Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


Well-Known Member
well there is a creator and it created a begining of everything and the creator has been around for eternity..
I agree that everything we are has been around for eternity, but if you really truly think about it, if god can be eternal why can not the same apply to all the matter in space? Is it not just as likely that every piece of material is forever, as it is that a god is forever and created everything?

It is really just one extra step that you are taking by saying that something had to be before everything else. We KNOW that everything else is here already, we just can't comprehend what everything actually is, so that makes it easier to believe that something had to come before it so that it could be created.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I think the intricacies of nature are far more amazing if you search for the real explanation rather than say it was created that way. For example did you know that locusts are really just crickets? When their habitat becomes overpopulated the smell of each other's feces causes them to change appearance and behavior. They turn from green or brown to bright yellow in color and take on a swarm mentality. The swarm is driven by cannabilism. If a cricket/locust in the front of the swarm becomes injured or moves slowly it is killed and eaten by the other locusts. See how beautifully nature can work? It sounds harsh but this change in behavior due to overpopulation creates the impetus for the swarm to move elswewhere. Otherwise it would perish due to overpopulation. It is all a survival mechanism.


Active Member
I agree that everything we are has been around for eternity, but if you really truly think about it, if god can be eternal why can not the same apply to all the matter in space? Is it not just as likely that every piece of material is forever, as it is that a god is forever and created everything?


yes but if your right i lose nothing if i am right you lose ..

however they have a bible that has phrophecy that is accurate doesnt that mean anything?
and i know people can come up with excuses for anything but if looking at facts is the phrophecy right?


Active Member
This is how it goes..

-those proteins formed chains of DNA


lets go to number 2

proteins forming chains of DNA is like turning on a computer a 100 million years ago and claiming that the end result is going to be windows vista when there was zero programming on it at the beginning...

Its kinda like allowing computres to write programs as if it would just happen

Can science give me an example of dna programing itself?


lets go to number 2

proteins forming chains of DNA is like turning on a computer a 100 million years ago and claiming that the end result is going to be windows vista when there was zero programming on it at the beginning...

Its kinda like allowing computres to write programs as if it would just happen

Can science give me an example of dna programing itself?

What do you mean by 'programming'?


Active Member
"Ever notice how creationists look really unevolved?". Bill Hicks was onto something there. I don't fully beleive either in creationism or evolution, but I'm a pragmatist who beleives that what happens before my eyes is much better proof than the idea that something that no one has ever been able to prove exists is the cause of everything that happens before my eyes.


Well-Known Member
lets go to number 2

proteins forming chains of DNA is like turning on a computer a 100 million years ago and claiming that the end result is going to be windows vista when there was zero programming on it at the beginning...

Its kinda like allowing computres to write programs as if it would just happen

Can science give me an example of dna programing itself?
Nobody (besides religion) is claiming that the chains of DNA where programmed in the beginning where going to turn out to be life we have today.

Think of it more like lightning and what it is (electricity) and that being turned into vista today. It was not that the lightning was there and through experiments it was found that it could be captured, and then someone else figured out that it would be able to be produced. Someone else found that wires covered in rubber could transport it.

Then through different things happening with textiles, people figured that a electrical surge could be used to 'program' with many many small switches. Then they figured how to build a computer that did the switched off the loom design. That turns later into 010001010 and on and on until they worked it into Vista.

Scientists don't usually figure things from the beginning and work forward when discussing or figuring out history, they start from the present and work backwards, like following breadcrumbs until they converge on one point.

It is like a dead body, they cannot start at "Oh this is who killed them and why", they start with observing what happened at the area the body was found, then they figure out when they died, then try to find evidence of who killed them, then they track that person down and try to figure out the why they did it, you have to work backwards.

yes but if your right i lose nothing if i am right you lose ..

however they have a bible that has phrophecy that is accurate doesnt that mean anything?
and i know people can come up with excuses for anything but if looking at facts is the phrophecy right?
There are several hundred gods in history, and even this god that you follow cannot be agreed on how he feels within the same people that follow him.

That being said, although I am pretty confident, there is no win or lose in this.

Now if you want to go back to these prophecies why not, what prophecies are in the bible. I personally don't believe that nostradomas is not a bunch of obscure refrences, close guesses, and a lot of belief in the followers that allow for bending of logic.


Well-Known Member
Why cant prophecy accurately predict the future? All of it is seen in retrospect and then translated into prophecy. Like that douche with the beard who is on every history channel show whenever they talk about nostradamus. What a tool. That guy is for entertainment purposes only. Yet there's people that take that shit seriously. I mean really, wouldn't there be some kind of mass military mobilization if the end of the world was coming in 2 and a half years???? Oh, but I guess they don't realize it yet but the history channel and the nostradamus guy are going to break the sectret of our fate to us this thursday at 9 on HC. Over your television set, lol.
...stupid entertainment.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I predict that somewhere, sometime in the next 100 to 1000 years,either under the sea or on land,possibly in the winter, but maybe spring, summer, or fall,on either a cloudy or clear day, there's going to be an earthquake.


