09 outdoor grow first grow

weather is great humidity went from 70% to 35% in 3 hours i love warm weather....not a cloud in the sky.......i watered just water only and will start giving them more big bud then some bud blaster next week
ok so here is the lastest update ...this is really turning out great....everything is going the right way.....it was my last big dose of food i will feed them about 2 more times in 10 days then flush.....not sure when they will be ready i guess we will have to see day by day






huh sounds kinda like a stupid question
how many weeks til harvest for you....i got some stuff that is looking just like that from bag seed, but i'm inexperinced.
i can't keep checking on it cause that would be suspicious.
so i'm trying to take an educated guess as to when i should go back and harvest.
how did I not notice the green house before???

get those pillars for me!!! :)

looking very nice indeed :)
well i guess i messed up spraying my plants cause it made all my beautiful white hairs curl and turn orange over night ...hope this isnt a big mistake ...and i sprayed azamax and it helped alot with the pillars only finding one or 2 a day instead of 15-20......im not sure how much more i have to go but i am sure pissed the hairs all turned color
Oh no! Hope that azamax didn't hurt'em too bad!

Yeah, this weather is killer! Low humidity and nice temps! Mine are looking sweet right now too. I'll PM you some pics later so you can compare.

I'm learning how to use the microscope. My tricombs look totally clear right now. Think I still have a few weeks.