Well-Known Member
yeah, throwing insults to make yourself feel better is ok... it's a natural reaction to being wrong.
you do not know the real intentions of the federal reserve bank, why it was put in place, and last but not least how they directly influence money supply. you do not understand the complexities of the markets, that's ok, not everyone can know as much as I do.
keep telling yourself whatever you want. you don't know me, where I've been or where I'm going.
you're just mad because i was able to prove that "nazi" obama was able to put in place a program that was VERY successful, in every way, shape and form... it scares you to death that this might be repeated.....
you have to deviate from the purpose of this thread and throw insults at my character, which naturally bounce off me, since stix and stones may break my bones but your words cannot hurt me.....
good bye....
I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Are you serious? Man you got to be honest with me...You are one of those types that is just really feisty in the morning, huh? Maybe the first pot of coffee took a little took a little too long to brew?
Sorry if I left you feeling insulted.