AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
holy crap, your cat's name is coco? my dog's name is coco...that's kinda creepy. looks like your plants are coming along nicely. how long do you plan on vegging?
Whoa weird..... i should probably name him satan though. it would be more appropriate.

uhmmmmm I dont know since they are all a few days apart from eachother. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a month?

is vegging longer more beneficial?


Just some idiot
The longer you veg. the more likely you are to see preflowers. Also the plants yields will be greater, however 5 plants in that kind of system vegging for a month or more could cause overcrowding. You will be happy even if you only go 2 weeks. It's hard to say at this point as you don't know the sex of the plants, and how much room you really have. Also if you go a month you can clone the females for next grow.


Well-Known Member
The longer you veg. the more likely you are to see preflowers. Also the plants yields will be greater, however 5 plants in that kind of system vegging for a month or more could cause overcrowding. You will be happy even if you only go 2 weeks. It's hard to say at this point as you don't know the sex of the plants, and how much room you really have. Also if you go a month you can clone the females for next grow.

well by the looks of things how long do you think i should veg?

theres no way of telling sex until flowerng right?

On another note it looks like bottom left might kick the proverbial bucket.


Well-Known Member
Whoa weird..... i should probably name him satan though. it would be more appropriate.

uhmmmmm I dont know since they are all a few days apart from eachother. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a month?

is vegging longer more beneficial?
always. simply put, the longer you veg the bigger your plants will be. the bigger they are when they start flowering the more bud they can produce/support. Most people say a month because any shorter and they don't produce worth while bud(opinions vary). but certainly vegging longer will yield more'll just have to wait longer.


Well-Known Member
Wow your plants got much bigger over the weekend! As far as the topping, I don't know much, but I think survivor might need a little more growth. Just cut the stem horizontally with the ground (in your case the top of the rubbermaid container)

If you wait till sexual maturity aprox 4-6 weeks of veg. you may see pre-flowers.


Well-Known Member

well by the looks of things how long do you think i should veg?

theres no way of telling sex until flowerng right?

On another note it looks like bottom left might kick the proverbial bucket.
i say stick with your plan of vegging for a month. if you veg the plant long enough eventually it'll show preflowers basically saying it's as read as it'll ever be to flower.


Well-Known Member
try not to cut them parallel to the ground, for it invites mold and diseases. try a 45 degree angle so the water can fall off of it nice and easy.


Just some idiot

well by the looks of things how long do you think i should veg?

theres no way of telling sex until flowerng right?

On another note it looks like bottom left might kick the proverbial bucket.
That's tough Katie I don't want to discourage you but five fully vegged plants in that system are going to be crowded to say the least. You are asking the right questions though, topping is a good techniques for increasing yields. I would also trim the bottoms as they veg it will for the plants to concentrate on the tops/colas. This will also keep your plants from getting too bushy and cramping each other. Here's the thing with preflowers, some plants show at 3 weeks some t a month some don't show til flower, it's a crap shhot and depends on the strain, pheno, and the enviornment too. There are too many variables to try and guess when you are going to show preflowers. If you veg a month and trim you should be fine if we say that 50% are going to be male. Also vegging for 2 weeks will provide less yield but it is speedier and more geared towards SOG grows. Also when you top it takes a little while for the plant to recover so do a month and see where you're at.

Also Katie on a side note if you go into my gallery the first pic is 3 plants at about 4.5 weeks since they were germed. Only one turned out to be female and I am glad.... see that mess....trimming is key. I wish I could show you what the one survivor looks like now but the ex took my camera to teach me a Anyway she is huge and I have had huge problems with it. Some questions you want to ask are how high can my plants get especially with a HID light, they double and sometimes triple in height when flowered. Good luck, if you have problems everybody is here to help, I am also responsive to're doing great and asking all the right questions, good work....puff puff.

Also if you look through my gallery I have some female preflower pics.


Just some idiot
Yep in the middle should be a bud like growth cut it off completely to top, or leave the bottom 10% of the bud to FIM. FIMming is something i just started to mess with, looks like I get more new growth from it but it takes a while to recover.


Well-Known Member
Will it recover from this? i mean how will new layers come out if i cut that off? isnt that the set for new leaves?


Just some idiot
All the bud points below it will get bigger and your plant will split at the top, almost like a Y. it will recover fine, the more you mess with topping the more you can do. Trust us it increases yield and it will fit into your one month veg just fine.


Well-Known Member
hi furst time poster to your thread, when you clip that top off you will get 2 new growing tips you can do this over and over to get more colas but with room being an issue with your setup i wouldnt think it wise to do im not an expert but i have grown pot and even if you only pinch off the tip once you may not have room considering your plants are probably only 10 inches apart (remembe im not an expert so get another opinion other than mine)


Just some idiot
hi furst time poster to your thread, when you clip that top off you will get 2 new growing tips you can do this over and over to get more colas but with room being an issue with your setup i wouldnt think it wise to do im not an expert but i have grown pot and even if you only pinch off the tip once you may not have room considering your plants are probably only 10 inches apart (remembe im not an expert so get another opinion other than mine)
This is why you need to trim the bottom up it "shoots" all the energy up top to your colas. These lower cutting make great clones too....hint hint