Petition to forever ban the fake FDD

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Well-Known Member
its amazing how slow pot head moderators are at banning people. I mean really its you click his name and hit ban. but we are all potheads


Well-Known Member
Some random douche who gets his jollies off obsessing over fdd isn't enough to make me mad. This guy is only posting this dumb shit to get everyone fired up so that they will add fuel to the fire. I mean c'mon, I think we all know who the real fdd is.


Active Member
what up queenz,how you?
FAKEFDD you need to consider hittin the club,your moms need a break from you stinkin up her house,eatin all her food and runnin up the cable bill with the porn...get off FDD's nuts, find a chick (she could be mentally long as she legal),get some pussy(for once)-then overdose on the real world

life is awesome,you need to sample THAT shit


Well-Known Member
will everyone just IGNORE HIM dont talk about him or reply and just carry on as normal! He has been banned dozens of times.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt make me mad but its ruining alot of other threads because they will be talking about bongs or growing and hell come in and say something and then the thread is off on this guy. If your too lazy to do it give me mod for a min and ill click ban.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
you have to wonder...what kind of life this fake fdd has...seriously
Im speaking to YOU fake fdd, think about what you are doing, and how truely pathetic it is, you obviously have some sort of vendetta against fdd...
so you re-sign up on RIU after you prolly got banned, and you go around repeating constantly that your fdd and that you like dick...seriously?????
anyways he'll prolly retort by saying im on fdd's dick or something, ignoring the fact that he has no life.


Well-Known Member
lol i think if hes not gonna get a real life he should at least get addicted to something fun on the internet like WoW, not forum posting.


Well-Known Member
If you do that ill juss sue riu...ha...then they'll have to shut this site down and you wont have anywhere to post ha
Clearly you don't understand how entities work or suing an entity works. You would not be able to sue people, just some corporation named RIU or whatever their real name is.

Yeah, suing RIU is like suing Microsoft...sure.

Business would move forward seemlessly here.


Well-Known Member
And think about it like this. This isn't some random person who doesn't like pot and has stumbled upon this site to find a mod to fuck with. This ass is probably a reputable member of this site who has beef with fdd. So ask yourself, who all gives fdd shit other than the imposter, and who is never online when the imposter is?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Just stop quoting him and replying to his bullshit. I am trying to get him as fast as he can create new accounts. I don't know how he is doing this but it really pissing me off. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Dubs, i understand what your saying but in no way is sueing RIU comparable to sueing microsoft. RIU may be harder to sue then a single person but no way near as hard as microsoft. Microsoft would hire all the lawyers in the country just so he couldnt have one.


Active Member
And think about it like this. This isn't some random person who doesn't like pot and has stumbled upon this site to find a mod to fuck with. This ass is probably a reputable member of this site who has beef with fdd. So ask yourself, who all gives fdd shit other than the imposter, and who is never online when the imposter is?
fill me in watson im lost??


Well-Known Member
Just stop quoting him and replying to his bullshit. I am trying to get him as fast as he can create new accounts. I don't know how he is doing this but it really pissing me off. :twisted:
Just block all new accounts for a few hours till you work out what hes doing, and dont let him know how pissed off you are!:eyesmoke:
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