8x1000 watts CO2 Hydro grow Jacks Back


Well-Known Member
First off I wanted to start a new Journal This will be my second grow my first grow was a huge sucess pulled 11.5 off 6 x1000 watts you can check it out the link is in my sig.. This is my set up Sealed room no in or out vents 24,000 BTU AC unit ,2 HP chill King Chiller colling 4 Ice boxes 2 for every row of lights water temp 45 deg, Co2 at 1500 ppm the entire grow,Sentinal controler,4- 3'x6' Drain to waist tabels with Drippers , This allows the plants to get fresh nutriance every day,150 gallon rez,12 Air stones ,Commercial Dehumidafier, I am also re using all my water from my ac and my dehumidafier this is the same as RO water at 0 PPM. This grow will be BUBBA KUSH X MASTER KUSH, SFV KUSH [Swerve],QUERKLE. Once the plants hit 12" They will be flipped This will also be a SCROG grow.This grow will go to the medical community after losing my dad to cancer and seeing what this wonderful medicine did for him I am on a mission to help others.....



Well-Known Member
Here is the Nutrience I am using for week 1. I will try my best to keep this logged I have had great sucess with this set up .WEEK 1,MAGICAL 200 PPM, ROOTS EXCELERATOR,VERMI-T,PIRANAHA,CANNAZYM,SENSI GROW A+B TOTAL 800PPM. If you notice the roots get great attention the entire grow. There is one product that stands out and I will never grow with out , ROOTS EXCELERATOR This will blow your roots out over night!!!!


Well-Known Member
Subscribing,If you don't mind if I take a seat,and just hang out.Your last Jack was very good , I actually learned alot .:peace:


Well-Known Member
This is going to be one beautiful grow and it's for something positive all-together.. So rock on bro!!


Well-Known Member
First off I wanted to start a new Journal This will be my second grow my first grow was a huge sucess pulled 11.5 off 6 x1000 watts you can check it out the link is in my sig.. This is my set up Sealed room no in or out vents 24,000 BTU AC unit ,2 HP chill King Chiller colling 4 Ice boxes 2 for every row of lights water temp 45 deg, Co2 at 1500 ppm the entire grow,Sentinal controler,4- 3'x6' Drain to waist tabels with Drippers , This allows the plants to get fresh nutriance every day,150 gallon rez,12 Air stones ,Commercial Dehumidafier, I am also re using all my water from my ac and my dehumidafier this is the same as RO water at 0 PPM. This grow will be BUBBA KUSH X MASTER KUSH, SFV KUSH [Swerve],QUERKLE. Once the plants hit 12" They will be flipped This will also be a SCROG grow.This grow will go to the medical community after losing my dad to cancer and seeing what this wonderful medicine did for him I am on a mission to help others.....
Why scrog with a setup like that? You can easily get six oz per plant or more with that much light.


Well-Known Member
scribed+ for sure jack. last grow was great and gonna pay more attention to detial with this setup since the owner at my local hydro store is pushin me to lean towards this exact setup (smaller scale due to my legal limit) but using the 1000ws and drain table with c02 etc. so hope u dont mind me asking ??s and shit. goodluck!


Well-Known Member
Jack just making a observation ,and I have a question.The'' lights hoods/reflectors "that are farthest away from you were your originals,correct? and the ones that are closest to you in the pic are the ones you added,my question is they seem to be different in size was this out of necessity or you decided to just change?

Maybe it's the camera angle,or the way there in series together but looking at the pic it looks to me the "originals"have a better light spread against the wall,or are you using different bulbs also?


Well-Known Member
Hey Jack...Awesome grow you got going... I'm scribing to it...because it's the opposite of my pet hate...pc grows...... :^)


Just went over your entire last grow . . took a while but a couple :joint: and I was good. I learned a lot and took more notes than ever. I will be starting my first grow in a couple weeks and you, DaGambler, and a couple others have been a big inspiration. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Why scrog with a setup like that? You can easily get six oz per plant or more with that much light.
I am going to give it a try and see how it goes I wanna see what kind of # I can pull with less veg time ..:mrgreen:
scribed+ for sure jack. last grow was great and gonna pay more attention to detial with this setup since the owner at my local hydro store is pushin me to lean towards this exact setup (smaller scale due to my legal limit) but using the 1000ws and drain table with c02 etc. so hope u dont mind me asking ??s and shit. goodluck!
Do it!! If you can drain to waist..:blsmoke:
Jack just making a observation ,and I have a question.The'' lights hoods/reflectors "that are farthest away from you were your originals,correct? and the ones that are closest to you in the pic are the ones you added,my question is they seem to be different in size was this out of necessity or you decided to just change?
Maybe it's the camera angle,or the way there in series together but looking at the pic it looks to me the "originals"have a better light spread against the wall,or are you using different bulbs also?
The Magnun xxl are huge I could not fit 2 more so I opted for a smaller fixture. Its gonna be a good test to see the difference in yield same strain same nutes different lighting pattern...:mrgreen:
I hate pc grows too subscribed........
Thanks to every one who subscribed gonna do my best to document every thing so we can all learn along the way..:mrgreen: I was going through one 35 lb co2 bottle a week so I upgraded to a water cooled co2 generator burning propane pics coming ...bongsmilie:blsmoke:Here is a link to the liquid cooled co2 generator http://www.hydroinnovations.com/product2.htm . Here is a link to the 2 hp chill king chiller.http://www.hydroinnovations.com/product9.htm