1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Whites no good either Don, but you strike me as young fella and I can't blame ya for enjoying ya time.
Live it up... I did, but the shit catches up on you... ;)

So is the PM for trichs?
...and the gravity for finishing?

What's ya plan?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i hear ya man but ive got a few years in me yet. i know ill have to slow up eventually but till i get kids or have to pass a drug test im recreational garbage head.

dont see a problem with it unless its affecting your health, life or relationship. (the missus is straight edge)

yeah the pm is for upping the crystals n resin production n general donkey dick hardening and gravity for finnishing up

i just wanted to try something a bit different cos to be honest pk13/14 didnt really give me girls the umpf i wanted, overdrive kicks them up a notch but i dunno bout using it in coco

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok brief updaterino

the bambinos

the middle two are the querkle. cheese left n right. querkle taking soooo long to even show pistils never mind 8 weeks in veg. subcool: this better be some outstanding smoke...


Well-Known Member
I got a medical and drug test at work in 2 weeks and i ain't had a smoke for a week and its killing me FFS. I hope 3 weeks is enough to get it out me system lol. I only do white drugs too Don. Hallucogens ain't my bag anymore and i don't bother with charlie too often coz i live up north and its cack

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I got a medical and drug test at work in 2 weeks and i ain't had a smoke for a week and its killing me FFS. I hope 3 weeks is enough to get it out me system lol. I only do white drugs too Don. Hallucogens ain't my bag anymore and i don't bother with charlie too often coz i live up north and its cack
If it's a piss test you should be fine, make sure you drink plenty of OJ or other juice the morning of to flush your system. I have a blood test on the 18th and have been high n dry for almost 3 weeks already. It can take up to 4 weeks to get out of your system if their checking blood.


Well-Known Member
Its a piss test, i have them every year. This is the 2nd one i'm having coz i've only been in this job for about 20 months. Last time i smuggled in someone elses piss coz i only had a weeks notice lol. they tape the taps up and put a dye in the bog so you can't dilute the sample. I wonder what they'd say if i said i'd been to Amsterdam and had smoked weed "legally", I know what they'd say "you're fired" probably

BTW the cheese looks the bee's knees Don

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Your going to have to let me know how the Querkel is my friend. I still haven't germed any of mine yet.
will do of course when it finally shows me some buds ill be posting in the tga thread... im giving them their first feed of purple maxx tonight...
I got a medical and drug test at work in 2 weeks and i ain't had a smoke for a week and its killing me FFS. I hope 3 weeks is enough to get it out me system lol. I only do white drugs too Don. Hallucogens ain't my bag anymore and i don't bother with charlie too often coz i live up north and its cack
fella your not askin the right people! i can buy good stuff at 60 ahalf henry n rocketfuel at 50 a g but its only .8 the guy has even been telling people its .8 cos its so fucking good.
Its a piss test, i have them every year. This is the 2nd one i'm having coz i've only been in this job for about 20 months. Last time i smuggled in someone elses piss coz i only had a weeks notice lol. they tape the taps up and put a dye in the bog so you can't dilute the sample. I wonder what they'd say if i said i'd been to Amsterdam and had smoked weed "legally", I know what they'd say "you're fired" probably

BTW the cheese looks the bee's knees Don
Much obliged fella yeah the cheeses are getting there, 3 weeks to the 9 week mark, i was going to let them go 10 weeks this time but im hoping by using the gravity ill have them like they'd be at 10 by 9 weeks.

so far ive been easy on the nutes with them but im gonna see how far i can take it with a couple of them.

i used to work in the vickers factory making car parts, all the lads in there were doidge as fuck on parole n tags etc n one day one of the lads asks me if i kinow anyone who he could buy some clean piss from. i thought long and hard and realised all my mates are wreckheads...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so far ive pushed them up to 5ml A+B canna + 5 ml PK per 2 litre with a dose of big bud and 2.5 ml of hammerhead for good measure. didnt even bat an eyelid.

no idea what the ppm or ph is but my plants arent burnt?!?!? doubt ill buy a meter unless i start having problems