Pablo's Balcony Bagweed Bush


Active Member
Thanks lonleysmoka. Yep, the plant looked good - until the worms took over. It should still give me plenty of smokable bud tho. I'm thinking about spraying my Easyryder with Neem as a preventative measure.

Did the neem oil have any effect on the taste of the bud? When was the last time you sprayed the big bush...just for my own knowledge :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Did the neem oil have any effect on the taste of the bud? When was the last time you sprayed the big bush...just for my own knowledge :mrgreen:
I sprayed Neem on 9/6/09, and sampled a small bud on 9/9/09. It tasted fine to me. And that was after drying it via the microwave. (I looked back at page 6 of my journal where I mentioned it). I'm more worried about the effect of using BT on the flavor.


Active Member
I sprayed Neem on 9/6/09, and sampled a small bud on 9/9/09. It tasted fine to me. And that was after drying it via the microwave. (I looked back at page 6 of my journal where I mentioned it). I'm more worried about the effect of using BT on the flavor.

Ok so dont mean to sound like a newb but what does BT stand for im sure once you tell me I am going hit my self upside the head


Well-Known Member
Well, I started chopping. I've probably cut off a little more than 1/2 the plant already. I'm done for tonight. Here's pics of what I have so far. I strung them up on fishing line at the top of my closet. I should get a small oscillating fan in there.

I really don't enjoy spending all that time picking through the bud removing caterpillars. What a friggin' chore.



Well-Known Member
hey my man that looks darn good to me as a first time grower im stoked off your grow you did well to get what you got off of her man take some pride in that i commend you buds look great are those the buds that are bug free? if so happy token better smokin..where did you get your neem oil im in cali too..peace pot prosparity......


Well-Known Member
hey my man that looks darn good to me as a first time grower im stoked off your grow you did well to get what you got off of her man take some pride in that i commend you buds look great are those the buds that are bug free? if so happy token better smokin..where did you get your neem oil im in cali too..peace pot prosparity......
Thanks stinkbudd1! I found my Neem oil at Lowes.

I chopped and hung up some more bud today. Still got a bit more to go. More of the smaller buds now. After I get all the leaves trimmed off, I go through each branch/bud and inspect for worms. I remove all that I find. I cut out the badly damaged sections, and any section that looks like mold.

I'm not sure how long living worms will remain in drying bud. It won't surprise me if I find more damage once the drying has completed. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I just happened to notice that "Pablo Escobar" is doing drive-by insulting posts in other forums as well. And, they are getting deleted. Must be the admin folks? Thanks!


Well, I started chopping. I've probably cut off a little more than 1/2 the plant already. I'm done for tonight. Here's pics of what I have so far. I strung them up on fishing line at the top of my closet. I should get a small oscillating fan in there.

I really don't enjoy spending all that time picking through the bud removing caterpillars. What a friggin' chore.

Good lookin' nugs man, you gotta post a pic up close when they dry!


Well-Known Member
Here's what the bagseed bush looks like now. Still need to harvest some of the smaller stuff.

And, the Easyryder at day 35. I fully watered the 3 gallon pot (approx. 1 gal of water) and added a bit of BigBloom. I forgot the molasses, not a big deal.

These little plants are amazing. Full of pistils, all frosty and covered in trichs already. Cheers.



great job man, i just read this from
beginning to end and i have to say
your great at playing the waiting
game.... I would have never been
able to wait 7 months for a plant lol

i wanna grow one already
i need seeds


Well-Known Member
great job man, i just read this from
beginning to end and i have to say
your great and playing the waiting
game.... I would have never been
able to wait 7 months for a plant lol

i wanna grow one already
i need seeds
Thanks for stopping by Layzieboy! Waiting wasn't too bad. Getting worms and chopping early kinda sucked.

Buy some seeds, plant them and grow. Cheers.


great job man, i just read this from
beginning to end and i have to say
your great and playing the waiting
game.... I would have never been
able to wait 7 months for a plant lol

i wanna grow one already
i need seeds
It all starts with the seed dude!

The waiting and tending is half the fun! I've learned so much just from growing weed, not only about weed which is a TON, but about the life cycle of plants, the food they eat, how to look out for pests... dude, so much info, seriously!

My first harvest is about to go down, the next couple of weeks or so, I'm just about on track with Pablo's grow, and we both had the same caterpillar problem.

Anyway, I hope you get into it man, it's really a fun hobby. I can't wait to feel what the fruits of my labor produced! bongsmilie

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
I know what you mean. Every time I hit up the local grow shop I cringe at the thought of how much money I could pour on my plants. Im trying to stay totally organic.. as in CHEAP!

Yeah, I was surprised that I had to cough up $15.00 for the fox farm bloom nutes. It could've been a hell of a lot more, tho. I don't mind paying the money that's needed to give me the results I want. But I'd rather not pay for overpriced b.s. that has no basis in science - other than what everyone already knows about.

The young, white, skinny, sullen, indifferent, most likely stoned young gentleman at the hydro store told me that I didn't need the tiger bloom. (They were out of it at the time anyway). I'm hoping he knows what he's talking about. I think it's fine. If I see a N deficiency, I can always give it a boost of fish emulsion.

Here's some pics from the day after doing the feeding. And of my other girl trying to stay cool on the hardwood.
Dude at the hydro store was o so high! i guess you dont 'need' both but for bigger bloom, more taste and smell you need both! great plant thou bro! cant wait to see it done!



Well-Known Member
Dude at the hydro store was o so high! i guess you dont 'need' both but for bigger bloom, more taste and smell you need both! great plant thou bro! cant wait to see it done!
Thanks Blue! Do you have any experience with auto-flowers? It's a bit tricky with the nutes because of the short life span. I think FFOF is a bit what they call "hot", meaning it has some nutes in it.

I guess I'm not sure how much nutes to put into this plant at this point. I've read some threads on it (autoflower resource guide) and several others. I don't believe these small, short lived autoflowers really need a lot of nutes, compared to their non-autoflower counterparts. Any advice appreciated. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
The balcony bush buds are still hanging in my closet. I checked them today, but the stems didn't "snap" like they should. I only checked the first batch I trimmed and hung because they've been in there longer. I had a fan on them for about 2 days, but turned it off because I was advised it would make my buds dry out too quickly. It is starting to smell sweeter in my closet, the grassy smell is waning.

Here's the Easyryder at day 38. It's vegetative growth has really slowed down if not stopped completely. But, the pistils continue to grow and it's covered in trichs. I'm assuming it is somewhat stunted because I started it this late in the season. Cheers.



Well-Known Member
There's no more grassy smell in my drying closet. I bent some stems, and they aren't completely dry to the point that they snap in two, but they are getting pretty dry. The buds have some give to them, and not completely dried out, so I think it may be time to start curing some of it. Any thoughts? It's been a week now since some of it started drying, in SoCal, temps outside have been mid-80's. Cheers.


There's no more grassy smell in my drying closet. I bent some stems, and they aren't completely dry to the point that they snap in two, but they are getting pretty dry. The buds have some give to them, and not completely dried out, so I think it may be time to start curing some of it. Any thoughts? It's been a week now since some of it started drying, in SoCal, temps outside have been mid-80's. Cheers.

How's the density on your buds Pablo? Mine are a little fluffy, I hear molases works good, did you use anything to fatten em up?

I also cut two of mine down a while ago, they dried really quick, I'd guess yours are dry enough by now, you could throw em in the cure.