Rollitup Fantasy Fooball League


Well-Known Member
Really? That wasn't very nice :sad:

But whatever. I'm done.

ha wow are you serious? why you gonna say you quite, then want to play again, if i didnt say anything you would have just left your team there, and the players would just sit, but its all good i guess :neutral:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3082760]well i thought you quite haha, didnt know you were still gonna play :lol:

shit i'll have to try and get em bac to you then, my bad haha[/QUOTE]

guess she missed this :(


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3082765]first you give up, and now your playing, who are you, wikid or Bret Farve?[/QUOTE]
That was pretty funny. I think SICC smoked some angry weed before the game.


Well-Known Member
not funny at all, now wikid think i was trying to cheat her over and play her cause she didnt know what she was doin, i thought she quite, so i was just gonna get some player since she said she was gonna leave her team alone, go two pages bac, now i feel like an asshole for somthing i didnt even do


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3082937]not funny at all, now wikid think i was trying to cheat her over and play her cause she didnt know what she was doin, i thought she quite, so i was just gonna get some player since she said she was gonna leave her team alone, go two pages bac, now i feel like an asshole for somthing i didnt even do[/QUOTE]
If you told that to her and she wants to be mad at you, what does it matter? you tried


Well-Known Member
the scoring for returners sux there is no way Danieal Manning a db /kick returner who did average out scores ap. thats fucked up!! plus 7 pts a sack and 5 pts a tackle wtf!!! ok so he got 31 pts on def and 30 for returning 3 for 80 yrds. that does not warrant 30 pts in any leaGUE. UNLESS IT SUCKS. ILL STAY ON BUT UNDER PROTEST


Well-Known Member
You gonna veto that robbery you attempted from wikid's team?

Domenik Hixson and Darcy Johnson for Fitzgerald and Winslow?
she already accepted, it, and deleted her team, so they would have went to the free players anyways, wasnt a damn robbery either, maybe you should read bac what had happend :roll:

anyways, if you want to change the points, then tell me and i'll do it, its for fun, but you all are takin this shit a lil too seriously



New Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3084892]she already accepted, it, and deleted her team, so they would have went to the free players anyways, wasnt a damn robbery either, maybe you should read bac what had happend :roll:


I have been following what has been happening. Lots of people have had complaints. The scoring keeps getting changed, you used your powers as commissioner to get a trade vetoed after you changed your mind about it, and now you conned wikid into giving you some players you really needed basically for free.

I know it's just a game, but this league is fucked. I like playing fantasy football and don't want to risk wasting the season, so I'm starting up a new league. You are welcome to join. I don't plan on quitting your league unless I get kicked out.


Well-Known Member
lol kic'd for out what, where is everyone gettin this bad image of me, but i'll be the bad guy you you all want,


i asked you in the beginning to help out, no one wanted to set it up, haha i'd rather join yours man, i know this was fuc'd from the night i stayed up at 1 in the morning trying to do this

i didnt use my powers tho on anything, i had a trade cancled on me, which i think was from you, so how you even gonna say that haha, i think any one can canle trades, i didnt do it to get an adcantage, thats where taking this too seriously come into play

and have a look at Wikid peronal page, and mine, then speak of what had happend ok

no hard feelings, i just say what on my mind, no matter what it is,


Well-Known Member
if anything, i should be asking you if its OK you join YOUR league, since im just a big cheater and what not haha


New Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3085536]if anything, i should be asking you if its OK you join YOUR league, since im just a big cheater and what not haha[/QUOTE]

It's all good. I don't think your cheating or anything like that. You were pretty generous trading your players for the most part, so I don't think there was any malicious intent. But any league I have been in when a player quits, either their team goes on auto pilot or all their players go through waivers. No hard feelings on my part. :joint::peace:

And I hope no one else quits your league...I need to win them BOTH so I can be the undisputed fantasy football champ of riu. :joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3085729]everyone join the other, BETTER league haha, srry i fuc'd this one up :([/QUOTE]
atleast you tried man thx:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
For the record, Sicc thought I was quitting, I didn't realize he thought that when I accepted his trade, so I was a little pissed when I realized, and so I said I quit. When Sicc realized I didn't know, he offered to give them back, but by then I realized that it was silly to try playing a game that I knew absolutely nothing about. So it was my own fault. I'm not mad, just realized I shouldn't be playing if I don't know how to.