Please help me with my plant problem.


Active Member
Hey there RIUers I am having a problem during my first grow. I have been reading for days now and still not decided what it is. So before I mess things up worse I thought I would post a few pictures to see what you guys and gals think. Drip/bubble system. 3 part Gen Hydro nutes 2 week of flower and leafs are yellowing and drying up and turning brown. The ppm reading was 850. is this to low Should I use some cal-mag on these girls? what d you think? Please help. Thanks Sooo Much if anyone decides i'm worthy of help.kiss-ass.......LOL



Hey there RIUers I am having a problem during my first grow. I have been reading for days now and still not decided what it is. So before I mess things up worse I thought I would post a few pictures to see what you guys and gals think. Drip/bubble system. 3 part Gen Hydro nutes 2 week of flower and leafs are yellowing and drying up and turning brown. The ppm reading was 850. is this to low Should I use some cal-mag on these girls? what d you think? Please help. Thanks Sooo Much if anyone decides i'm worthy of help.kiss-ass.......LOL
Looks like nute burn to me. Flushing would probably be best. If they are the top leaves and not the bottom, it could also be heat stress. Check your temperatures.


Active Member
As water evaporates from the res., do the nutes get stronger? I was out of town for a while and when I came back I had allot of evaporation and the water level was really low. This would be the start of the burn. Please someone confirm my theory. I need all the help I can. Thanks.


Active Member
Yeah buddy,
That is what I want to hear. 100% sure and 1100+post's. I have to believe and thank you for the advise. Changed the res and it now reads 1200ppm. Lets see what that does. I will post the results in a few days/weeks. I don't even know how long it takes for a plant to bounce back from this. But it is all a learning experience. I can't wait till I have this dialed in so I never have to pay the outragous prices for good weed here.