1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so i thought id have another go at fimming after reading a few of the guides uncle ben n mblaze but god knows if i got it right?!?!

the dairy queen babies

deffo not the sativa pheno that Tahoe has and ive only spied the odd double serrated but its early days yet...


Well-Known Member
so i thought id have another go at fimming after reading a few of the guides uncle ben n mblaze but god knows if i got it right?!?!

the dairy queen babies

deffo not the sativa pheno that Tahoe has and ive only spied the odd double serrated but its early days yet...
So where's the fimming?
...because you know how fucking good I am at the shit! :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol you reckon?! theres 5 plants there dude
I thought that was one plant after FIMing at first! Was thinking fair play, nice FIM. LOL.....but you know I like to top/FIM, so I would do it if I were you. It's a shame Natmoon is not about here anymore. His FIM'd plants were incredible, but he's not been around for a while and has deleted all his lovely pics! :(

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah id be chuffed if it was just 1 baby, trial n error being as it is i might get the snip just right one of these crops ....

yeah natmoon aint been around in a while guess hes gone for good if his pics are. shame the guy knew his shit


Well-Known Member
lol you reckon?! theres 5 plants there dude
lol... I though there was just one plant to :lol:
Oh... well then... yeah, I'd top a couple and fim the others for a comparison.
Toppings easy because it's a sure thing.
Fimming, eer well, just bite into the node more than I did and it should do the trick.
Worst that can happen is you slow the top down a bit and promote the bottom branches to grow out.
You can't go wrong lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol... I though there was just one plant to :lol:
Oh... well then... yeah, I'd top a couple and fim the others for a comparison.
Toppings easy because it's a sure thing.
Fimming, eer well, just bite into the node more than I did and it should do the trick.
Worst that can happen is you slow the top down a bit and promote the bottom branches to grow out.
You can't go wrong lol.
yeah man im suckin n seeing but its too late for a topped vs fimmed well maybe not ahaahah :neutral:

im sure once ive done it once ill be like what are you guys having trouble with . well maybe not eh.:joint:

tgif boys n girls im off to Moe's!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok guys n gals im fucking devastated. words dont fully describe the anguish.

i was in the grow room yesterday when i noticed something odd one of the cardboard boxes i store plant pots n shit in had what looked like a big wet patch on it...

you guessed it. MOULD fucking tons of it all up 3 walls in the spare bedroom i use its bad its bubbled the paint off its soaked the carpet and was inside the tent on the mesh vents. its completely ruined the landlords spare bed and i fear its actually gone through the floor into downstairs flat.

so Don & Mrs Don's saturday afternoon consisted of moving everything out of the room ( covered on mould ) moving everythin out of the tent. onto the landing . bleach wiping down all the walls and furniture washing the indside of the tent and moving the plants back. im going to pick up my humidifier this afternoon. worse still the mould wasnt just in the spare bedroom but all along the wall on the outfgacing external wall ( on which runs our clothing cupboard. which yup you guessed it has mould in it)

if it wasnt for the fact that i was staying strong for the missus we'd have both been in tears. the house had a damp problem and i aggravated it big style by not venting my grow properly.

so after that war and peace tale of woe comes the really bad news. im shutting down. my querkle finnish in one month which should give me about enough time to paint the walls n skirts then depending on how carpet cleaning goes ill have to get a new carpet put down. im hoping my pal will be kind enough to take the contents of my veg room and finnish them i cant bare to think ive wasted all that time money n effort to be binning clone only and tga genetics.

then i need to find a new house and move before i can set up again. the one and only positive i can see in this is that ill finally be shot of the mites.

yes the silvery bits are indeed beads of fucking condensation.

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats one of the sadest tails i have heard all year. That really sucks big fat hairy salty ones don mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks westy im stgill pretty gutted about it all, the missus has been having dreams about mould all night. but in the words of the governator 'I'll be back'

lesson learnt. new house new setup cooltube and real ventilation. gonna get a house n not a flat so i can have a garden and a cat.

its actually drying out pretty quick in there so hopefully damage will be minimal.

dons dont do painting and decorating. they do pot growing FFS.

mr west

Well-Known Member
your a poet and ya didnt realise lol..........
gonna get a house n not a flat so i can have a garden and a cat.


Well-Known Member
It'll be fine Don. It'll dry out in no time and then find a way to vent the moisture/heat directly outside and the problem will be solved. I vent mine straight outside through one of those vented bricks (which was luckily already in the room). I know it seems bad now but you'll find a way round it, its a good job you found relatively early before it did some REAL damage.



Well-Known Member
shit mate......I'm really sorry for you and you mrs. That's a nightmare!!! Hope you can keep those genetics alive till you work things out though. All the best man. :peace: