1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how rude u r don lol but funny and cute so i love ya. What makes a plant a tree????
aaaah grasshopper the question is not what makes a plant a tree but how big is your garden:lol:
A tree is when the steam is 4" thick and buds the size of fat cats :bigjoint:

MyGirls knows bout trees and Fdd so far those two are the only boys on RIU to my knowlwedge popping out trees...

oh to live in cali eh


Well-Known Member
Mblaze has got some friggin huge jack herer trees.
Whats elite? and paying for stuff on here? This is the only forum i've ever been on so i know fuck all about them lol. I'm a total noob with computers, Does that mean that Don won't speak to me now i've admitted being a noob?

I'll get me coat


Well-Known Member
hey don been waiting for your thread to pop up in my subscriptions,
was getting a wee bit para for a while there. glad too see your ok tho.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Mblaze has got some friggin huge jack herer trees.
Whats elite? and paying for stuff on here? This is the only forum i've ever been on so i know fuck all about them lol. I'm a total noob with computers, Does that mean that Don won't speak to me now i've admitted being a noob?

I'll get me coat
On yer bike sunshine! hahaha divent be daft.
hey don been waiting for your thread to pop up in my subscriptions,
was getting a wee bit para for a while there. glad too see your ok tho.

they'll never take me alive! aye am all gravy mate if a bit battered n bruised from the weekend


Well-Known Member
I'd be happy too dude!
They look great, your best yet.
Man I've seen some real improvement in many growers around this network and Don your right up there mate.
Your stock just went up another notch in my book dude.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'd be happy too dude!
They look great, your best yet.
Man I've seen some real improvement in many growers around this network and Don your right up there mate.
Your stock just went up another notch in my book dude.
thank you Mam! its all down to what you put in and what you can crib off the guys that have been in the game for time, like yourself. its like rolling a spliff over the years you pick up little ways of doing certain things from different spliffs you've smoked, switching to coco deffo upped my game.

i think for shits n giggles ill post a pic of 12 months ago and a recent one

looking mint don.
tar muchly princess!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
from humble beginnings

lol no tent, no white paint, no nutes, an electrical setup that could have burned down the house, oh and the missus going nuts at me putting the light on at 7am on a saturday morning.....

to this

tent, nutes, carbon filter, more expensive nutes, a dedicated grow room :)

and I've cleared half my debt in 1 year. only 7 grand to go :wall:


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about the growing dude and quality.

Take the $ sign out of it otherwise your another cheap whore here for blowjob lessons! lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I recon i could give a bloody good blow job but non of u's could afford me, unless u have plenty of thats green stuff i like lol