Where can i Dry my buds other than my house


So i just harvested my plants, and now i realize i have no place to hang and dry them. Is there any other methods of drying? Or i was thinking just having them dry in a garbage can in my backyard. Anyone have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I just cut of the buds from the stem,and spread them out in a cardboard box.After a few days,when they get a lil dry,i put them in a big paper bag.After a few more days,I put them in smaller paper bags,and let them sit there until there done..


Active Member
a garbage can wont have enough ventalation, and may get too hot in the sun

u could do the garbage can thing keep it in the shade, or inside, and burb the can a couple times a day (or leave lid askew and have oscilating fan about 6 feet away)

from your lack of drying space i can infer you were growing outdoors.

just use a closet (or is it a landlord roomate smell avoidance kinda thing)

i go the slow cure route when i can. last time i had a sweet deal, nice little shed in the middle of nowhere solar powered fan aimed away from my babies.
hung upside down on fishing wire. 8 days to cure. (pure strain white rhino, fyi grew VERY well in a ceder thicket) and lemie tell you i had some jealous friends that year


Yea i cant have my landlord coming by and finding the buds in my closet. and i know the would reek. I was thinking of fabricating a computer fan to the garbage can and putting it in shade somewhere.


Well-Known Member
mold cant grow underwater.,.,.u fill a jar 1/2-2/3 the way with fresh cut buds.,.,then u fill the jar with water until it covers the buds u let the jar sit inna dark/co0l place.,change water every 12 hours.,., idont kno how long u have to do this for.,.,.,ive heard u lose alot of the smell/taste but not potency at all u could smoke a spliff in public from wat i hear and kno reg herb smell.,.,nvr done it i-self.,.,.,.,.,.but just pass'n on wat i kno.,.,others pleas chime in if u kno more


Well-Known Member
mold cant grow underwater.,.,.u fill a jar 1/2-2/3 the way with fresh cut buds.,.,then u fill the jar with water until it covers the buds u let the jar sit inna dark/co0l place.,change water every 12 hours.,., idont kno how long u have to do this for.,.,.,ive heard u lose alot of the smell/taste but not potency at all u could smoke a spliff in public from wat i hear and kno reg herb smell.,.,nvr done it i-self.,.,.,.,.,.but just pass'n on wat i kno.,.,others pleas chime in if u kno more
Smoke another one bongsmilie


Active Member
ok water curing doesnt increase potency

thc isnt water soluble at room temperature

by steeping it in water it does remove some of the resins and chlorophyll, like making a cup of tea.

it burns differantly, and its not that its more potent its just that alot of what wasnt thc has been washed away.

usually only used to increase sale value of low quality crops.

true story.
bro of mine had been renting a room at a hotel for about 4 months, and the deskman asked him to look at something.
one of the guests left behind, an entire bathtub full of soggy weed, and some semi dry stuff hanging up.
when smoked, it burned to pure white ash, and the stone was... odd. i also thought they might have sprayed it with pcp while they were at it.
really weird high, very unweedlike.

well id say hang it in your closet (get a cardboard box, hang them inside, that way it just looks lika box) and buy an ozone generator. say its for allergies.


Well-Known Member
I read all the water curing threads and didn't see one person talk about and/or show pictures of doing it that way. If someone has one I would love to see it as in theory at least it looks plausible with a big wtf? lol :P


Well-Known Member
Lets dry our buds with water. what a great idea. Why didn't I think of this!?!?

Ive also heard you can dry your bud by putting it on an open flame as well....
dont be stupid. :wall:
water curing is real, read a book or something... what you have to do is weigh your buds down under water so they dont float, change the water once a day, and do this for a week.


Well-Known Member
Just get some bulk silica gel crystals from the cat litter section of a store. Dry it out good in the oven. You need three times as much as the weed weighs. Put it in the bottom of the garbage can with the weed and seal it. It will dry nicely with no smell in the house. I doubt your landlord is in the habit of peeping into your garbage cans but if so just use a different container with a lock on it.

I've also read that you can put the silica gel on a screen some distance up from the bottom of a container and then when you put the weed on top of the silica the water gets carried down to the bottom where it pools. This sounds strange at first but if you investigate silica gel you'll find that it is not only water absorbent but also a water condenser. So it appears that it condenses the water vapor from the weed and it drips into the bottom. Haven't tried it yet myself. You could probably use less silica that way since the water is not actually absorbing on it, just passing through it. I got this from a forum post somewhere. Doesn't sound like something a person would make up.