How to get over the taste of canni-butter


Man I am having a hard time eating this stuff, it makes me gag. Anyone have any ideas on how to eat this. What I am doing now is just taking a few frozen chunks and swallowing them like a pill. All advice welcome :blsmoke:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
its butter u dont eat it straight like that
its used to substitute actual butter in recipes and desserts
unless your used 2 eating sticks of butter

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Man I am having a hard time eating this stuff, it makes me gag. Anyone have any ideas on how to eat this. What I am doing now is just taking a few frozen chunks and swallowing them like a pill. All advice welcome :blsmoke:
Mix it with cinnamon and sugar

If cinnamon doesn't do it, maybe cloves... but I prefer cinnamon.


New Member
Peanut butter. Put ur butter on some toast put peanut butter over it then sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar. Its bomb.... My ? Is though how can u not like the taste? If it doesn't taste almost identical to the bowls ur smokin u did something wrong. Maybe I'm the only one who cures my trim? But when I make butter it taste just like a cured nug smells.... Aint nothin wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to eat it straight, mix it with something like cinnamon and sugar and spread it on some crackers or something.


to me its just like shrooms forget about the taste and keep your eyes on the prize {the effects}


Well-Known Member
Yuck I can't believe you would eat it straight. I licked the spoon once and I gagged immediately. You should use it in a brownie recipe. Here is one that I like...
Just add in whatever you like with your brownies (peanut butter chips, fudge, chocolate, etc.).

Alternatively you can water cure it next time and it won't taste so bad. You can even water cure already dried bud. Just follow the same steps as if it was fresh.