How much weight does a full 7 day water cure take off'v say a hundred grams?


Well-Known Member
:leaf:'Because of its speed, stealth and clean taste, water cure is very inviting to most non-commercial growers. The commercial grower might not be attracted to the water cure, as the weight of the bud is diminished.'

i just read yeah, erm. has anyone tried it? and like how much would you rate ?


Active Member
Water cured bud weighs 15% of the wet weight, air dried bud weighs 25% of the wet weight.


Well-Known Member
This info was copied from THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal

Curing is a process employed to naturally enhance the bouquet, flavour, and texture of marijuana. Curing does not lower potency when done correctly, although poor curing methods often result in some less of THC.

Curing is not an essential procedure, and many growers prefer the "natural" flavour of uncured grass. Sweet sinsemilla buds usually are not cured.

Curing is most successful on plants which have "ripened" and are beginning to lose chlorophyll. It is less successful on growing tips and other vigorous parts which are immature. These parts may only lose some chlorophyll.

Curing proceeds while the leaf is still alive, for until it dries, many of the leaf's life processes continue. Since the leaf's ability to produce sugars is thwarted, it breaks down stored starch to simple sugars, which are used for food. This gives the grass a sweet or earthy aroma and taste. At the same time, many of the complex proteins and pigments, such as chlorophyll, are broken down in enzymatic processes. This changes the colour of the leaf from green to various shades of yellow, brown, tan, or red, depending primarily on the variety, but also on growing environment and cure technique. The destruction of chlorophyll eliminates the minty taste that is commonly associated with green homegrown.

There are several methods of curing, most of which were originally designed to cure large quantities of tobacco. Some of them can be modified by the home grower to use for small marijuana harvests as well as large harvests. The methods used to cure marijuana are the air, flue, sweat, sun, and water cures.

Air Curing
Air curing is a technique developed in the United States for curing pipe and cigar tobacco. It was originally done in specially constructed barns made with ventilator slats which could be sealed; a small shed or metal building can easily be adapted for this use. However, this method of curing works only when there is enough material to keep the air saturated with moisture.

Wires are strung across the barn, and the marijuana plants or plant parts are hung from them, using string, wire twists, or the crooks of branches. The plants material should be closely spaced, but there should be enough room between branches (a few inches) so that air circulates freely. The building is kept unventilated until all the material loses some chlorophyll (green colour). This loss occurs rapidly during warm sunny weather because heat builds up, which hastens the cure. In wet or overcast weather, the temperature in the chamber will be cooler, and the process will proceed more slowly. If these conditions last for more than a day or two, unwanted mould may grow on the plants. The best way to prevent mould from forming is to raise the temperature to 90F by using a heater.

After the leaves have lost their deep green and become pale, the ventilator or windows are opened slightly, so that the temperature and humidity are lowered and the curing process is slowed. The process then continues until all traces of chlorophyll are eliminated. The entire process may take six weeks. Then the ventilators are opened, and an exhaust fan installed if necessary, to dry the material to the point that it can be smoked but still is moist, that is, bends rather than crumbles or powders when rubbed between thumb and forefinger.

Flue Curing
Flue curing differs from air curing in that the process is speeded up by using an external source of heat, and the air circulation is more closely regulated. This method can be used with small quantities of material in a small, airtight curing box constructed for the purpose. Large quantities can be hung in a room or barn as described in Air Curing.

A simple way to control the temperature when curing or drying small amounts of marijuana is to place the material to be cured in a watertight box (or a bottle) with ventilation holes on the top. Place the box in a water-filled container, such as a pot, fish-tank, or bathtub. The curing box contains air and will float. The water surrounding the box is maintained at the correct temperature by means of a stove or hotplate, fish-tank or water-bed heater, or any inexpensive immersible heater. Temperature of the water is monitored.

With the marijuana loosely packed, maintain water temperature at 90 degrees. After several days, the green tissue turns a pale yellow-green or murky colour, indicating yellow or brown pigments. Then increase temperature, to about 100 degrees, until all traces of green disappear. Raise the temperature once again, this time to 115 degrees, until a full, ripe colour develops. Also increase ventilation at this time, so that the marijuana dries. Plants dried at high temperature tend to be brittle; so lower the temperature before drying is completed. This last phase of drying can be done at room temperature, out of the water bath. The whole process takes a week or less.

Marijuana cured by this technique turns a deep brown colour. Immature material may retain some chlorophyll and have a slight greenish cast. Taste is rich yet mild.

Sweat Curing
Sweat curing is the technique most widely used in Colombia. Long branches containing colas are layered in piles about 18 inches high and a minimum of two feet square, more often about ten by fifteen feet. Sweat curing actually incorporates the fermenting process. Within a few hours the leaves begin to heat up from the microbial action in the same way that a compost pile ferments. Then change in colour is very rapid; watch the pile carefully, so that it does not overheat and rot the colas. Each day unpack the piles, and remove the colas that have turned colour. Within four or five days, all the colas will have turned colour. They are then dried. One way to prevent rot while using this method is to place cotton sheets, rags, or paper towels between each double layer of colas. The towels absorb some of the moisture and slow down the process.

Sweat curing can be modified for use with as little marijuana as two large plants. Pack the marijuana tightly in a heavy paper sack (or several layers of paper bags), and place it in the sun. The light is converted to heat and helps support the sweat.

Another variation of the sweat process occurs when fresh undried marijuana is bricked. The bricks are placed in piles, and they cure while being transported.

A simple procedure for a slow sweat cure is to roll fresh marijuana in plastic bags. Each week, open the bag for about an hour to evaporate some water. In about six weeks, the ammonia smell will dissipate somewhat, and the grass should be dried. This cure works well with small quantities of mediocre grass, since it concentrates the material.

Sun Curing
A quick way to cure small quantities of marijuana os to loosely fill a plastic bag or glass jar, or place a layer between glass or plastic sheets, and expose the material to the sun. Within a few hours the sun begins to bleach it. Turn the marijuana every few hours, so that all parts are exposed to the sun. An even cure is achieved in one to two days {(see Plate 16)}. Some degradation of THC may occur using this method.

Water Cure
Unlike other curing methods, the water cure is performed after the marijuana is dried. Powder and small pieces are most often used, but the cure also works with whole colas. The material is piled loosely in a glass or ceramic pot which is filled with luke-warm water. (When hot water is used, some of the THC is released in oils, which escape and float to the top of the water.) Within a few hours many of the non-psychoactive water-soluble substances dissolve. An occasional gentle stirring speeds the process. The water is changed and the process repeated. Then the grass is dried again for smoking.

THC is not water-soluble; so it remains on the plant when it is soaked. By eliminating water-soluble substances (pigments, proteins, sugars, and some resins), which may make up 25 percent of the plant material by weight, this cure may increase the concentration of THC by up to a third.

Marijuana cured by this method has a dark, almost black colour, and looks twisted and curled, something like tea leaves. The water cure is frequently used to cure dried fan leaves and poor-quality grass."


Well-Known Member
Water cured bud weighs 15% of the wet weight, air dried bud weighs 25% of the wet weight.

ummm ur talking curing vs drying. which are 2 different things that should both happen to the buds. you dry then cure.


Well-Known Member
My last water cure didn't go so good.
On the fourth day, when i went to change the water, all my buds looked like they'd been sitting in acid. Every bud started to, well, melt is the best way to
discribe it.
The leaves got a slimy film on them, as did the buds.
The only thing i can think of is the
waters PH got too low?
I used water that was carbon, R.O., and uv filtered. As well as pre, and post filtered.I also feed with this water.
That was my last water cure.
I didn't care for the taste.
The next harvest ended up air dried in
four days anyway.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Around 15 grams u ill get out of a 100 I'm gonna try a water cure with around 5-9 grams of bud. I have heard that it does take away a lot of the good taste as the resin is washed away with other things. But as the THC sticks to the weeds makes the weeds stronger. As you will have less bud but with more thc on it.



Well-Known Member
The way I understand it is water cured bud is more potent gram per gram because water curing give you less weight after curing then other meathods of curing, makes sence right more thc and cannaboids per gram = stonger high.

Then I looked at the bud weight % difference between the two methods.

100 grams wet = 25 grams air dried
100 grams wet = 15 grams water cured & dehydrated

The air dried weighs 10 grams more or 40% more. This is too big of a percentage difference for me.
I had 74 grams wet and got 11 grams dried. I would of got 18 grams air dried and that's 7 grams more or 39%.

Yes, the water cure method works & it works great! Fast, clean & simple with a great buzz
but it's too large of a weight percentage difference between the two method.



Well-Known Member
i prefer the taste of dried for five days and cured for a month. ya gotta leave those oils and resins in your bud the enhance the flavor... ya HAVE TO if you want connoisseur quality IMO


Active Member
Curing and drying is total different isnt it?

I thought drying was hanging/paper bags/ trimming... And after the buds are dry and goes into jar i thought thats what curing is, the process when the buds are in jars for weeks or months.

Anyways i think final weight is less than 20%


Well-Known Member
I've split a harvest in half before, in order to water-cure half and cure the other half the regular way with glass jars. I was totally unhappy with the results of the water-cured bud. it tasted more harsh than the other, it looked ugly compared to the other, it didn't really smell very good, it definitely weighed less, and it really didn't seem to be any more potent than the other. as a result, i'll never do it again.
water curing is a waste of your homegrown goodness.... trust me.


Well-Known Member
do not stir water it will knock trichomes of your buds, do not use luke warm water use room temp instead. and make sure it stays dark and the container you use is sealed or you will grow alge in you freshly grown bud and it will be worthless, also change water every 1-2 days if you do this water curing is actually a decent curing method if you don't mind the weightloss


Well-Known Member
Water curing has its place. I've done it many times.

I wouldnt do it to good looking buds unless I wanted to smoke them openly in public.

I reserve the water cure for:
1. Really shitty pot that is unsmokabale / harsh.
2. Anything that I want to smoke in public.

I do not find water cured buds as enjoyable when smoking in my home.
Water curing has its place. I've done it many times.

I wouldnt do it to good looking buds unless I wanted to smoke them openly in public.

I reserve the water cure for:
1. Really shitty pot that is unsmokabale / harsh.
2. Anything that I want to smoke in public.

I do not find water cured buds as enjoyable when smoking in my home.
What effect does water curing have that lets you smoke openly in public?


Well-Known Member
What effect does water curing have that lets you smoke openly in public?
It removes the smell of burning weed. It is hard to explain - it burns really ashy - you will see it the first time you smoke one. I have to roll a pretty tight joint in a machine to make it burn like a cigarette.

I have smoked a joint with 100% water cured bud in public and not one person turned their head or said a thing (I actually had a cop walk right next to me and not blink - there were other people smoking cigs that I was talking to). Usually i'll sprinkle in a tiny bit of light tobacco just so that it smells like a burning cigarette to assure no suspicion is aroused.