Can anyone REALLY say anything bad about Fox News at this point?

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If one was to include their health care costs along with taxes the rate could easily be over 70% of their income, especially if you're self employed. Health care costs have gone up 110% over the past 10 years and there are some estimates that in another 10 years the average persons health care will eat up over 50% of their income. I'm not sure if republicans just don't care or are really this stupid, my guess is a combination of both.

my favorite republican is the one that hasn't worked for years just sits around and watches nascar and can't pay their health bill once they have a heart attack from pork rinds and fair food, but still thinks that uhc is bad although either way they aren't ever gonna pay for the treatment.
my favorite republican is the one that hasn't worked for years just sits around and watches nascar and can't pay their health bill once they have a heart attack from pork rinds and fair food, but still thinks that uhc is bad although either way they aren't ever gonna pay for the treatment.

Mmmmmm, funnel cake.
I'm against GOVT sponsored health care.... absolutely. One need only look to SS, Medicare, Medicaid to see that the promises about the costs are NONSENSE. This is just common sense, but again, I can run some very real numbers by you.... scary numbers. We are dooming ppl who haven't been born yet. We are perhaps at the pinnacle of societal selfishness right now. History will not be kind to us. If we don't care, then it just proves the point.

No one is dying for lack of care in the US. You would have to go to Mexico,Canada, EU, Africa,Asia for that.... No one is denied care in the US.... no one, not even illegal citizens.

We have wiped out Malaria in the USA... you take it for granted. Africa deserves the BEST CHANCE at eradication. To do otherwise is to be an environmental racist.

Yes, I do.... maximum in this case means they added up all the little taxes that the average citizen must truly pay... such as VAT. Everything counts..... all must be paid...all those little city taxes... all must be paid.

So, this means that a fellow in Europe who makes about a thousand bucks a week (certainly a generous number) gets to actually take home less than 400 dollars. This is the main reason why the EU is not a competitive place to do business. Investment performance is low in the EU compared to China, India, USA. The ppl in the EU have hardly any money left over to enjoy everyday life. They make do.

Americans don't want to make do. Especially while our govt. employees make more than their private sector equivalents....

We don't want to be mediocre, and I'll give you a tip, the EU doesn't want us to be either. Our slipping into debt ridden socialism only hurts Europe, it doesn't help them.

hey you stupid piece of shit one of my best friend's mother died earlier this year because she was denied care at a hospital, her health care did not cover past the 4th day in the hospital.... she had pumped nearly 200 thousand dollars into her healthcare (my estimate, i studied business, accounting and management sciences so i know my estimate is accurate) throughout her almost 20 years of being a client with her company.... yet they decided not to care for her when she got sick... she died in her house, from pulmonary edema, if your stupid ass can't decipher that, she drowned in her own blood.... my friend is 22 years old, he's from the ghetto, he's fighting through college, now he has to quit college to care for his 13 year old brother.... the economic impact of the shitty healthcare system the private sector has given us is inmense, your white, suburbian ass can't see it, but it's there.... fuck you and fuck this system... it doesn't work:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
Good luck. I'm beginning to think he just argues for argument's sake. I hope he doesn't actually believe his made-up numbers and is just fucking with us to see if we'll get angry :mrgreen:

for sure multiple times I've asked him for proof in his "numbers" he talks about yet he hasn't tried to prove one thing he's said. Sounds to me he's repeating what some senile old person said to him at the tea-bagging. BTW maybe the t baggers should get off my socialist sidewalks and keep their trucks off the socialist roads..... I wonder how many don't tread on me flags are made in china.
hey you stupid piece of shit one of my best friend's mother died earlier this year because she was denied care at a hospital, her health care did not cover past the 4th day in the hospital.... she had pumped nearly 200 thousand dollars into her healthcare (my estimate, i studied business, accounting and management sciences so i know my estimate is accurate) throughout her almost 20 years of being a client with her company.... yet they decided not to care for her when she got sick... she died in her house, from pulmonary edema, if your stupid ass can't decipher that, she drowned in her own blood.... my friend is 22 years old, he's from the ghetto, he's fighting through college, now he has to quit college to care for his 13 year old brother.... the economic impact of the shitty healthcare system the private sector has given us is inmense, your white, suburbian ass can't see it, but it's there.... fuck you and fuck this system... it doesn't work:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

I don't know where people get this notion that people aren't denied care in the United States. They absolutely are. If you don't know someone who has been affected negatively by the insurance companies, then you don't know very many people or the ones you do know are living the same deluded fantasy as you.

