Saggy Titties!!!! Pics, Pics, and more pics

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I thought the title would get your attention......Since your hear, you might as well try to help a fellow grower with problems.

Drooping leaves, Lower leaves dying, turning yellow wih dark dead spots. Lower leaves falling off. Did I mention DROOPY LEAVES!

Solutions that I have tried:
1. Thought it may have been overwatering, so I let the rockwool completly dry out before watering (w/ nutes, aquashield, superthrive, and root 66) didn't work still drooping
2. I let the rockwool dry again, and I flushed with distilled water a drop of superthrive and 1ml/gallon of root 66 (helps promote healthy root system)
Still drooping

  • They are in a growbox called PRODUCER from BCNorthern Lights.
  • It is a 10 gal. hydro set up. I have 4 air stones and 2 water pumps in the res.
  • temp in the res. is 68f.
  • temp in the box is usually in the 70f - low 80f.
  • I have 2 fans supplying air and a cool humidifier to add some humidity.
  • Humidity ranges from 30-50. I try to foliar spray when low.
  • I have two 400watt MH and one 200watt cool blue CFL. I also have T5 lights on the bottom for lower leaves. (see set up in pics)
  • PH in res fluctuates between 5.5 - 6.3 sometimes higher, but not alot.
  • PPM is 370 sometimes less.
I hope I have provided enough information for you guys to help. I have spent a lot of money to get this shit going. Please help me if you can. try to know what you are talking about. YOu can see I know a little about growing. The last thing I need is someone who doesn't know what they are talking about, have me doing all kinds of dumb shit making matters worse. I thank you in advance for all the help.



Well-Known Member
wow dude fuck yes great info holy fuck teacher everyone to give us this kind of info and things would go soo much smoother +rep for compatince

but as for ur gonna say a neut problem thats about all i can recall that gives droping besides the watering issue so hold up on the neuts.....and maybe but just maybe theres not enough air in the water and or over watering?


Well-Known Member
You should have made your own box, I bet you got raped on the price. And no offense man but the plants look bad considering you prob just dropped a couple grand on that thing. Just goes to show you that you can't buy a green thumb. Your ppms seem a little low also, I would bump it up a little

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
You should have made your own box, I bet you got raped on the price. And no offense man but the plants look bad considering you prob just dropped a couple grand on that thing. Just goes to show you that you can't buy a green thumb. Your ppms seem a little low also, I would bump it up a little
Wow your a FAG! instead of trying to help. you just talk shit.

All you have is bump up the PPM.

Your supposed to be a vet. c'mon man.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings early sprouts: 100-250 ppm
Early vegging: 300-400 ppm
Full vegging: 450-700 ppm
Early blooming: 750-950 ppm
Full mature plants: 100-1600 ppm

To get the ppm of your nutes you must subtract the amount of ppms your water had in it to begin with

And yeah I am a fucking vet don't talk shit look at what I just typed up

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Seedlings early sprouts: 100-250 ppm
Early vegging: 300-400 ppm
Full vegging: 450-700 ppm
Early blooming: 750-950 ppm
Full mature plants: 100-1600 ppm

To get the ppm of your nutes you must subtract the amount of ppms your water had in it to begin with

And yeah I am a fucking vet don't talk shit look at what I just typed up

Now that's what I am talking about. Thanks so much. I will do that. When is the best time for me to do so.


Well-Known Member
I would bump up the nutes to around 500 and see how they react, if they still look a little pale and hungry up the ppms some more

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Seedlings early sprouts: 100-250 ppm
Early vegging: 300-400 ppm
Full vegging: 450-700 ppm
Early blooming: 750-950 ppm
Full mature plants: 100-1600 ppm

To get the ppm of your nutes you must subtract the amount of ppms your water had in it to begin with

And yeah I am a fucking vet don't talk shit look at what I just typed up

Thanks again. don't be mad man. I just need help. I didn't need all the extra you waisted your money bs. Thanks for the help, I really needed it.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
When should I feed them. I just flushed them all out yesterday.

Should I wait for the rockwool to dry out first.

I measured ppm in the res. and it was 400. Problem is, is that not all of the plants roots hit the water. But the ones that do are still droopy. Should I add nutes to the water immidiately. Thanks for the help again. Sorry for the attitude man. I am just so frustrated because I have spent so much money and I can't get this shit right. Also I am getting a different diagnosis from everyone. So I don't want to make matters worse. I hope you know what I mean. Thanks again.


New Member
When should I feed them. I just flushed them all out yesterday.

Should I wait for the rockwool to dry out first.

I measured ppm in the res. and it was 400. Problem is, is that not all of the plants roots hit the water. But the ones that do are still droopy. Should I add nutes to the water immidiately. Thanks for the help again. Sorry for the attitude man. I am just so frustrated because I have spent so much money and I can't get this shit right. Also I am getting a different diagnosis from everyone. So I don't want to make matters worse. I hope you know what I mean. Thanks again.
r those roots stained brown or r they mushy?


Well-Known Member
What nutes do you have and what is in the mix right now. How much nutes to how many gallons of water and what nutes? I read something about root66 so are you using Technaflora's Recipe for Success?

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Sensi Grow A&B 20ml/10 Gallons
Aqua shield 90ml /10 gallon (Liquid compost solution)
Cannazym 90ml / 10 Gallon
Root 66 25ml
Superthrive 7ml / 10 gallon


Well-Known Member
First off ditch the superthrive, you use that crap on your houseplants not your real garden hahah
I think the root 66 is dark colored correct? If so that is what is making your roots dark so you have nothing to worry about there if that is the case
Is cannazyme similar to hygrozyme? If so than that is good
I am not too familiar with the sensi grow a + b or the aquashield...
I think you should maybe change out your rez and start off with a new mix pHed to 5.8 and around 500 ppms


Well-Known Member
i love those producers, it would be perfect for me if it wasn't for the price tag

explosive root growth it looks