whats your munchie after a session


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been snacking on canned pears. My dad just canned like 80 pounds of Bartlett and gave them to me for my b-day. frickin' shweet


Well-Known Member
My fav recipe is:

1 bowel of coco pops
some v.cold milk

pour coco pops in a bowl to desired level, add milk to desired level.
spoon it in your gob!
Hey thank you all for coming and posting your fav munch to giving every1 recipes man this is looking good oh man who loves to fuxxx with the mexican food i love mexican food big part of southern california culture like the california burrito mmmmmmmmm so good peeps you get some french fries carne asada rice beans sour cream cheese and you rap it all up in a tortilla and man that is some good stuff
hot fudge sundae is bomb is bomb when you make it yourself with some special additives like thc not only are you enjoying a hot fudge sundae but your gonna be blowed in the end my friends