a new clone - to "Rockwool Cubes"


Active Member
so i took this from what i hope is a mother plant...we will find out in a couple days....just wanted to post some pics

i did this in a rock-wool cube, surrounded by dirt. i did a little tearing, but got the roots out safe-and-sound

pic one....clone in rock-wool and soil.
2. whole clone
3. cool looking roots



Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing... if it was in rockwool it could be used just like that in any growing system


Active Member
i pulled it out to make sure it had started rooting...it did, so its back, never to come out until transplant time


Well-Known Member
You can tell if it has rooted by tugging slightly and if it stays put it has started to root. I would never risk damaging a young clones roots like that


Active Member
its perfectly fine, the rockwool i used was weak, it ripped easily, and none of the roots were embedded at all.....i know what i am doing...im a professional....lol

and i disagree with that method....i tugged on one clone one time....it stayed put, so i thought i rooted, two days later, it pulled right out...no roots!


Well-Known Member
If you were a pro you wouldn't have taken the plant outta the rockwool in the first place... No offense bro but you are not a professional. There are only a a handful of people on this site that could call themselves pro (heathrobinson, al b fuct, fdd2blk, etc.) They have the pics to back up their word


Active Member
dude im just joking around....sit back, and smoke a bowl, and find something to tickle your funny bone cuz you need it obviusly