First Grow! God's Haze With PICS


Active Member
well after reading sum comments i have decided that i need more light hitting the sides of the plants so im deciding to tie it down a lil from the sides or sumtin sum how... i hope they not to tall to a point where i cant bend them.. but i will try to bend them a little bit with sum LST so some more leafs and branches can come out.. also i have takin note by not watering the top of the plants anymore.. im glad i didnt read ne comment where n e 1 thaught my plants were dien or ne thing LOL and no.. i have no fed them n e nutes at all only water i will b feeding them nutes not yet tho iv been running around alot since skool started now but im trying my best to take care of my babies also as much as i can i will be posting up another update soon with pics after i try to do sum LST sum how and try to get it a bit more bushier thanks alot for the comments and suggestions guys HELPS ALOT!! everytime CHEERS!!


Active Member
TKJOEEE i think im also going to start the flowering stage real soon also possible this saturday or Monday latest let me no wat u think? i wouldnt mind starting it at the same time


Well-Known Member
I'm also going to try LST on my veggies in a week or two :D
It's going to be my first time doing it to such small plants.. I always train them during flowering to help the light hit inner buds better..
Good luck!


New Member
Lookin good. Been busy or I wouldve stopped by sooner. Looks like u got an audience now. For ur ? About lst and flowering. Tie them down snd start flowering. The sooner u get on tying them down the more light those side branches will get. Plus if u wait til ater flower they'll be strecthing and ull have more plant to deal with. Get on the now and keep on them for a good 6 weeks


Active Member
Lookin good. Been busy or I wouldve stopped by sooner. Looks like u got an audience now. For ur ? About lst and flowering. Tie them down snd start flowering. The sooner u get on tying them down the more light those side branches will get. Plus if u wait til ater flower they'll be strecthing and ull have more plant to deal with. Get on the now and keep on them for a good 6 weeks

hey thnx alot bro im going start to try to lst them asap! as soon as that sun comes up and i wake up on going to work on that rite away.. and also im going to put them in new pots tmr im starting to notice that outline of the yellowish color on the leafs is starting to come a bit onto the other plants i had a picture of it in one of the latest picture updates im not sure if u saw but if n e knows what wud help that please do tell me! im dien to no i hope my plants arnt doing and im wondering if it has to do with the roots maybe the pots are way to small now? but do u think the plants wud react like that? by turning a bit yellowish and gived the leafs like a yellow outline but yet they green... and im noticing one of the plants looks a bit droopy i hope its jus only because the pot size is to small cuz im changing that tmr and i also hurd about maybe giving them 20-20-20 fertilizer? if n e one hurd about that and thinks that wud help please let me no id b happy to find out


Active Member
HEY WUTS UP GUYS! THANX SOOO MUCH FOR STICKIN AROUND WITH ME AND MY GROW... well first things first to b honest i took a look in that room latly and i noticed that the other plants kinda are starting to get that yellowish outline on the leafs im not sure what it is ... FUCK!! i hope they not dien on me! id go crazee and b so heart broken... if n e one has suggestions please dont hesitate i wud love to hear from u guys.. n e thing!! umm i have hurd of sumtin like giving it fertalizer or sumtin about 20-20-20 i hurd this from a friend not 100% if this wud solve the problem but im really looking forward from hearing from u guys... there is a pic of one of the plants with the yellowish outlines on the leafs if u dont no what im talking about.. well i guess all i can do now is really jus wait and pray! i hope my babies are okay and are not dien.. and yes they are currently still just in those 16cm pots hopefully maybe i jus need to change the pots and thats why or sumtin I DUNNO i just hope they not dien on me im prayin my ass off tonite on this one... good night guys


Active Member
25% strength for the first dose of nutrients, then water twice, then 50% nutrients, water twice, then 75 or 100% and water twice. i wouldnt use a 20-20-20 right now. do something like 20-10-10 . im doing a 5-1-1 to start. alaska fish fertilizer! then when you switch to flower go to a 10-20-20 or something like that. more nitrogen before flower, and less after flowering. are you still spraying your plants with water? if so i might stop doing that and see if they stop going yellowish. i stopped doing that and mine arent going yellowish or orange. and when you transplant, burry that step to those first set of tiny leafs.


