DWC Reservoir Cleaning?


Active Member
I have been thinking of doing DWC for a while now but am very skeptical of the whole reservoir cleaning issue. How in the hell do you clean the reservoir in let's say the 5th week of flower and there are roots hanging out everywhere? How do you suspend the top so the roots don't touch anything while cleaning the reservoir?

Illegal Smile

I have been thinking of doing DWC for a while now but am very skeptical of the whole reservoir cleaning issue. How in the hell do you clean the reservoir in let's say the 5th week of flower and there are roots hanging out everywhere? How do you suspend the top so the roots don't touch anything while cleaning the reservoir?
I move them over to another large tote that is clean and it doesn't matter that they touch it. The air bath does them good. If you have enough plants of enough size even that becomes hard, and at that point you just get old water out as best you can and add new.


Active Member
Thanks Illegal Smile!! That is what I suspected. Unfortunately my space is very limited and I couldn't move them after a few weeks into flower to swap out reservoirs like that. :( I guess it'll have to wait until I have more space. Thanks again!
I empty my reservoir with a valve that came with it. After its empty my wife holds the top containing the plant while I take almost 2mintues to clean the inside with a small dose of bleach and large amounts of H2O. I was scared to death from the possibility of the roots dying, but it all worked out in the end.