Well-Known Member
I predict that somewhere, sometime in the next 100 to 1000 years,either under the sea or on land,possibly in the winter, but maybe spring, summer, or fall,on either a cloudy or clear day, there's going to be an earthquake.
Lol that is too specific!

Here is my stab at prophecy!

"And then thou and the rest of man will then be given a set of choices that may end up with a bad choice. And from that event all else will change forever. Once those doors are open the gates of hell will be weakened and all shall tremble. The future events all hinged on that one decision that was unwise. And from the fallibility and sinful nature of mankind the end shall come, and man shall no longer be in the kingdom that the ardvark sits upon."

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Damn, you're much better at this than I am.Thou art truly blessed.:mrgreen:
Lol that is too specific!

Here is my stab at prophecy!

"And then thou and the rest of man will then be given a set of choices that may end up with a bad choice. And from that event all else will change forever. Once those doors are open the gates of hell will be weakened and all shall tremble. The future events all hinged on that one decision that was unwise. And from the fallibility and sinful nature of mankind the end shall come, and man shall no longer be in the kingdom that the ardvark sits upon."


Well-Known Member
In the kingdom where the aardvark sits upon.


If you're wrong about religion you've wasted much of your life in a completely pointless endeveaor fearing judgement from something that only exists in your own mind and VASTLY limited lifes possibilities. The one and only life you have. Plus held back progress for the rest of the people on this earth with your limits you want to impose on all of us. No loss?


In the kingdom where the aardvark sits upon.


If you're wrong about religion you've wasted much of your life in a completely pointless endeveaor fearing judgement from something that only exists in your own mind and VASTLY limited lifes possibilities. The one and only life you have. Plus held back progress for the rest of the people on this earth with your limits you want to impose on all of us. No loss?

Not only that, but to say a God, if it does exist, would send it's most critically thinking creations to a place of eternal torment for doing the very thing it designed us for in the first fucking place is nothing short of ABSURD.

If we're simply here to worship God, love God, glorify God, praise God, then I can honestly and whole heartedly say "fuck that God". A God that has the ability to create life and all of existence, I can assure you, is not interested in whether or not we would believe in it. That shit would not matter to such a being, and if it did, like I said, it would not deserve my worship or my praise.

There are so many goddamn paradoxes involved in religion, you either must not have given any of this much thought at all and drank it in without so much as a question, or are a really gullible person.

The power and control aspect of religion is as clear as day to any outside observer...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea I didn't want to talk about religion anymore but I did always find the paradoxes quite puzzling. If I am supposed to believe because I am inspired by the Holy Spirit then why are there all these penalties for not believing? Are people supposed to be scared into believing? That hardly seems right. Seems too much like "if I'm a bad boy then Santa won't bring me presents." Not to mention, why does each religion think only they are right and no other religions? I guess there is gonna be a lot of disappointed people on judgment day just because they worshipped the "wrong" god all their lives. And finally the point Padawan Bater made is indeed perplexing. Why would God create a man endowed with logic and intellect and then require him not to use it? That seems like Hell to me.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh I almost forgot. I was watching this TV show on Noah's Ark and it was fascinating. Fish knows it's all lies but there was actually some evidence that supports his cause (although only in a metaphorical translation of scripture, not literal). Apparently the Middle East really did experience a massive (Great?) flood in Biblical times. It is responsible for the present size of the Black Sea, which used to be a much smaller fresh water lake. They studied the bottom of the Black Sea and found at lower depths many fossils of salt water animals and also many ancient beaches that marked where the shore line used to be. As they studied the shallower depths they found evidence of a very sudden and dramatic change from fresh water to salt water and the water level rose very quickly. Their explanation was that at the end of the last Ice Age as glacial melting increased global water level the strip of land between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea became much smaller, forming a sort of natural dam. That dam finally gave way and the Mediterranean Sea rushed into what was formerly a lake and turned it into the Black Sea we know today. So here is what appears to me to be a much more logical explanation of seemingly miraculous events. (BTW Noah was 150 years-old when he built a ship the size of Titanic by himself out of wood) I don't dispute the events in the Bible were "inspired by true events" but I think the writers took a little creative license to make the story more interesting. Again I am no longer arguing or trying to convince anyone, just more or less sharing interesting information I pick up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah did you see the imagination land one? I love that God and Jesus are a part of imagination land, right up there with luke skywalker and morphius.

That is very interesting about the Black sea. And timewise it would be well withing human times, because they were in Europe during the last ice ages, so there would have been many people that were living in those areas at the time.


Well-Known Member
On the subject of water levels... There are remnants of advanced civilizations under water today which were just above sea level thousands of years ago. The timline of when our ancestors developed civilized societies with citys and advanced buildings is getting earlier and earlier than we'd ever realized before.

If you're a diver you can go see them, they're not even that deep. Apparently Jesus was a little late getting here so thousands of years worth of people I guess just went straight to hell because they weren't even given "the word" in time.