so hear me out here


Well-Known Member
build one up,dont knock them down.,.,wear a smile nota frown.,.,lo0k to the sky not the ground.,.,dont vex.,.,treat ure neighbor as u would treat ure savior.,.,love one love all let hate fall.,.,love stand so tall so tall evil dropped the ball.,.,.,be a posotive toaster nota boaster.,.,


Well-Known Member
the world is starting to be dominated by assholes w/ a me first attitude. our culture is saturated with shit tv, music, plastic surgery, advertising etc..some are being consumed by trying to obtain the rich and famous lifestyle & wealth. SOME people would sell their souls to get fancy cars, houses, the perfect body(the perfect life). we are chasing after material things for happiness. only intent on instant gratification & more more more. fuck the consequences i gotta live for me and make me happy.:mrgreen: thats the most important right.....ME?? yes i am guilty of it too, cuz i would kill to have my 360 back right now lmao. and i watch shit shows on vh1 to see nice boobies and nice rumps.

+1... this guy is on the ball.


Well-Known Member
build one up,dont knock them down.,.,wear a smile nota frown.,.,lo0k to the sky not the ground.,.,dont vex.,.,treat ure neighbor as u would treat ure savior.,.,love one love all let hate fall.,.,love stand so tall so tall evil dropped the ball.,.,.,be a posotive toaster nota boaster.,.,
thats very good stuff.:peace:

+1... this guy is on the ball.
thank you. god i am starting to get old hahaha. people were probably saying this stuff 50 years ago. i feel like my dad always bitching about the world.:neutral::cuss:


Active Member
the world is starting to be dominated by assholes w/ a me first attitude. our culture is saturated with shit tv, music, plastic surgery, advertising etc..some are being consumed by trying to obtain the rich and famous lifestyle & wealth. SOME people would sell their souls to get fancy cars, houses, the perfect body(the perfect life). we are chasing after material things for happiness. only intent on instant gratification & more more more. fuck the consequences i gotta live for me and make me happy.:mrgreen: thats the most important right.....ME?? yes i am guilty of it too, cuz i would kill to have my 360 back right now lmao and i watch shit shows on vh1 to see nice boobies and nice rumps.
Koosh, I totally agree with what you said, yet it explains whats wrong with society. I too am a firm believer in "you need to look out for #1", but at the same time you need to spread the wealth to those deserving. I wouldn't do anything for anyone, my family comes first, which it does, but in these times it becomes ever increasingly difficult to do so. I'd love nothing ore thanto give deserving folk everything
I could, but it's not possible.


Well-Known Member
ppl are ass holes because they can b even the nicest of ppl are ass holes at times it all depends on the mood ya catch ppl in if the havein a shit day and u say its a wonderful day the gona tell ya ta piss off and like wise


Well-Known Member
Koosh, I totally agree with what you said, yet it explains whats wrong with society. I too am a firm believer in "you need to look out for #1", but at the same time you need to spread the wealth to those deserving. I wouldn't do anything for anyone, my family comes first, which it does, but in these times it becomes ever increasingly difficult to do so. I'd love nothing ore thanto give deserving folk everything
I could, but it's not possible.
i agree brother. i have a 3 month old and have been working 50-60hrs a week to not even make ends meet. i couldnt help anyone financially if i wanted to right now. i see it as a state of mind..... maybe helping a family member who needs help with something like moving. or opening doors for people or just being nice to people even when they seem like they are having a bad day. just trying to help people w/ stuff that may be a burden but without providing money. i agree though, family first and if i had money to burn i would help more people.:mrgreen: also i was being sarcastic in my other post about it all being about me. i was trying to act like the assholes who rule lol.