The proposed bill has been released, and I'm still waiting on CrackerJax to read it and show me where the government takeover of health care is written.

I'd also like to see these "scary" numbers. Are they scary because you don't understand them, CrackerJax? :roll: People are always scared of things they don't understand.
BTW maybe the t baggers should get off my socialist sidewalks and keep their trucks off the socialist roads..... I wonder how many don't tread on me flags are made in china.

:clap::clap: Off the socialist roads, indeed. And out of the socialist schools and those "big government" jobs, too!
hey you stupid piece of shit one of my best friend's mother died earlier this year because she was denied care at a hospital, her health care did not cover past the 4th day in the hospital.... she had pumped nearly 200 thousand dollars into her healthcare (my estimate, i studied business, accounting and management sciences so i know my estimate is accurate) throughout her almost 20 years of being a client with her company.... yet they decided not to care for her when she got sick... she died in her house, from pulmonary edema, if your stupid ass can't decipher that, she drowned in her own blood.... my friend is 22 years old, he's from the ghetto, he's fighting through college, now he has to quit college to care for his 13 year old brother.... the economic impact of the shitty healthcare system the private sector has given us is inmense, your white, suburbian ass can't see it, but it's there.... fuck you and fuck this system... it doesn't work:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

Tisk tisk. I wonder if the tattler will report you for "name calling", or a good samaritan mod will engage this vitriol with harsh words and threats...I postulate, no. :-|
HAHAHAHA! CJ, you aren't scaring anyone. You're like one of those wall street guys who sat in front of Congress and said "We have the financial records you asked to see, but we can't show them to you and we can't really give you any exact figures because we haven't done the math. I'm sure someone can answer your questions, but the boss sent me instead."

I want costs and figures. And I want those costs and figures pulled from sources you can cite (with hyperlinks, preferably). On my desk by tomorrow, please.

Thank you.
there are certain peeps in the forums who claim an open mind but have NEVER shown an ability to change their opinion over a wide variety of topics. IMO this negates any reason to argue with them.

If they have ever stepped back and said "maybe you are right on that point" i would give them a bit more credit than i give them now.

If YOU have never admitted you are wrong (here is the irony) you probably have never allowed yourself to be right!:dunce::mrgreen::dunce:
No one is dying for lack of care in the US. You would have to go to Mexico,Canada, EU, Africa,Asia for that....

..So let me get this straight.. no one is dying from lack of health care in the USA but they are in Canada?? i think ur a bit off their buddy. Canadian health care at the moment is beyond what Obama could even wish for. The difference is we have to pay a certain amount in taxes and we all reap the benefits rather than independantly paying for your health care like in the states. Im a conservative but i gotta say i love canadian health care (Although their are many flawes). the service is great. If Obama and any other liberal panty waist had brains theyd know that theyd be saving billions in dollars just by covering for the 40 mill or so that dont have health care rather than to create a new inefficient and expensive public health care plan where everyone is covered thru the taxes they pay. the problem here ofcourse is that instead of having the freedom to take care of yourself, you would now be forced into paying for others free ride. while you may not even need to use the health services you still have to pay for those who dont have enough initiative to do something with their lives and make some money to support themselves.

theirs my daily rant.. im outtiebongsmilie
FYI: Most, if not all states require you to carry auto insurance. Why? You answered that yourself. Driving a car isn't a "right" either, but you seem to be okay with everyone having auto insurance...because YOUR rates would be higher if they didn't. So, same thing applies to health care, right?

