How much is too Much Humidity?


Active Member
I was wondering what exactly are the negative effects of humidity?

I got a buddy whos room is at between 70-90% and he thinks that 70% is low enough to prevent any negative effects...

I have read several places that humidity should be around 50-60% fro mos of the life of the plants, then during the last few weeks of flowering it should be even lower.

My question again is what precisely are the consequences of the higher humidity?

BTW there is no CO2 outside of the fresh air


Active Member
mold... and heroine?

LOL... I figured that would be the tone of responses... I have told him several times that it was REALLY BAD to have the humidity over 75%

This is one of those cases where I am the one who bothered to do the research while he was the one with the needed resources

If I had to have the humidity be high how high can it be and only minamaly impact the results?


Well-Known Member
Al B Fuct in his thread, How to Get a Harvest Every two Weeks, calls dehumidifier's the most overlooked piece yet most important for increasing yeild. If the humidity level is too high the plants can't transpire, this clogs up the stomata and makes it harder for them to take in co2 and get rid of waste material. To protect themselves the will go more or less dormant waiting for conditions to change. Other than that it won't have much of an effect. VV Anything over 55%rh is going to have some affect.