Petition to forever ban the fake FDD

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Well-Known Member
never seen him nor do i care. but good luck on your quest. remember this is the internet, there are a million people like that guy.

also i think FDD can take care of himself, you dont need to kiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Gee i did too.
I think i told him to F off.
So i am forgiven as well.
Naked posting? Now thats crazy. I am glad i missed it. ICK!


Active Member
hes viewing this forum as i type this.

may his mother finally let him move out of the basement to maybe meet a woman not made of plastic


Well-Known Member
Wow what a moronic little kid... I've seen his posts before but really paid no attention, but the stuff from him in this thread is just completely pathetic. It would be like argiung with a two year old.

If it's a group of pc's in a lab you could exclude the entire ip range assigned to that organization if you can trace it.

Do you have a packet sniffer? As long as he's active you could get just one single IP address and trace it back that way to the organization assigned that range and then call them to report the abuse. You could get him kicked out of school or fired if he works there.


Active Member
wow,thats some gay shit homey,you stay with FDD's dick in your jaws,give it a rest man its pathetic


Well-Known Member
Who's that hacker member here that tracked another user down and trashed his computer remotely? It's a girl but I can't remember her name. Put her on the case and she'll find him in no time at all.
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