Quick Question


hey been looking on this site for a long time now...

this is my first post just wondering if yas can help me

i took a clone of my plant when it started flowering.. and just wondering if i leave it will it go back into a vegative state?????


New Member
hey been looking on this site for a long time now...

this is my first post just wondering if yas can help me

i took a clone of my plant when it started flowering.. and just wondering if i leave it will it go back into a vegative state?????
plants can be cloned during flower. Put it on 18/6 or 24/7 and in about 3-4 weeks you should be back to new growth.


Well-Known Member
You can take clones from flowering plants.... idealy you would want to take them before you set the plant to flower because not only are you gonna need 8-12 days to root them, then you need to wait another month atleast for them to revert back to vegging once that happens then you need to let them grow big enough to flower them.... It can also bring on a few minor problems that you would just rather not have in the grow room.....

So obviously if it is very hard for you to find clones do it...... seen as you already did it.... but next time try and organise your self to take the clones before the plant enters its flowering stage...... that way you will need a week or so to root them, and a month or two of it growing.... NO time wasted....:)

happy growing:)


Well-Known Member
I normally take a clone upto 2 weeks in2 clone at the latest, and if i do leave it that late, i take off the bottom part of the plant b4 it shows its flower..
Always try to take my clones prior to flower so i can make sure they have rooted and are successful b4 switching tho.


thanks lads much appricated. ye its rooted already and i put it in pot... so just want to know would it go back to vegative... was a last minute decision just cut a clone of bout 1 week into my plants flowering... ill post up pics of my plant and my clone


Looks stretched as hell, what kind of lighting are you using? It looks like sativa strain but not sure what conditions you are growing in.
had it under 3 100w cfls started to die of for sum reason left it in the kitchen window for a few weeks came bak rit again... its back under the lights now again


Well-Known Member
Overall 300 watts of cfl is probably enough, but the problem with cfl is penetration of the light. If you dont get those lights right up to the leaves then they wont get enough light. Discharge lamps like hps and mh dont have that problem so much. It would be better to get 8 40watt cfls and arrange them right up to the leaves and flowers, otherwise your yield will be really small. Thats the only way to do cfl grow, and that is why you see some peoples pics of cfl grows with all these lights hanging all over the place, to get them as close as possible. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Is it just my blood-shot eyes, or do most of ur leafs only have 3 blades??
Yeah, does look staiva, meaning a longer flowering time..


Is it just my blood-shot eyes, or do most of ur leafs only have 3 blades??
Yeah, does look staiva, meaning a longer flowering time..
ye most of the leaves have only 3 dunno why. so how long more should i leave it flowering bout a month????

any advice to beef her up a bit???