sagging, dying plant please help!


Well-Known Member
i had an indica growing outdoors, but due to certain circumstances she had to be moved inside. she has been flowering 2-3 weeks.
i dug her up but while i was out there i didnt have a shovel, so needless to say i only really got the main roots. anyways...i brought her home, got some rooting powder and put it on her roots and then planted her. Todays is her 3rd day indoors. Shes still drooping like mad, all her tops are drooping, well most of them, some still seem strong. only a few leaves have dried and so i pulled them off. no batteries so no pic sorry.

i cannot have her in my grow room because the fan dries her out when i mist her down. ive been misting her to keep her alive. so now i have her in the livign room here with me misting her whenever she needs it, because shes too tall i cant build a proper humidity dome. so im just misting her.
so my question is: will i be able to revive her? or should she be in full sunlight?


Well-Known Member
your problem is shes going to die im sorry

u broke her roots and shocked the hell out of her ... u have to get all the roots now she is gettin root shock because u broke her roots think if u break ur arm and leg how would u feel


Well-Known Member
lol, well if i would have left her in the field the farmer would cut her down, its harvest season! : ( theres gotta be a chance that she will recover


Active Member
lol, well if i would have left her in the field the farmer would cut her down, its harvest season! : ( theres gotta be a chance that she will recover
OH there is def a chance. If you broke your arm and a leg and your other arm you would hurt like hell but after a quick or slow rehab you would survive but not to your fullest potential. catch my drift.bongsmilie


Active Member
i dont think she will die keep an eye on her. we transplanted my friends two girls and no doubt they were shocked, but also root-bound. so they were weak for a little but they are troopers, coming back nicely. good luck let us know how she is doing? :weed:


Well-Known Member
She is deff. in shock due to root damage, if she does recover it will take some time. With a shock like this to her dont be surprised if she turns hermey sometime down the road. Not saying it will happen, just be aware it might, specially if you have other plants.


Well-Known Member
ah ok thanks guys. ill keep you posted. if she goes hermie i guess thats not too bad ill just have some extra seeds to throw out in the bush next year ha. i dont have any light in here though, my house doesnt get any sun through the windows during the day, only evening and night, so i have her here in the living room with me just so i can mist her when she needs it. does she need light or should misting her be good enough? she does have rooting powder all over her roots so i think she shoudl be fine.


Well-Known Member
i dont think she will die keep an eye on her. we transplanted my friends two girls and no doubt they were shocked, but also root-bound. so they were weak for a little but they are troopers, coming back nicely. good luck let us know how she is doing? :weed:
Well i just chopped her down this morning. There really wasnt enough room for her anyways. She was taller than the other plants and it was taking way to much time and effort to stabalise her, i did get a nice amount of buds from her though, probably 4-6 g dry. People always say you can't smoke pre mature buds but i pick buds off my plant and smoke it all the time. works great.


Well-Known Member
If it's been 3 days and she hasn't perked up you might try some ocean forest soil for organic natural nuts to spark her interest as well as the soils good breathability. She will either die from root damage and shock or bounce back and surprise you. Niether would shock me. I hope you gave her a good ph balanced water when transplanting and nothing more to this point? Not sure the root stuff does much for plants of that shocking experience/size.