Active Member
Ive noticed a trend come week 4 and when i turn on the co2 , i dont know if they arel inked together or seperate things, but its driving me nuts as i cant figure out if its a defeceny or something else..
My setup is:
Hydro-Flood and drain recurculating
I use AN micro, grow, bloom with some extra B called blast off
I grow cherry strain and peak in week 4 at 1400 ppm.
Co2 is set for 1400 ppm with a differntail of 75
My temps are 85 day around 70 night
HUmidity when lights on is around 30 and when lights off its at about 50
So the trend that ive been noticing is that in week 2 when i turn the co2 on the top leafs begin to thin and droop a bit as u can see in the pic... is this normal have any of u experianced this when using co2?
Then in week 4 i have noticed the bottom leaves to yellow and get this strange brown crust and occasioanl brown spots on them. Is this a deffeciny or soemthing else. I know the yellowing happens nautrally but this seems to earlier and the brown crust and spots makes me think its a defficeiny, what do u think.....
And are both these linked to one another or are they seperate problems....
First pic is of the plant 3 days after introducing co2, leafs are drooping and a bit thin.....
NExt 2 pics is of the yellowing and brown crust that always comes up in week 4....
My setup is:
Hydro-Flood and drain recurculating
I use AN micro, grow, bloom with some extra B called blast off
I grow cherry strain and peak in week 4 at 1400 ppm.
Co2 is set for 1400 ppm with a differntail of 75
My temps are 85 day around 70 night
HUmidity when lights on is around 30 and when lights off its at about 50
So the trend that ive been noticing is that in week 2 when i turn the co2 on the top leafs begin to thin and droop a bit as u can see in the pic... is this normal have any of u experianced this when using co2?
Then in week 4 i have noticed the bottom leaves to yellow and get this strange brown crust and occasioanl brown spots on them. Is this a deffeciny or soemthing else. I know the yellowing happens nautrally but this seems to earlier and the brown crust and spots makes me think its a defficeiny, what do u think.....
And are both these linked to one another or are they seperate problems....
First pic is of the plant 3 days after introducing co2, leafs are drooping and a bit thin.....
NExt 2 pics is of the yellowing and brown crust that always comes up in week 4....