i ordered some gumballs from FDD and it came with a free bowl!!

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
love the bowl FDD, i would like to order one some day !!
i love custom shit that i know who made it!!=)
makes me happy to support the little hobby man lmao


Well-Known Member
damn sammy i told you that you was a problem child bro im going to buy something from fdd as well lol.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt taken for anything... i in no way was sold anything i wasnt aware of, wasnt happy to pay for, and wasnt more than happy with... it met and exceeded the expectations i had of it... plus i got imported canadian gumballs with fred the monkey.. how many of you get that shit when you buy your bowl??

whether or not $45.00 dollars was to much to spend to some of you, quite frankly, i dont give a fuck.. i was more than willing to pay for it.. and as i said am more than happy with it..


Well-Known Member
dude its like big brother you watch the freaks go in and watch the last episode you don't need no more than that first page last page.

it was obviously compelling enough for you to post on it.
true, but i was hoping for an outcome, compelling might not be the right word, ridiculous maybe? chitown just wanted to argue.... zzzzzzz

nice pipes though....


much love to the hommie spoon thanx for the support.

amor de cuelbrazzzzzz@ my manz spoon


Well-Known Member
i tried to let you back your claims up chi... i even said post some of your buddies work so i could look at it.. i'm in the market for a bong... nothing was posted...

you wouldnt need support from people if you werent so condensending... personal opinions are one thing.. but what amounts to personal attacks on others, be it direct or indirect, is what pisses people off...

simply saying "nice bowl.. i wouldnt have bought it, but thats just me" would have kept from things becoming what they are now...

you basically shit talk me for buying the piece, fdd as a person and his glass skills, and others who have purchased fdds work, without so many words...

no matter how many bows you put on a piece of shit, its still a piece of shit.. same as no matter how "Graceful" you are at talking shit, it is still talking shit... having an opinion is one thing... and can be valuable input for others... but being an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole, no matter how indirect you try to be about it, is childish at best...

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
i just dont understand where the obvious shittyness came from or why it was ever really started...
It looks like jealousy, and I think the person who starting this post is to blame. If I sell someone a glass tobacco pipe, i hope they never come on this site bragging about it.

Just kill this thread, it's a real downer :peace:


Well-Known Member
It looks like jealousy, and I think the person who starting this post is to blame. If I sell someone a glass tobacco pipe, i hope they never come on this site bragging about it.

Just kill this thread, it's a real downer :peace:

yea.. so i started the thread.. NOT TO BRAG ABOUT THE PIECE... but to show it off.. how many threads are there about "post your pieces" or "i got a new piece" and they are from local or random head shops?? this was blown by a well respected member and moderator of this site.. so of course i'm gonna show it off..

trust me when i say i never wanted things to turn as they are now... it was to show off a bowl... thats it.. i wasnt saying it is better than anyone elses or putting others down... that was all started somewhere else by someone else...

if you think this thread is a downer then DONT FUCKING READ IT OR POST... its that simple....

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
If you're happy with your purchase, SS, I'm happy for you.
Some of us aren't just chompin' at the bit to put a bullet in you as you fly by. Have fun, enjoy your new bowl and all that life offers.
Some folks over-estimate the value of their own opinion and in the process, under-estimate the value of other folk's good time.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Green Cross your quoting the OP :lol:
Really? I didn't know I quoted someone... didn't mean to.

This thread reminds me of the $1000 seed grow, where every jealous MF bashed the dude, because they (obviously) can't afford to spend $1000 on seed LOL

Here I'll quote my Mother: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." :peace: