Herbal Blends???


Well-Known Member
Ok ok so I'm confused...

I was doing some research on on legal herbs and came across TheHerbalHut.com... Best blends under one roof?

I started keying in some of the products into google and some of them get good reviews others i cant seem to find... Whats the deal with this herbal stuff???


Well-Known Member
Ok ok so I'm confused...

I was doing some research on on legal herbs and came across TheHerbalHut.com... Best blends under one roof?

I started keying in some of the products into google and some of them get good reviews others i cant seem to find... Whats the deal with this herbal stuff???

Before I buy some give me some personal experience anyone??


what are you looking at/for?? many of those blends are overpriced crap.... i can possibly point you in the right direction with a little more info.


Well-Known Member
what are you looking at/for?? many of those blends are overpriced crap.... i can possibly point you in the right direction with a little more info.

Well, I am really interested in trying the new Pulse blend. I have heard a lot of good things about all of TheHerbalHut.com 's products and service figured maybe someone would have some feedback?

No one here has purchased from them??


Active Member

how much shit do you think your lungs need.

you think smokin weed is good for your lungs?

most that herbal shit is like natural expectorants combined with salvia and shit. if you wanna get high from smokin, stick to weed.

it may say "LEGAL BUDS" but if the cops catch you with a bag full of that. your ass still ends up in jail, you will never convince a cop its not illegal without the label. its all just a bunch of greenish weeds.

so you want advice before you buy some mystery herbs. dont. theres not enough drug options already? i mean theres alot of shit already that gets you high. how many more things are really needed.


Well-Known Member

how much shit do you think your lungs need.

you think smokin weed is good for your lungs?

most that herbal shit is like natural expectorants combined with salvia and shit. if you wanna get high from smokin, stick to weed.

it may say "LEGAL BUDS" but if the cops catch you with a bag full of that. your ass still ends up in jail, you will never convince a cop its not illegal without the label. its all just a bunch of greenish weeds.

so you want advice before you buy some mystery herbs. dont. theres not enough drug options already? i mean theres alot of shit already that gets you high. how many more things are really needed.
Sorry your confused. These blends are made of numerous plants and plant extracts.

The active ingredients very do to the fact that most of the blends have numerous extracted alkaloids from numerous plants.

I have had to smoke legals for about over a year being I was on probation and I must say for one these are far different then any legal bud. Legal bud is bullshit.
I have had no negative side effects what so ever and I smoked at one point a half ounce in about 4 days or so depending what my schedule is like for about one year.

The well known Herbal Blends are gram for gram stronger then marijuana.

It really boils down to knowing what your buying and who your buying from.

I am not saying this beats weed in any way but it is a very very close alternative that has not proved to be less healthy then smoking weed.

I just was curious if anyone tried www.TheHerbalHut.com but either wayI purhased Pulse last night and should get a free sample in addition they gave me free shipping.

I have smoked Pulse before but not the new formula anyone with info on that???


Well-Known Member
Pulse came in today with some free samples. New formula is by far stronger but not to much as it was pretty damn strong before. Shipping time was awesome!


Well-Known Member
so this stuff kinda gets you high and is safe for probation?
It really gets you high and it's 100% safe while on probation or any UA.

During my time in pre-trial release, probation & drug classes I pissed in their cup happily 3 times a week and laughed all the way!

Gram for gram its stronger then mj.
I have been torching the bowl because of that.

Pulse is really damn nice though I'm really digging the new formula


Well-Known Member
It really gets you high and it's 100% safe while on probation or any UA.

During my time in pre-trial release, probation & drug classes I pissed in their cup happily 3 times a week and laughed all the way!

Gram for gram its stronger then mj.
I have been torching the bowl because of that.

Pulse is really damn nice though I'm really digging the new formula
what!!! im on pretrail diversion program and i hate this random testing. so i guess ill try this stuff out seeing as another stoner says it works. its a little pricy though, if i dont forget to buy this by the 14 of october maybe i wont have to, but ive been dying to do ANYTHING! apparently they test for alcohol...


Well-Known Member
what!!! im on pretrail diversion program and i hate this random testing. so i guess ill try this stuff out seeing as another stoner says it works. its a little pricy though, if i dont forget to buy this by the 14 of october maybe i wont have to, but ive been dying to do ANYTHING! apparently they test for alcohol...
Bro they took my piss like it was soda or something 3 times a week. I tried the Whizinator and got busted.

Check this out: https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/85298-um-i-am-trouble.html

I had to find something just like you.

I suggest pulse


Well-Known Member
The K2 blends from BouncingBearbotanicals are Really good. Especially the Summit one.
My friend ordered some salvia and got a free sample of the K2. Otherwise we never would have tried it.
It got us feeling really good.
He has been ordering and keeping himself supplied ever since (he has randoms at his job). Like 3 months ago.
Just 1 or 2 hits has me feeling good.

A lot of blends out there (especially in the UK) contain JWH018 (or one of the similar compounds)which is a research chemical that produces effects similar to THC as it acts on the cannibinoid receptors in the brain. But they never list it as an ingredient.
The UK is currently trying to ban the blend called Spice for containing such chemicals.


Well-Known Member
A lot of your info is valid although I don't think I would feel very comfortable trusting them over the Herbal Hut...

Sites like the one you posted just seem not professional nor caring towards quality...

I like professional and I love quality.



I have ordered from them many many times. Always discreet, always a free gift, always decent speedy shipping. They're prices are great as well.

Everyone needs to understand that the effects listen on the products are all real and there, but very very minuscule. The euphoric feeling is there as well as others but they really over exaggerate on the explanations. It all tastes like smoking a Djarum Black and pretty much the same effects.

I smoked a mix of Zohai rX and Sacred Journy before I left to work and by the time I hit the freeway I was laughing my ass off at nothing and my whole body felt like I took some diazepam (valium). It was pretty fucking relaxing.

But I got my medical card and haven't had any herbal crap since. I love my green.


Well-Known Member
wtf mrnotorius.... you get busted with a wizzanator and whinde up getting OFF probation????? that, sir, is the crazyist shit i have ever heard. not that im saying youre lying, i just wish that could happen to me.


Well-Known Member
all of these "legal buds/blends" can be made from your local grocery store for less then 10 bucks per pound. please read on. from cannabis culture magazine.

Home » CC Magazine » CC25
Fake buds exposed!

By Dana Larsen - Tuesday, May 23 2000 Tags:

Just what is that shit, anyways?
You've seen the ads in High Times: "Real Budz! Stoney Hydroponic Smoke! Ultra-potent smoking mix!" Yet what is that stuff? The ads sure don't give you any indication of what you're actually buying, other than their trademarked names like Thai-Stix, Afghanish, BC Hydro, Inda-Kind, and Sweet Green.
At Cannabis Culture we decided to order some of this stuff and try it out for ourselves. (CC used to run ads for these products as well, but we stopped back at issue #6.)
So we ordered sample packs from International Oddities and Riverdale Organics, the two biggest pushers of fake pot products. I forced myself and other CC staff to smoke a quantity of each of the blends, in order to ascertain their effects.
We discovered that both companies rely upon deceit and ignorance to sell their products. The Riverdale Organics products list their herbal ingredients in such a way as to mislead the naive, and make them as pot-like and exotic as possible. International Oddities provides no ingredient information at all, making their origins and contents even more questionable.
Riverdale Organics
Riverdale Organics' Hydro, sold for $35 per half-ounce, is the most palatable of their smoking blends. The Inda-Kind is full of chunks of stem, and the Sweet Green is a tangled mess of brittle stalks and roots which is impossible to put into a joint.
The Hydro's ingredients are listed as "cheshteya buds" and "lettuce opium". The Sweet Green is cheshteya and "arabian marachobah". Cheshteya also appears in the Inda-Kind, with other mysterious herbs.

