Has Anyone Complained to a Seed Company about Duds?

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I had a lot of trouble germinating AK-48 and Master Kush seeds from Attitude. The response I got from them is the seeds are "NOT" supposed to be used for growing plants so that was money down the drain.

woow... they really said that? I know it`s their story and excuse but to actually argument by it to a customer... now that`s super lame. And the prices they have... geez! i can grow a roomfulll of nirvana weed with the money they ask for their stuff.

Anywhoo, on topic, i also had problems with delivery. I ordered from Nirvana, 5 fem bubblelicious seeds plus a grow kit. I only got a pack of nutes from the whole order :| so i submitted a few help notes and Alice offered to re-send my entire order. Now mind you it`s my first order, i`m not a "whale" of seed buying and yet they offered to re-send everything (roughly 50 euros worth). I was always polite and calm, i heard only good things about Nirvana and so i played it cool.

Worth mentioning though, i got my grow kit last monday and my seeds should be here today... hopefully :| otherwise i just praised them for nothing

EDIT: i din`t get my seeds :/
attitude sucks balls when u get a pack of duds fuck them ill never give them a dollar and ill stop anyone whos about to make the mistake will threads post and word of mouth! i dont see a groccery store telling u to get fucked over spoiled milk they give u a refund - proper business practice! im dedicating a room to breeding and i swear if i get it up and running ill give away my seeds i dont use to anyone thinking of buying from the tude
I ordered 10 hawaiian /skunk seeds from them even paid the extra for the stealth T-Shirt shipping they got here allright they included a dinafem roadrunner free. Only 1 seed germed and is growing the other 9 and the dinafem didnt pop. I contacted them an was supposed to here from someone there i was very polite and not demanding and they just blew me off. I know it is not my germination technique because i normally get a rate of about 60-80 % with bagseeds. I have heard good reports about Hemp Depot out of canada I will try them next time
i get mine from nirvana shop and there always cool when it comes to that kinda stuff but like all the others said before you just hav to be polite
i always get free shit when mine dont work or if they get busted u gotta use a good company i had an issue with some sagarmatha and next thing i know some free seeds also got hit like 4 times and they recent everytime hit me up for the seed company
you better not have given it to them....

and your lucky.... as said before and you can see now people do get what they paid for from reputable places and if its all legit they will do there best to help you out.

its because of assholes though that try for free shit when its not the banks fault that people that really ned the help tend to get neglected. again not there fault :(
honey/vinegar?which is gonna get ya sumwhere?we all no the answer to that one.how many requests/bitching do you think they get evreyday?how many are legit?gotta remember disclaimers.its a biz.i wouldnt want to replace my product if it wasnt handled properly,wood u?how do they know how we handled it?i personally cant believe some of the prices for friggin seeds!the doggie nuts seeds should come w/ hotgirl an a BJ!
you should go to www.bcseeds.com an look at there prices pickle bud an oracle spring to mind close to $3000 for some
i got a 5 pack of GHSC The Church a couple in December. They were all duds except 1 that was so small and pathetic i killed it to save room for viable plants.

I called and Emailed Rachel at Attitude and after a few emails she replaced them on my next order. LOL the replacement pack was also garbage. Not their fault, they dont breed the seeds. I blame The Church germination rates sucking so much on GHSC no one else.
hi there - i bought 5 x GHS Fem Big Bang from a UK seed bank and tried to germ 2 of them and 1 sprouted but never grew more than the cotyledons just above the soil. I tried to germ the other 3 seeds and only one sprouted which is now a healthy 2 foot plant just switched to 12/12.

So thats 4 duds from my pack of 5 seeds. I emailed the seedbank to complain and they said id have to go direct to GHS for any kind of replacement seeds.

After email GHS they asked me for a detailed account of the germ process (with pics) aswell as proof of purchase and the dud seeds - now i was able to provide all of this but the dud seeds as they were still in my medium that contained the remianing plant. Luckily for me GHS looked i nto my case anyway and after it being reviewed by the main man himself - Franco i got a replacement seed pack approved.

when i received the email confirming my replacement had been approved and asking where to ship to i cheekily asked for som e freebies, i meant seeds but got a load of merchandise (long sleeve T-Shirt, stickers, White Rhino patch, grow DVD, catalogue and phone / ipod holder) with my replacement pack of 5 x Big Bang Fem.

Please check my journal for a pic of what GHS sent me. Because of this i will now buy GHS seeds again, especially as the 2 seeds i have germinated out of the replacement pack have sprouted and are now healthy 1 week old seedlings.
A couple of years I ago I ordered from BCSeedKing and ended up with an order of Northern Lights which would not germinate. Everything else popped. Ironically, the best results I had with that order was with the freebie Mango seeds.

I emailed the company immediately after I realized there was a problem.

I'm still waiting for a response....
I got a pack of white label that every seed was a dud, no help from attitude and no help from white label. So I don't buy any white label or sensi seeds anymore, they lost a customer so they must have enough it doesn't matter.
As the title says I ordered 4 feminized strains Aurora Indica, Papaya, Blue Mystic, & Wonder Women. I had no problems with any except for the Papaya, 4 out of 5 seeds didn't even crack. I sent them a message and I was very polite and respectful. I sent the message out on a Thursday, and Monday morning I received a response from Alice saying sorry to hear of my bad batch. She said I should expect a 100% germination rate, and she would send me a replacement batch for free. About 1 week later I received my package along with a free gift. I right away started to germinate my seeds and they were all good! So Nirvana has my future business... for now anyway!:bigjoint:
I've gotten stuff from attitude too...The best germination from what I've read is Barney's Farm 80 germ rate, it's hit or miss I guess from all seed companies, my last order several petered out from 8 seeds but I got five in seedling stage, including a beautiful bubba kush. My question is do they ever send out male seeds even when specifically ordering feminized seeds?
Nirvana always replaces seeds free. Sometimes even if it is your own fault. Awesome customer service. I complained one time cuz they wouldn't sprout. I did it a few days too soon, they sprouted and and they still sent me replacements. Alice rocks.
DNA is the best breeder around. I began with them last year, and write to introduce myself(like a fool)as why would they give a shit whom i am? To my surprise Aaron himself repiled, and was very friendly. I ordered some lesser costing gear. All arrived in fine shape. I thanked them, wrote about my past life, if you can believe someone telling a breeder about themselves. Donnie wrote back, saying to keep up the good work, it could have happened to any of us. Then the free DNA gear began to arrive!! I swear this is the truth! The DNA lads asked me to make out a "wish list" of the gear. I did that gladly!! I mean i really wrote which strains i wanted. What arrived is 1000$ worth of DNA gear!!! I'm so down with DNA!!
Not to mention they have some of the best genetics of the planet!!
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i ordered some seeds so long agao i cant remember what they were!lol?stoned!!:)anyway i was from a site that sold sativa wallets made out of hemp if that helps?probably not!but after none of them germinating i contacted them and they instantly approved a replacement over the phone and when they arrived i got a free wallet!and yes you guessed it"made out of hemp":)pretty cool outcome dont you think!