2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +


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Ive noticed a trend come week 4 and when i turn on the co2 , i dont know if they arel inked together or seperate things, but its driving me nuts as i cant figure out if its a defeceny or something else..

My setup is:

Hydro-Flood and drain recurculating
I use AN micro, grow, bloom with some extra B called blast off
I grow cherry strain and peak in week 4 at 1400 ppm.
Co2 is set for 1400 ppm with a differntail of 75
My temps are 85 day around 70 night
HUmidity when lights on is around 30 and when lights off its at about 50

So the trend that ive been noticing is that in week 2 when i turn the co2 on the top leafs begin to thin and droop a bit as u can see in the pic... is this normal have any of u experianced this when using co2?

Then in week 4 i have noticed the bottom leaves to yellow and get this strange brown crust and occasioanl brown spots on them. Is this a deffeciny or soemthing else. I know the yellowing happens nautrally but this seems to earlier and the brown crust and spots makes me think its a defficeiny, what do u think.....

And are both these linked to one another or are they seperate problems....

First pic is of the plant 3 days after introducing co2, leafs are drooping and a bit thin.....

NExt 2 pics is of the yellowing and brown crust that always comes up in week 4....


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Here's your 3 problems:

1. You overfed your plant. The leaves and veins are much too dark green. You'll need to flush and lower your nute concentration since she already has too much N.

2. The yellowing is caused by a pretty serious magnesium deficiency. I have no solid knowladge regarding hydro, so I don't know if you can add epsom salts to your watering solution, but I do know that molasses is a bad idea for hydro. I guess you're gonna have to buy some cal-mag or nutes with magnesium.

3. I think your toilet is dirty.
Here's your 3 problems:

1. You overfed your plant. The leaves and veins are much too dark green. You'll need to flush and lower your nute concentration since she already has too much N.

2. The yellowing is caused by a pretty serious magnesium deficiency. I have no solid knowladge regarding hydro, so I don't know if you can add epsom salts to your watering solution, but I do know that molasses is a bad idea for hydro. I guess you're gonna have to buy some cal-mag or nutes with magnesium.

3. I think your toilet is dirty.

LOL i dont think its the toilets thats the problem its those fuckin spicy tacos i had....lol

over feeding and lack of magnesium???? at 1400 ppm is that possible.... like how can u have a lack of something when ur over feeding.........someoneelse told me its lack of food so im kinda confused.... anyone else think its overfeeding and too much N and lack of magnesium???

1 think i forgot to add is my feeding schedule during bloom is

2 cups micro
1 cup grow
3 cups bloom

into a 200 litre rez.

I water 1 day with hydrox and feed the next....
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These commercial nutes and hydro setups in general have a lack of microelements (magnesium, iron, copper, sulfur, boron, molybdenum...), while they are great in the NPK department.

Maybe this will make it clearer: you've fed your plant only bread... eventually you're gonna get a vitamin E deficiency, but never a vitamin B-complex deficiency.

PS: 1400 ppm may have been too much... If your plant is under 3 feet 1000ppm should be more than enough.
These commercial nutes and hydro setups in general have a lack of microelements (magnesium, iron, copper, sulfur, boron, molybdenum...), while they are great in the NPK department.

Maybe this will make it clearer: you've fed your plant only bread... eventually you're gonna get a vitamin E deficiency, but never a vitamin B-complex deficiency.

PS: 1400 ppm may have been too much... If your plant is under 3 feet 1000ppm should be more than enough.

hmm intersting stuff... makes sense about the microelements so what nutreints should i add to make up for these micro elements.....

would "buy some cal-mag or nutes with magnesium." those be my answer?

I dont want to undermine ur knowledge im just looking for more people to agree or dissagree with it before i start chaging my feedschedules..... anyone else wanna add to this or contribute....

U know my plants are about 2 feet last run the same problem came up and in week 4 and i begin to flush them but the problem never went away instead got worse , i asked a knowledge freind and he said to increase the feed , so this run i am bumping it up to 1400 from 1300 there is less yellow but neverthe less there still is yellowing ... im realy confused and frustrated and looking for as much help as posooble....
Well, you should feel safe and secure with the choice you make.

Cal-mag will fix the problem if it is mag def.

PS: I never mind being wrong as long as it isn't at the expence of a plant...
Well, you should feel safe and secure with the choice you make.

Cal-mag will fix the problem if it is mag def.

PS: I never mind being wrong as long as it isn't at the expence of a plant...

K , so i have too much N but lack of cal and mag..... ur right it doesnt hurt to try cal mag....

would u reccomend i flush for a few days then drop my feed to say 1000 ppm for week 5 and include cal and mag?

could i inclue the cal and mag when i flush???

and do u have any idea as to why my plants droop when co2 is introduced... does the co2 have anything to do with this yellowing....
Its normal during flowering for the lower leavese to turn yellow and eventually die because your plants are taking the nitrogen from the lower leaves to help support the new growth(bUDS) up top. In soil the leaves yellow later due to the fact that soil will hold certain amounts of nitrogen but in hydro set ups the grow medium will not hold nitrogen so you have to feed a little nitrogen in the begiining of flowering stage to help with the plant and bud growth. Hope this helps and ill give u some rep but pass the love on back.
Flush, wait for the soil to dry, then water again with cal-mag.

