Auto Flower Seedlings droopy/unhealthy-HEALP PLEASE ASAP!


New Member
These are pics of my new autoflower dwarfs I started from reg. seeds a few days ago. I started another batch 2 weeks prior about but they all but died on me. I am using solo cups w grow rocks and rockwool to start out and would move the females to 1.5 gal buckets when gender shows. So far I have had nothing but bad luck starting seeds. I have had success cloning though. I use the soak, papertowel method and get germination, then the plants live for a few days in the humidity cups w me spraying the inside of the cup only to keep humidity up. I am using a single 65 watt CFL in a grow cab to start them. Temps are at 74 and humidity is constant w cups. Small fan in corner and no nutes, PH bal (5.8) water only. ANYONE HELP PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO TO MAKE SEEDLINGS LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO GET TO DRY AIR AND LIGHT!!!!!! NOBODY EVER RESPONDS ON THIS SITE ANYMORE!...$180 IN SEEDS GOING DOWN THE SHITTER UNLESS SOMEONE WHO DOES THIS HITS REPLY, HOPE THIS IS DESPERATE ENOUGH TO GET SOME COOL PEOPLE TO HELP


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Twisted leaves like that are a sign of either a too high humidity or a wrong pH. I suggest you also check the roots for any damage.


New Member
Ph is at 5.8 for the spray I use to keep the tops of the substrate wet. I also mist the inside of the cups w it. I cant check the roots yet as they have not emerge from the RW...even if they did I would have to pull them up out of the grow rocks disturbing any possible roots. Is there any proven, step by step guide to getting seedlings ready for real light? I have the JC Grow bible, another grow book and the web, everyone says germinate for a few days then move under fluoro lighting. In my experience this kills the 3-4 day ld seedling as they need humidity or they drop and die. weird that nobody has a METHOD to use that works all the time w good seeds.


Active Member
i hear everybody on here with different ideas with seeds i just put them in the pot and leave them till they have there 1st set of proper leaves and place under a Fluro ive had 100% plant success


Well-Known Member
well the oval leaves usually die off any ways man, but just give it some time and lower that light because you have alot of stretch going on there broski

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's a billion methods, none more efficienct than the other.

I do exactly what edot13 does, pop them in the soil and just let them grow. No bottles, jars, mini-tents or stuff like that. I just mist them twice a day and I've never had any problems.


Well-Known Member
Don't "Mist" the plant before it goes in light.
Thats probably why its curling over..
Misting can cause burn spots.. If your going to do it, Do it during the plants darkness.


Active Member
You have the wrong light spectrum for germinating you need 5000 to 6500 K and your light looks like a 2700 K and it is way to far away!


New Member
the light is a 65 CFL. I have germinated and veg staged w those lights for months. The bulb is about 10 inches off the plants, I had it closer but then they started to wilt down. I have started more seeds in RW only, will wait until roots peek before going to cups this time. I have cut a small drain hole near the bottoms of the cups and re-watered w PH bal water only to make sure they were all the same moisture. they have really not stretched after the initial, maybe the pics make them look huge but they are only a few inches. IDK, im scrapping the auto's if this doesnt work and hoping to get lucky w some decent fem seeds I have to clone off of. Will try pics again tomorrow and see what hapened.


New Member
I had great success w the auto's before but that was when I was using my homemade bubbleponics tote. 10 gal w 6 sites. worked great but I had to take over a whole bathroom, rig up cfl's badly and have a humidifier going 24/7. they worked out great and I would up transplanting to buckets w the whole cup popped out of the lid, huge roots in there!

I need a new way to get seedlings strong though and nobody seems to have a way other than put in paper topwels and (magic music) weeks later u have a bud machine. sorry I need more specifics on what to do exactly. I use Hempy buckets and Hydroton, i have GH nutes and Ph up and down and all the stupid shit I need but no METHOD that works outside of losing a whole bathrom to the process


set ur ph to 6.2-6.4 . u only need it slightly acidity . i use tap water and it's ph is around 6.4 as a rule .


New Member
I just got my 6 site bubbler set up in my bathroom again only this time i was able to give it a cubby area and the humidifier so I can use my shower and sink.. im not sharing my GF bathroom f that! This way if nothing else I can turn the bathroom in a jungle (humidity and warmth) and the seedlings will have all the fresh air they need and a 10 gal bubble res. this Hempy solo cup method seems to be a real shot in the dark regarding moisture and humidity. I will use that cabinet to veg my clones. or harden off the ones that are strong enough to start taking some dry air. Gotta do what I know works or has worked before. cant just try this or that and hope for the best guessing my way thru it. oh Ph is set to 6.0-6.1 my tapwater is usually about 6.7 so i knock it down a little.


New Member
OK so here is the progress.. bubbler system is on standby in bathroom just need a way to mount some CFL fixtures to a flat wall. I also built a chamber from a tote I had ;aying around and used it as an incubator. 77 degrees at 77% RH inside with plenty of air to exchange. I filled the bottom w water about an inch worth and the whole thing is on top of a heat matt to keep the roots warm and the humidity up. They look no worse than they did in the cups, some actually look beter....the STRETCHING im not concerned with...when I trans into the 1.5 gal bucket I can bury that stem...included is some bud porn from my flowering beauties...THATS what i can do when I get the fuckers far enough to stand on their own! Thats a GWS from Greenhousein front w a CFL as side light and 2 Gigabud From g-13 i had clones from the big bitch amonth ago. they are down to the last 2-3 weeks of flower plus a 40 hour period of darkness prior to chopping. seeds r killing me!