A search for "cheshteya" on the internet reveals that the word appears only on websites selling these products, otherwise the term does not exist. Our resident herbalists concluded that cheshteya was in fact mullein, a herb commonly used as an alternate smoke. However, a fat bag of mullein can be bought at any herb store for a buck, while a bag of these cheshteya blends costs twenty times that.
"Arabian marachobah" is another mysterious herb which exists only in fake pot-land. The consensus was that this is in fact gotu kola.
This kind of mislabelling and using exotic, pot-like terms for their ingredients continues throughout all their smoking blends. The Inda-Kind contains "cannabaceae buds" which is hops (part of the cannabis family but non-psychoactive), along with mentha piperita (peppermint), passiflora incarnata (passion flower), and S. Officinalis (soapwort).
Strangely, some websites which sell Inda-Kind list different ingredients, including Wild Dagga (Lion's Ear), Indian Hemp (dogbane) and Nepeta Mint (catnip). I called Riverdale and asked the fellow on the phone why there were different ingredients listed for the Inda-Kind. He said that the formula had been changed within the last year, "but not significantly", and that I should just trust the label.
Smoking a big pipe-full of Inda-Kind gave me a headrush accompanied by mild nausea and the quick onset of a headache.
The Chocolate Thai Oil is the best-smelling product of the lot. It has a strong scent of herbal chocolate, which in fact it is! Among other ingredients it contains the exotic sounding "theobroma cacao" which is also known as cocoa ? chocolate. Other ingredients include myristica fragrans (nutmeg) as well as the cheshteya/ mullein and peppermint.
Putting a drop of Chocolate Thai Oil on the end of a joint, as recommended, resulted in the joint either flaring up or going out instantly. When we were finally able to get it going the delicious chocolate flavour was quickly replaced by an acrid taste. It produced no significant psychoactive effects, and a burning sensation in the lungs about 10 minutes after smoking.
Riverdale's herbal hash products include on the label a definition of hash: (noun) 1. a jumble or mixture. This is presumably intended to get them off any legal hooks. The Mean Green Irie Jamaican Formula includes ingredients such as Marybud (Marigold), Jamaican Tangawizi (ginger), and the "TH3 complex" of Lettuce Opium, Artemesia absinthum (wormwood) and cheshteya. The Turkish Brown Original Ultra-Chronic Blend contains many of the same herbs, as well as "Salvia O" (common sage) which is written as "Salvia O" to mislead people into thinking it's the psychoactive Salvia D ? Salvia Divinorum.
International oddities
International Oddities' ads deride their competition, claiming that they sell "herbal tea" and "slut out the market." They even include a small package of Riverdale's Hydro with your order, calling it "cheezy shit".
Yet are Oddities' products truly superior to Riverdale's? They do look more impressive, long "buds" in sealed glass vials, chunks of soft Afganish stamped with the IO logo. Yet they are essentially the same products with better packaging and presentation.
The Thai Stix is described in the ads as being a "highly resinous 7 inch bud". Yet it's not a bud at all, but rather herbs pressed around a wooden skewer, soaked with some kind of resin. The smoke tasted the same as the Inda-Kind: thick, cloying and headache inducing. The Maui Wowie was exactly the same, without the resin dip.
Oddities' Killer Skunk is described as being a "1.5 gram bud," but it is actually moist leaves pressed together in a glass vial. It tasted like cloves, but was hard to identify in its mushed state after being removed from the vial.
The BC Hydro-ponic does look very similar to pot buds, but of course looks can be deceiving. The buds are not true buds, but rather herbs compressed together into bud-like shapes. What at first appeared to be glistening crystals was revealed upon closer examination to be some thing external applied to the compressed herbs, to simulate trichomes. Their ads describe this product as being "10x strength" without specifying what it's ten times stronger than.
The Ultra Wizard Smoke is not very smokable at all. It is mostly made up of stems with a few dried, wilted leaves clinging pathetically to them. It is hardly the "custom smoking hybrid" as advertised, and didn't get us baked at all.
The Black Opium is a tiny ball of gooey tar. The sticker on the baggie says "Please don't SMOKE our BLACK OPIUM." I obeyed the subliminal instruction and dropped a dollop onto the end of a joint. It was a very floral taste, but didn't induce any dream-like states or visions.
Questions and... questions
After their products arrived, I called up these two companies to ask them about their wares. Spokesmen for both companies refused to identify their ingredients. I asked the Riverdale Organics spokesman what cheshteya was, and he told me that "only the top, top people, our founders, know what these herbs are." He explained that they would not reveal that information, but that he believed that cheshteya "comes from the Caribbean."
The International Oddities spokesman told me that their products were all "unique plant hybrids, splices of esoteric herbs." I pressed him on this, asking how it was possible to hybridize and splice different plants together. He said it was a "secret process" known only to the highest echelons of the company. Yet their products are clearly not unique hybrids, but rather different herbs mashed together and smeared with resin.
Added irony
There is an added irony to these products and their prominent placement within High Times, including Oddities' use of High Times' name and endorsement in their ads. HT promotes their magazine as being a publication aimed at adults, and they frequently claim in editorials that children should not be encouraged to toke up. Yet these companies almost certainly sell the majority of their wares to people too young to get real pot and too ignorant to know the difference.
If a youngster is going to smoke, isn't it better that they use real pot, known to be safe and non-toxic, rather than a blend of mislabelled herbs with unknown properties and effects?
It is irresponsible to sell and promote products for human consumption which do not identify what they contain. It is true that many of the herbs used in these blends are reputed to have medicinal and mildly psychoactive effects. Yet these herbs are not intended to be smoked, and are usually consumed in food, drink or oils. To promote and blatantly lie about the contents of something sold for smoking is irresponsible and dangerous.
I've got to lie down now, my lungs hurt.


Well-Known Member
drgreenz, earlier in the thread they say that legal buds are bullshit. hes insisting legal herbs are not bullshit. i guess there is a difference, especially looking at prices. i boought a 5 dollar 1 gram legal bud from my favorite head shop and it was the worst fucking thing ever. but if you go to the legal herbs website, its $50 for 3 grams, so im guessing it different, especially if a fellow toker says its legit.


Well-Known Member
all i am saying is if you contact the shops with info on their ingredient lists(soapwort, lion's ear, dogbane, catnip, cocao, peppermint ect), you can make your own for like 10 bucks a pound lol. barring salvia being an ingredient of course, then it will be more, but then why not just toke salvia...