CO2 raises room temperature and stems and leaves tend to droop in warmer conditions. The plant thinks the sun may be shining too much and is reducing the total leaf area on which the light shines in order to minimize any imminent burn.

I don't deserve for this info, just stummbled upon it in one of my old text books. This is however a theory, your plants could be drooping from something else, but this is all could come up with.
How much light are you using my friend?

If you do not have enough light, then you are using way too much C02.

The C02 increases photosynthesis at a higher rate along with ample light.

Without ample light, C02 will cause more problems than it will help you.


Rev. TheNatural
Its normal during flowering for the lower leavese to turn yellow and eventually die because your plants are taking the nitrogen from the lower leaves to help support the new growth(bUDS) up top. In soil the leaves yellow later due to the fact that soil will hold certain amounts of nitrogen but in hydro set ups the grow medium will not hold nitrogen so you have to feed a little nitrogen in the begiining of flowering stage to help with the plant and bud growth. Hope this helps and ill give u some rep but pass the love on back.

Intersting stuff thanks for the info ... is there something i should be adding in week 1 of bloom to prevent this early yellowing, and is yellowing in week 4 considered early or normal.....

love passed back :)
Flush, wait for the soil to dry, then water again with cal-mag.

CO2 raises room temperature and stems and leaves tend to droop in warmer conditions. The plant thinks the sun may be shining too much and is reducing the total leaf area on which the light shines in order to minimize any imminent burn.

I don't deserve for this info, just stummbled upon it in one of my old text books. This is however a theory, your plants could be drooping from something else, but this is all could come up with.

K cool ill give that a try, so pretyy much flush first day then next day include the cal-mag into the flush.....

I have a big ac and i can maintin any temp so far i have noticed with the cherry strain they like it a bit warmer so i keep it around 83-86 with co2.

Another intresting thing i shoudl note is :

there is more drooping and yellowing under the lrg shades( the bulb is horizontal) as oppose to the china man shades ( the bulb hangs vertical)... is this possibly have something to do with my 2 problems like... do horizontal bulbs relaese more heat and therby creating a burn and could this be provoked and supplemented with the placement of my co2 generotor.... ive added a pic of the layout to give u a better idea .. thanks for the help.


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How much light are you using my friend?

If you do not have enough light, then you are using way too much C02.

The C02 increases photosynthesis at a higher rate along with ample light.

Without ample light, C02 will cause more problems than it will help you.


Rev. TheNatural

Hey bud, It depends on the table i use different shades and tables to fit the room better... take a lookm at the jpeg i just posted i think its enough light if not to much for the area....btw, all the shades have 1000 watt bulbs....

This sounds instructive... could you explain in more detail, I'm really curious.

Yes please tell us more, sounds very intriguing.....
this is my first hydro grow so its all kind of new to me but i have grown in soil many times. First 4 weeks i plan on giving a light dose of nitrogen along with the flowering nutes, after that just plan on giving flowering nutes
1. You overfed your plant. The leaves and veins are much too dark green. You'll need to flush and lower your nute concentration since she already has too much N.
this is my first hydro grow so its all kind of new to me but i have grown in soil many times. First 4 weeks i plan on giving a light dose of nitrogen along with the flowering nutes, after that just plan on giving flowering nutes

Im kinga getting confused with the mixed info.... canadbis doc said i have to much N and now i hear i have to little????

would u say yellowing in hydro in week 4 is normal or is that early... chekcout my pics of the leaves and plant thats in mid week 4...
the yellowing of the leaves during the FLOWERING stage is due from lack of nitrogen .If you are in week 4 of flowering that is still a little bit early for your plants to be getting nitrogen deprived,however if you were in veg stage it could be a mag deficiency because all of the nutes used are high in nitrogen during veg state. Those pictures show buds on the plants so im assuming you are flowering. Signs of mag are yellowing with green veins.
sorry man im really high right now lol

yea im in bloom, so id it too little N and what about the Mag??? is it one or the other or both?? and how do i fix it
Flush, wait for the soil to dry, then water again with cal-mag.

CO2 raises room temperature and stems and leaves tend to droop in warmer conditions. The plant thinks the sun may be shining too much and is reducing the total leaf area on which the light shines in order to minimize any imminent burn.

I don't deserve for this info, just stummbled upon it in one of my old text books. This is however a theory, your plants could be drooping from something else, but this is all could come up with.

having used Co2 on most of my grows I was always under the impression that it helped lower my temps ive also read that it helps lower room tempatures especially when coming from Co2 tank and regulator. As kids remember when u would break the small Co2 cartridges that was cold coming out not hot