you do know you dont have to buy the expensive ones to ensure quality huh?
the only reason some of the other strains are cheaper is because they have had there time and something new has to be in the lime light.
anyways the bloke speaks the truth. well from the parts i could understand that is (dont worry puffster i dont make sense a lot of the time too lol

but the theorys there)
thats why i said ya gotta come from the heart and be honest.. and dont try to fuck them over by showing them DUD seeds they will know. he raised a good point they get loads of bullshit all the time and it shouldnt be that way. it only fucks it up for the people that really do deserve/need it.
Basicaly as said before if your cause is just try its all ya can do. but dont be bitching about stupid shit or go around lying theres people that really need it.
anyhoo hope al goes well for you though and sorry to hear about your probem.
peace out