this is what I found on colloidal silver,sounds like a lot of work but if it works.....
Through my course of study I have come across information on making fem seeds in a way that involves non toxic or at least less toxic materials. It works very very well and I am yet to get a hermie from the seeds I made for my own personal use. The only thing I have against the process is I have seen numerous people develop a strain that they want to keep as is but the only seeds they have is female so they are stuck. The genetics will only get watered down from there unless they mix it with a male of a different strain but then they are back to square one. With that said here is the technique.
The technique I use involves colloidal silver. Its sold at health food stores as a cure all basically. the stuff that is sold is too low of a potency to work properly. First I'll describe how to make it and then how to use it.
Colloidal silver is made by electrolysis by passing a current through two silver electrodes suspended in distilled water.
The way I do this is I use a 12 volt 1.5 amp (1500 ma) ac to dc adapter. The average household probably has a box of these things laying around. Other reports show that 9 volt 600 ma ones will also work. Anyways you cut the end of this off and pull the 2 wires apart by about a foot. Strip about 1/4 inch of the coating off and solder an alligator clip to each piece of wire and then heat heatshrink over the exposed soldered wires.
At each end of the alligator clips you will need to clip on either a piece of fine silver wire (can be found online) or an old silver coin that has been cleaned of tarnish (can be found at hobby shops and such around town). Try to stay away from sterling silver, it is less pure.
In an open air enviroment, submerge the silver on both ends of the adapter into a glass quart jar of distilled water. Make sure only the silver is touching the water. If the clips or any other type of metal is touching the water during the process it will produce rust amongst other nasty stuff.
Now plug it in and let it sit for 12 hours (making sure to check on it regularly so you dont burn down the house or something.) I put plastic wrap over it to protect it from stuff floating in the air. After 12 hours you should have a jar full of a brownish/amber colored liquid with possibly some white/metalic gunk which is just some corrosion. You can filter this out through a tee shirt if you'd like but I never do.
This brown liquid is colloidal silver. As is it is safe for you to drink just like the health food store colloidal silver. But I wouldn't recommend it, since it is a bit stronger than the health food stuff and too much of it ingested could turn your skin blue after a lot of use
Anyways back on topic. Take this brown liquid and pour it inside a spray bottle (1 dollar at walmart.) Now you are ready to make femanised seeds.. well kinda. You need a female plant and right after it shows its sex you can give whole or part of it a good misting of colloidal silver 2-3 times a day for 1 week. Some people will do this all the way until it starts pollinating but Ive never done it for more than a week. If you do the entire plant the entire thing will start growing pollen sacks soon after and you can use this pollen to pollinate other female plants to produce femanised seeds. If you do only one branch of the plant then you could turn around and use the pollen from the plant on the rest of it.
I have done this quite a few times and am yet to end up with femanised seeds that hermie on their own and I have even done this a couple times from breeder femanized seeds that I wanted more of. If the plant already has the hermie genes in it though it would most likely show up at one point or another though.
With all that said if you want to skip the hole soldering alligator clips onto wire you could always wrap the wire around the silver as long as you make sure not to expose any of the water to non silver material.
I hope this helps you all with your adventures in breeding. Be safe.
I'll update this later on with pictures of my finished colloidal silver generator once I can find where I put the damn thing when I moved weeks ago.
Below is the CS generator
Below is Distilled water
Below is an empty jar
Fill jar with distilled water and put silver ends in the water making sure the metal of the alligator clips doesn't come in contact with the water.
Put some plastic wrap over it all to keep bugs out.
Plug it in and let it sit for 12 hours and.. colloidal silver!! Ready to be put in a spray bottle and sprayed on plants. 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks once first signs of sex appear.
Edited by FrozenReality (06/17/09 09:59 AM)
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