I have always wondered what makes hermies? I kinda just assumed that hermies were females that have been pollenated by a nearby male. Am I wrong? can hermies be the actual sex from a seed. So realy I want to know; if I only have females in the house, can I still get a hermie?
Hermies can be grown from seed, but more often it's environmental stress that produces hermies or male flowers on a female plant or female flowers on a male plant.
Cannabis needs a stable environment in which to grow which allows plants to follow their genetic traits without interference. When plants are stressed by environmental factors genetic attributes can be affected.
Environmental factors that can provoke sexual deviation include inconsistent photoperiods, low light intensity, ultraviolet light, nutrient toxicities and deficiencies, cold and hot soil and inconsistent and variable temperatures.
Keep the grow environment as stable as possible and avoid stressing the plants to reduce the risks of plants turning hermie.