Active Member
although im really unsure what a fading yellow like that is. id go with buddy and say that its potassium deficiency. google it


Active Member
although im really unsure what a fading yellow like that is. id go with buddy and say that its potassium deficiency. google it
hey bro thnx for the info... by n e chance did u get n e problem like that? and btw tkjoe did u end up buying n e nutes? or fertalizers? i hope maybe i jus need nutes i really hope i find out the problem and how to solve the problem i dun want my babies to fuk up on me now:cry:


Active Member
ya go check out my new pics! i got some alaska fish fertilizer! its 5-1-1 so its not to strong and i donthave to worry to much about burning my plants. i havent had a problem directly like yours. i was spraying mine and some of my leafs burny brownish. and my new growth has started to come in really light coloured. but i think thats jus the strain i have because it all seems to turn green after. i will be giving myplant some nutes over the next ocuple days for the first time. the 1 ltr bottle cost me 5.99 i went to a nursery and got it


Well-Known Member
Just read your whold thread man!! looks like you are doing good!! I'm a first timer as well I planted them yesterday.... I hope mine grow as well as yours have!!! Ill be watchin... suscribed... (sucks about school, i start back up fucking on the 21)

Happy growing,


Active Member
hey thnx custom closet for the comment.. and about the school part yea man its suxs... loll trust it i got that going on also...

n e ways well .. i got a PROBLEM im starting to notice one of the plants is starting to look droopy to me i havnt watered it too much either.. but jus incase i ended up not watering it yesturday for a whole day and im going to see wha happens... other then that the other plants are looking real good but kinda have a bit of a yellowish outline on sum leafs but they are still green and standing strong and tall but has yellowish outlines on the leaf does n e one no what the problem could be im getting a little worried now.. i baught 6 10 Liter pots also and some more soil i hope a 10Liter pot will b good.. i will be transplanting them TODAY! at the current moment they are 37 days old and they are still in 16cm pots ... if n e one thinks thats whats causing the problem and it will fix up when i transplant please let me no.. and if theres something else that i need to do that wud fix the problem instead PLEASE MY EYES ARE OPEN FOR N E SUGGESTIONS!!! well im going to go transplant them let me no what u guys think .... HAPPY GROWING TO ALL


Well-Known Member
hey thnx custom closet for the comment.. and about the school part yea man its suxs... loll trust it i got that going on also...

n e ways well .. i got a PROBLEM im starting to notice one of the plants is starting to look droopy to me i havnt watered it too much either.. but jus incase i ended up not watering it yesturday for a whole day and im going to see wha happens... other then that the other plants are looking real good but kinda have a bit of a yellowish outline on sum leafs but they are still green and standing strong and tall but has yellowish outlines on the leaf does n e one no what the problem could be im getting a little worried now.. i baught 6 10 Liter pots also and some more soil i hope a 10Liter pot will b good.. i will be transplanting them TODAY! at the current moment they are 37 days old and they are still in 16cm pots ... if n e one thinks thats whats causing the problem and it will fix up when i transplant please let me no.. and if theres something else that i need to do that wud fix the problem instead PLEASE MY EYES ARE OPEN FOR N E SUGGESTIONS!!! well im going to go transplant them let me no what u guys think .... HAPPY GROWING TO ALL
Dude - I have just read your entire Grow Journal and EVERYONE has been telling you for like weeks to use nutes. But, for some unknown reason you haven't listened to all these wise growers. Why is that? It seems really clear to me that you need to add nutes - any kind of nutes at this point. I have been reading this journal because I am growing in hydro and want to take some clones and put them in soil. The growers that have commented on your grow have been really helpful with some great advice. I know I have benefitted greatly from their advice. But it is almost painful to watch you completely ignore their advice on nutrients when it is more than clear that that is what your plants need NOW. You will be glad you listened to them. Best of luck with your grow.


Yeah man... They are hungry for some nutes NOW!!! That soil has run out of nutrients and it must be replenished. Do your babies a favor and feed em, you'll be shocked at how fast they start growing... Best of luck with the grow.


Active Member
whats really funny is that the advice about nutes that i gave i havent done yet either. and i actually have them sitting right beside it. So you arent alone NGF! haha


Active Member
whats really funny is that the advice about nutes that i gave i havent done yet either. and i actually have them sitting right beside it. So you arent alone NGF! haha
lolllll! hey wuts up bro ... o man haha im glad we still on the same page man. I was jus thinking in my head if tkjoe maybe used his nutes yet and he can tell me which one he used or how he used it lol but it looks like we both still on the same page haha awsome! LOLLL BUT FUK THAT SUXS FOR US:wall:!! o man.. btw tkjoe have u decided what day u wanna start 12/12 ? just let me no bro im ready to do it at the same time as u.. so just let me no bro.. and hey u baught nutes? what kind?


Active Member
hey guys whats goin on? first off i'd like to say i appreciate every1z help! and i dont mean to disrespect n e 1 on here in any way at all. Just because i have not done what ppl have toll me which is feed them nutes.. i just havnt got time to head up to the store and get it.. the store is actually far from where i live but i am planning a trip real soon to get it and i will b using it.. all advice that was given im sure it was from all great great growers out there:leaf: and im glad to have u guys aboard. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU:bigjoint:... i would also like to say that the yellowish outline are starting to disapear and arnt there no more as much as they use to b .. now u can barly notice the yellowish outlines...;-)and all i have done was re-pot them into new pots and got some new soil.. so now they are in 10 Liter Pots. i have also found out that my babies are SATIVA'z because the leafs are thinner then indicas .. :leaf: