The Horror in the Tube


Well-Known Member
What Horror? Jock Horror in a tube shaped grow chamber. This is my 2nd grow in this micro grow setup.
It's a 38 by 15 inch tube made from thin aluminum flashing from home depot. The light fixture is a
pizza dish from walmart with 3 26w cfl's that fits over the tube top like a glove.

I have completed 1 grow with this setup, a nl#5 from highgrade-seeds. 35g of high powered bud.
This is what she looked like near harvest, and the main cola that I cut. This plant was grown with 78w of cfl's.

So that was then, this is now. A tiny Jock Horror seedling near the center of the pic. Got the seed from SB.
This is new territory with a more sativa dominant strain in this setup. High hopes, but who knows for sure?
Seed popped in 12 hours. You see some who say SB ships out old seed. A seed that pops in 12 hours is not old.
Just my experience so far with SB. So the 1st pic of the grow.



Well-Known Member
Good luck Growone! Should almost change your name to Growtwo. lol
Is this from a femenized seed or...?
How long are you going veg?
What is your soil mix?
What will you be feeding her?


Well-Known Member
Good luck Growone! Should almost change your name to Growtwo. lol
Is this from a femenized seed or...?
How long are you going veg?
What is your soil mix?
What will you be feeding her?
thanks for stopping by itsgrowinglikeaweed
i thought about using growoneatatime, just didn't flow like growone

this a standard seed grow, so i'm at the mercy of fate - tell you the truth a male won't break my heart, wouldn't mind freeze drying some pollen - i've kept my other girl going in reveg so i have bud in the bag so to speak

veg time will probably be to 5 inches, may top then - i've read a good number of jock horror grow logs, and it seems it can be kept down fairly low - but that's a bit of a risk, i've got 30 inches to work with

on the soil/feeding going to do just what i did last time - soil is MG Organic Garden with about 15% perlite - mixed in 1 tbsp dolomite and 1 tbsp bone meal per gallon soil mix
going to feed with molasses/bone meal tea - did this last time and it worked well - the bone meal is MG organic with 6-9-0 nute ratio - it really does give a nice dose of slow release nitrogen because this is all i used for nutes last time

grow space

Well-Known Member
Another tube grow eh...Splendid my friend, splendid....
Going to hang along, cas im sure that your invented tube is going to work wonders.....

So, good luck growone...


Grow space


New Member
Awesome grow buddie, imagine if you had one more bulb for some under lighting, the lower buds would of been heavier, still a very nice grow, im tempted to run one of these or a rubbermaid bin grow just for fun!


Well-Known Member
Another tube grow eh...Splendid my friend, splendid....
Going to hang along, cas im sure that your invented tube is going to work wonders.....

So, good luck growone...


Grow space
thanks for checking it out growspace, we'll see how a sativa dom does in here
hoping you can get a bit more weather for your WW - know it's late, but you never know

Awesome grow buddie, imagine if you had one more bulb for some under lighting, the lower buds would of been heavier, still a very nice grow, im tempted to run one of these or a rubbermaid bin grow just for fun!
thanks ghost - it's actually by design, 35g of the stuff i harvested will easily take me to the next harvest - turned out to have a hell of a kick to it

i'm not too keen on having a larger grow in my state


Well-Known Member
well, not a happy morning - dead seedling - damn!
seedling just wilted, flopped over, and died, looks like 2 possible culprits
1 - it may have been a bit warm, have an enclosing box for the cold months, but we just had a warm spell - opened the box up after i noticed the temp got a bit warm, don't think it was too warm but can't be sure
2 - fungus gnats - little bastards arrived in force, i noticed a bit of an air gap flush to the seedling stem, could be an exit hole where a gnat emerged from the dirt, maybe after a snack of seedling root

so i'm thinking fungus gnats have screwed me - i had a few in my other grow, but didn't seem to cause any real problems
this time though i had left my pot with the prepped soil out for a couple of weeks, wanted the ingredients to cook for a while before putting in the seed
and i seem to have grown a crop of gnats for my trouble

so my current solution has been to put a small bowl of dish washing liquid and water in the grow tube
i've seen some good comments on this method on some threads, and it does seem to be trapping gnats good, counted about 10 dead ones in the soup
new seed in the soaking chamber, hope she has better luck then her predecessor


Well-Known Member
thought i'd tie up the loose end of this thread - still have a grow under way, but have moved from my tube setup
one reason is the tube produced a lot more bud than i need - 35g of nl#5 - i can't smoke more than a 1/10 of a gram in a day - she's strong!
the other reason is i was growing in an unheated location - winterizing was becoming a too big a chore
so i've moved back inside - stealthing the tube indoors coulbe be done, but might be a bit involved - see how new grow goes
which brings me to my new setup - small PC case, nothing too unusual except for watts - going to try a single 26w cfl grow using LST
sprouted a new jock horror, and have a clone of the nl#5 from my last grow
here's the link for anyone that may be interested -


Well-Known Member
hey growone...thx for finishing up the thread...just wanted to say, i'm really impressed with the amount you got using only 78W of CFL...that's amazing. I'll be watching your other thread. peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
what did you yeild of these ones using only 78 w? what type of soil?
it was 1 nl#5 - 35g of dry bud
used MG Organic Garden soil with a bit of dolomite and bone meal mixed in
the tube really treated me well, strange as it sounds 78w gave more than needed - now going to a real micro grow - 26w!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Ahh..too bad man....Would have been a great plant i think...

Good luck with that pc fan grow..I wouldnt do it myself, cas you dont get much form that small scale setups, but still, you got to admit that it is still looks really cool-grow, in a PC....Though at some point to and build a micro grow out of a shoe box, using 2 26 watters, but again, the low yield.....Maybe, we shall see....

Yes, baked, sorry if it sounds crazy...Hehehe:eyesmoke:

Anyway, good luck with your pc mini operation growone...
Blaze on...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thank s grow space, formula42, glockdoc, bluedad for the stop and look
i may grow with the tube again when the early spring rolls around
big issue was an insulated grow room where the temps go to -20 Fahrenheit, it can be done - just was becoming a larger chore than i wanted
if the pc case gives me 10-12 grams, well that's pretty much all i need for a 3 month time, at least if the strains are as potent as the nl#5

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
looks good man im starting a indoor stealth dresser micro grow where i chopped out the drawers(onlt 2 cuz its a small scale dresser) and left the faces i put 2 hings on one of the drawers and the other just sits on hooks so its easy to just remove and still looks stealth and blocks light i was going to use pie pans as hoods for 26w cfls and use 3-4 26w cfls but didnt no if itll work but this grow and another has showed BIG things with only 3 of them i have very low height but bigger then a pc case so it should work if i lst i got about a bit over 2' of overall space probly 1.5' of grow space so lsting the plant work work i hope:) cheak out my grow journal and give me any tips that will help me please i need anything and
growone are u using this as ur pc case grow journal or r u going to make another tread or? just wanna see someone start there simular sized scale grow as me(im starting in probly 3 weeks max) i still gotta buy some good soil, bulbs, timer, and install them i was thinking ill only need like $10 for soil max, $10 for a timer(bought one before), and probly $10 for lights so $30 total but i didnt no if canadian tire or walmart carry marical gro organic in 8 quart sizes(really small) there both a hour walk from my house and i dont have any wheelz so i gotta work but becuz i go to collage i need a way to get it in my house without parents knowing hope i find out soon peace
keep it up man
and thanks for giving me hope +rep


Well-Known Member
looks good man im starting a indoor stealth dresser micro grow where i chopped out the drawers(onlt 2 cuz its a small scale dresser) and left the faces i put 2 hings on one of the drawers and the other just sits on hooks so its easy to just remove and still looks stealth and blocks light i was going to use pie pans as hoods for 26w cfls and use 3-4 26w cfls but didnt no if itll work but this grow and another has showed BIG things with only 3 of them i have very low height but bigger then a pc case so it should work if i lst i got about a bit over 2' of overall space probly 1.5' of grow space so lsting the plant work work i hope:) cheak out my grow journal and give me any tips that will help me please i need anything and
growone are u using this as ur pc case grow journal or r u going to make another tread or? just wanna see someone start there simular sized scale grow as me(im starting in probly 3 weeks max) i still gotta buy some good soil, bulbs, timer, and install them i was thinking ill only need like $10 for soil max, $10 for a timer(bought one before), and probly $10 for lights so $30 total but i didnt no if canadian tire or walmart carry marical gro organic in 8 quart sizes(really small) there both a hour walk from my house and i dont have any wheelz so i gotta work but becuz i go to collage i need a way to get it in my house without parents knowing hope i find out soon peace
keep it up man
and thanks for giving me hope +rep
sure dope man, just post your link here

i did open another thread down under the cfl forum as a grow log, this is the link:


Well-Known Member
So, that micro grow-are you going straight to 12-12??...Cas im thinking you got such a small space.
i'm planning a lst, the clone should be more predictable in its stretch, want to do a single wrap around the pot, thinking veg to 9 inches, and it should stop stretch at 18 inch, 1 wrap around a 6 inch pot

the jock horror will be 12/12 from the start, or close, maybe 3-5 days of veg