help in veg state?!


Well-Known Member
ok one of plant is doing real bad not sure why and i dont how to make it recover since i never seen this and i keep the ph at 5.6-6 and gave it a tsp of nutes as recommended but it just turned this color on this pic and wont grow anymore


Active Member
looks like a zinc dificiency, flush the plant with a diluted nute mix contaning zinc, iron and manganese elements.
also calibrate your PH meter as this could have caused your problem.



Well-Known Member
roots look fine their white and not brown or any other color not sure whats wrong with it at all


Well-Known Member
looks like a zinc dificiency, flush the plant with a diluted nute mix contaning zinc, iron and manganese elements.
also calibrate your PH meter as this could have caused your problem.

could u recommend something


Well-Known Member
would this work for hydro??
since its a deficiency and this article came from a marijuana guide..would dropping them in the water work?
White areas form at leaf tips and between veins. Occurs in alkaline soils. Zn deficiency can be treated by burying galvanized nails in the soil. Chemical fertilizer containing Zn can also be used.


Active Member
id also say nute burn, looks a little like zinc def in the colour of the leaves but the tips wouldnt burn like that


Well-Known Member
oh really damn ok pure water for a week then just to see how its gonna turn out
what are you growing in? i would flush the growing medium as long as it is not a bag of miricle grow or anything similar, keep us posted on your progress!;-)


Well-Known Member
ok so after a day of flushing the results speak for themselves the dark green is slowly returning look at this before and after picture
