for a bag to get seeds from or someone gave you beans they bought online and if you grow outdoors so you do not need any equipment and pay for electricity to burn lights and run fans and if you never water your plants because that would add to a city water bill and sewer bill because the second is based on the first or run a well pump that uses electricity to provide your water and if you never fertilize the plants or use any nutrients or supplements on them and never have to hit them with neem oil or anything else because of some problem and if you cure your weed if you already have all the well sealing jars you need.

If that is the case then sure, I guess it would be free weed.
I have the same question I have.My big question is do you pull the whole plant or can you just pick the bud that looks ready?


Well-Known Member
I guess it would be free weed if someone gave you bagseed so you didn’t have to pay for a bag to get seeds from or someone gave you beans they bought online and if you grow outdoors so you do not need any equipment and pay for electricity to burn lights and run fans and if you never water your plants because that would add to a city water bill and sewer bill because the second is based on the first or run a well pump that uses electricity to provide your water and if you never fertilize the plants or use any nutrients or supplements on them and never have to hit them with neem oil or anything else because of some problem and if you cure your weed if you already have all the well sealing jars you need.

If that is the case then sure, I guess it would be free weed.
LOL so true how is it free weed?

I say its better weed you paid less for and you know is clean. Nutes,meters,filters,soil(or other medium), light bulbs , replacing broken fans, pest control and whatever else goes the fuck wrong like always.

Stack that paper booboo it gets expensive.


Well-Known Member
I guess it would be free weed if someone gave you bagseed so you didn’t have to pay for a bag to get seeds from or someone gave you beans they bought online and if you grow outdoors so you do not need any equipment and pay for electricity to burn lights and run fans and if you never water your plants because that would add to a city water bill and sewer bill because the second is based on the first or run a well pump that uses electricity to provide your water and if you never fertilize the plants or use any nutrients or supplements on them and never have to hit them with neem oil or anything else because of some problem and if you cure your weed if you already have all the well sealing jars you need.

If that is the case then sure, I guess it would be free weed.
lmao, you may have seen this, but if not you will appreciate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDKiQfBs9lo

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
honestly, id ride that shit out, fuckit, its gonna suck either way but atleast youll have seed lmao!!
next time take better care of them and they wont hermie, unless its shitty genetics, and watch the sex for the males lol, were the pollen sacks open? are you sure ? huh?



Well-Known Member
next time dude just keep the males away...
can see that no1 here has offered you any sound advice so heres my attempt...
your plants wil be fine as long as u kill that male now, get rid of it at least which i think u said u did...
if you see any pods just pick em off and ur plants should be fine or alternatively youll just have bud with seeds in it which will also be fine ... just pick out the seeds and grow again making sure not to make the same mistake