Ignorance Is bliss? Or the truth?


Well-Known Member
........Also, remember that most of the world still doesn't believe in the supernatural and everything else you mentioned...
Sorry to say this but most of the world does and has always believed in the supernatural. Only recently has become a topic of dissent because science can explain so much with out broaching sensationalism.

...People who are brainwashed by normal society...
I think that is an oxy moron....

There is a big change coming, and once it comes, the world and those brainwashed by mainstream religions will have a major wake-up call. 2012 is just around the corner, after all...
I do think that this is a possibility. There is alot of science regarding astronomy, as well as the polar shift which seems to be aligned with the 13th baktun. The I-Ching was analyzed by Terrence McKenna and turned into a wave formula which he called novelty theory. When novelty is the amount of change that is occurring in the universe at anytime but no specific place, which is something that corresponds to the laws of quantum physic theory, this wave formula has timeline corresponding with social uproar and at about Dec. 21, 2012 there will reach an asymptote which mean that novelty cease to be definable. Which in my mind is that humans reach an ultimate enlightened age. Maybe not on that date, but near to that. If people disregard this date as the possible end time then they will not see the true realization that has to be made.



New Member
Be very careful before believing anything your "third eye" shows you. The mind is a powerful thing and it can also deceive. I am open to the idea of the mind doing much more than we think it is capable of but you must ensure you don't have any medical conditions which could be fooling you. You may actually be seeing the things you explain but most likely not. See a doctor and make sure that there isn't something seriosly wrong, cos if there is it could develop to a stage where your going to take actions that will affect more than just yourself.
What do you mean exactly? What kind of illnesses/problems would you be looking for then?
I do think that this is a possibility. There is alot of science regarding astronomy, as well as the polar shift which seems to be aligned with the 13th baktun. The I-Ching was analyzed by Terrence McKenna and turned into a wave formula which he called novelty theory. When novelty is the amount of change that is occurring in the universe at anytime but no specific place, which is something that corresponds to the laws of quantum physic theory, this wave formula has timeline corresponding with social uproar and at about Dec. 21, 2012 there will reach an asymptote which mean that novelty cease to be definable. Which in my mind is that humans reach an ultimate enlightened age. Maybe not on that date, but near to that. If people disregard this date as the possible end time then they will not see the true realization that has to be made.

Ive heard this before. That was also way before all of this hype about 12/21/2012. Terrence McKenna was also one of the main people teaching about DMT and all of his experiences with it. Very interesting guy too bad he died before I could meet him.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean exactly? What kind of illnesses/problems would you be looking for then?
There are untold mental illnesses that could explain what you have been seeing. Just cos you see it doesn't mean its real, even a brain tumor could make you see anything. I'm not saying what you see is not real, but wouldn't you would want to be sure that what your seeing is real.


I'd rather know the most terrible truth than be content with living a lie.


Well-Known Member
The most terrible truth I can think of is this...in the not to distant future many people will die for reasons unknown to me, but it's coming-you can feel it. I can hope that I'm wrong, but I fear I'm not.


The most terrible truth I can think of is this...in the not to distant future many people will die for reasons unknown to me, but it's coming-you can feel it. I can hope that I'm wrong, but I fear I'm not.

ROFL Professor Vaguey Vaguerson...

Did you take a page our of Nosterdamus' book on that one or what?

You sound like Rumsfeld with that prediction.. "some day, something terrible will hapen.. I just don't know when.."


Well-Known Member
you ever notice how people who believe the conspiracies and believe they are in touch with the supernatural world are bat shit crazy. when you try to find hidden meaning in everything it makes you go crazy. i say simply to just live your life with what feels right.


Active Member
Be very careful before believing anything your "third eye" shows you. The mind is a powerful thing and it can also deceive. I am open to the idea of the mind doing much more than we think it is capable of but you must ensure you don't have any medical conditions which could be fooling you. You may actually be seeing the things you explain but most likely not. See a doctor and make sure that there isn't something seriosly wrong, cos if there is it could develop to a stage where your going to take actions that will affect more than just yourself.
What i was thinking.

Chances the feeling of extra vision is caused by the mental i'll heath and not the other way around and now your recovering your starting to come round, not 'seeing' as much or not feeling the need to put your mind in this place??

Have you suffered a stressfull event or trauma in the last few years?

Seriously mate, you should see a doctor, at least then you have a chance of geting to the bottom of whats going on.

Good luck and you might wana lay off the ganja for a while.


Well-Known Member
I can't understand why some things are a joke to everyone...dosen't anyone care? I don't make predictions...just observations & yes I consider myself to very in touch with my feelings. Rumsfeld is a crook, but at least that statement he made comes from truth. I don't necessarily believe in conspiracies either - assumption is a short-coming...never assume. I know this may get thrown back in my face as me being defensive, but I felt I had to put it out there. I don't pretend to know or understand anything, but I'm always seeking knowledge. I think one of the biggest problems humanity has is thinking we know everything when we really don't know shit...I mean think about for a second we still haven't proved that gravity is definative - it's a theory still. So to answer this thread one only needs to look to yourself. Ignorance in my opinion is bliss, but only to those whose ego it will support & the truth is painful only because most believe it to be. It's all about perspective in my opinion. This thread was created to ask a question even though the answer was already known by most...understanding that answer is the difficult part.


I mean think about for a second we still haven't proved that gravity is definative - it's a theory still.
There's a reason for that. What do you expect it to be before we should recognize valid theories as credible science?


Well-Known Member
I think you're missing the point...I believe in the theory of gravity, but I was just using it as an example of how little humanity understands about the universe we live in.


Well-Known Member
I think you're missing the point...I believe in the theory of gravity, but I was just using it as an example of how little humanity understands about the universe we live in.
I find it inspiring that we know as much as we do, especially since the majority of the population of the world still believe in invisible men in the sky. We could understand a hell of a lot more than we do, if people would just drop all this superstitious shit, and devote themselves to the pursuit of knowledge, rather than self-delusion.