Not to be argumentative, however your example isn't apples to apples. The difference being that the state only "requires" you to have car insurance "IF" you choose to drive a car. Try to take a guess how many people in large metro areas don't pay for car insurance because they don't drive.

Quite a difference between that and forcing individuals to purchase medical coverage simply because they exist. It's a ludicrous argument for the government mandating that which it has "NO" Constitutional authority to mandate. That's it, period, end of debate... you can goosestep and Sig Heil to the beat of the statist drums all you like, but you aren't ever going to convince rational thinking, freedom loving individuals that it should be allowed.
How are we suppose to afford UHC? We have a budget deficit of, what, 2 trillion, for 2010? An $11 trillion public debt. 60 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the majority of which comes from medicare costs.

When do we actually stop going further into debt, and start paying it off? Do people just think we can borrow and spend forever? I think avoiding the economic catastrophe we are headed toward should be our #1 priority at this point. We should be balancing the budget, not adding to the deficit.
How are we suppose to afford UHC?

We take the money we're currently sinking into a system that doesn't cover everyone, and make it work more efficiently so everyone is covered. The reason health care is so expensive is because the insurance industry coupled with those who are uninsured are driving the costs up for everyone else! You've got an insurance industry that's only in it for the money and doesn't really care whether you get the treatment you need if it's going to mean they have to spend a penny.

In countries with UHC, expenditures per person are MUCH lower than what we currently spend, and we don't even cover everyone!

Anyway, that's irrelevant because there's no "universal" health care in the reform bill.
We take the money we're currently sinking into a system that doesn't cover everyone, and make it work more efficiently so everyone is covered. The reason health care is so expensive is because the insurance industry coupled with those who are uninsured are driving the costs up for everyone else! You've got an insurance industry that's only in it for the money and doesn't really care whether you get the treatment you need if it's going to mean they have to spend a penny.

In countries with UHC, expenditures per person are MUCH lower than what we currently spend, and we don't even cover everyone!

Anyway, that's irrelevant because there's no "universal" health care in the reform bill.
There is not enough money in the system. Medicare was going broke as it is. Any legislation is undoubtedly going to cost us more money, money we do not have.
You know what really cracks me up? The fact that Obama keeps saying that the health care plan won't cost a dime. He claims that the entire program can be paid for by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse from Social Security and Medicare. Hey, Obama ... wake up! Social Security and Medicare are GOVERNMENT programs. If there is that much abuse in those two programs, what can we expect of a 1.5 TRILLION government medical system? :roll:

Is Obama really that naive, or is he just a totalitarian armed with a beautiful smile?
There is not enough money in the system. Medicare was going broke as it is. Any legislation is undoubtedly going to cost us more money, money we do not have.

Yes, there is enough money. The money we are ALREADY spending on a health care system that is wasteful and doesn't cover everyone. Why is medicare going broke? Because our health care system is inefficient. Health care costs keep rising, but our salaries and payroll tax rates stay the same. Add to that the fact that unemployment is rising, which means less people paying those taxes that fund Medicare.

Per person, the US already spends in the neighborhood of $7000 on health care compared to about half that in countries with "universal" health care systems.

How do they do it without excessive tax burdens on their citizens? They simply let their health care systems operate on a deficit. Here, we allow the citizens to shoulder the financial burden instead of the government. We spend more money killing people than we do taking care of our own citizens.
You know what really cracks me up? The fact that Obama keeps saying that the health care plan won't cost a dime. He claims that the entire program can be paid for by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse from Social Security and Medicare. Hey, Obama ... wake up! Social Security and Medicare are GOVERNMENT programs. If there is that much abuse in those two programs, what can we expect of a 1.5 TRILLION government medical system? :roll:

Is Obama really that naive, or is he just a totalitarian armed with a beautiful smile?

Well, it can only be twice as bad as the 480 billion government medical system we already have.
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