Was Jesus a stoner?


jesus, not so sure about, but as for the all mighty creator god i like to think so
lol why else would he create such a beautiful plant with somany usefull applications
along with smoking lol


Well-Known Member
Mandrake was a widely used hallucinogenic drug amongst the Israelites and gaines several mentions in the bible.

a quick google search came up with that lol, but all evidence suggests he either smoked weed which was normal for the time and place or contacted highed when it was burned as incense at temples


Well-Known Member
there is a verse that procalaimes grass for the serviice of cattle.,ill lo0k for it.,./././././.

Genesis 1:11 - "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

Genesis 3:18 - "... thou shalt eat the herb of the field."

Proverbs 15:17 - "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith."

Psalms 104:14 - "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man."

also the holy annointing oil contains herb,myrrh,cinnoman.,and one or two more things i cant think of off top.,.,it is also used as insence in temples,in the sort of way u see in cathlic service when insence is burned in a "chalice" .,..,.lo0k in the bo0k and read with ure own lips/mind/eyes


Well-Known Member
if you have nothing to add constructive.,.,then move along.,.,not come talk with a donkey jawbone.,.,:dunce:
I thought we were having a conversation regarding mythical creatures drug intake. You don't think jesus was real, do you? Sorry, bro ... :(
Back on topic - I was speaking with my boy at my local head shop and he was saying how a leprechaun came in the other day inquiring about a WeedStar triple perc. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude didn't you know?! he was a major bake-head, I should know, I was visited by a voice within a burning plant; it spoke to me (in Tommy Chongs voice) he told me to take off my shoes, kick your feet up and toke up and chill like jesus did.

Yeah THATS what Jesus did!

Now go forth and smoke thyn ganj-o-god.


Well-Known Member
I heard Santa Claus get's the illest hash and unicorns typically stick to pills. ;)
I heard that the tale of santa claus actually came from a drug the reindeer ate and if you drank their piss you get high.

a feeling of flying is included in this high lol and thus the legend spawns.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking he was more of a drinker... water to wine. If he was smoker he would've done the old dandelion to weed trick.

Seriously though, I personally don't have any problem believing there was jesus, and a santa claus (saint nicholas). Both men might have done some great things in their lives, and the stories got embellished to compete with other myths/religions. (Weren't almost all of the jesus tales just stolen straight from older myths/religions?).

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking he was more of a drinker... water to wine. If he was smoker he would've done the old dandelion to weed trick.

Seriously though, I personally don't have any problem believing there was jesus, and a santa claus (saint nicholas). Both men might have done some great things in their lives, and the stories got embellished to compete with other myths/religions. (Weren't almost all of the jesus tales just stolen straight from older myths/religions?).
If Jesus isn't who he said he was then he was a liar and I don't need him, but how to explain all the miracles? I'm talking from experience here, not fairy tales.

Usually your reputation precedes you, so if he was full of shit, there would be volume written about it. instead his disciples continued to spread the word, even to the death.