Soil From a Corn Field?


Well-Known Member
Is soil from a corn field good to grow in?

i recently moved to a new house surrounded
by corn fields and if the soil is good to grow
in i would have a unlimited supply of free soil.


Well-Known Member
Is soil from a corn field good to grow in?

i recently moved to a new house surrounded
by corn fields and if the soil is good to grow
in i would have a unlimited supply of free soil.
No it isn't. They usually spray pesticides on corn. Corn also depletes Nitrogen from the soil very rapidly.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering the same thign about potatoe fields. i was biking in the country the other day and went into a potatoe field to grab a backpack full lol. i noticed the soil is very nice. would it be any good?


Well-Known Member
also couldnt u just add nitrogen to the soil by putting nitrogen ferts in?
Sure but why would you. And like I said they spray all kinds of shit on corn. Do what you want but I have to agree with the others....Not cool to steal from farmers.


Well-Known Member
farmers are rich fucks. they live well off and are arrogant. im not gonna worry about stealing a bucket o dirt from some guy who works as his own boss, claiming crop insurance every year, living in a 4 bedroom house, owning 2 quads, a brand new chevy! HA! most farmers around here are bastards and a holes.


Well-Known Member
Sure but why would you. And like I said they spray all kinds of shit on corn. Do what you want but I have to agree with the others....Not cool to steal from farmers.

yeah no, i just meant like, ive never really gotten why people grow in dirt at all, when i can just mix up my own nutrients? i grow in dirt too i mean, but i dont get it


Well-Known Member
stealing is bad, even dirt. and that would be horrible dirt to use IMO. earthworms and other benificial organisms cant survive in field soil, its full of chemicals, and generally bled dry of wholesome natural nutes.


Well-Known Member
stealing is bad, even dirt. and that would be horrible dirt to use IMO. earthworms and other benificial organisms cant survive in field soil, its full of chemicals, and generally bled dry of wholesome natural nutes.
yeah i dont think i would wanna smoke anything grown in that stuff. Although i guess i been eating that food for the past 23 years of my life....hmm....good thing im growing an indoor garden this winter lol


Well-Known Member
stealing is bad, even dirt. and that would be horrible dirt to use IMO. earthworms and other benificial organisms cant survive in field soil, its full of chemicals, and generally bled dry of wholesome natural nutes.
Thank you.


Active Member
hey yall. I know this is a bit old but I just want to say that I have tried growing in soil "borrowed" from a corn field. It was really early in the season when I got it but it worked great. my pic is what I got out of it.