RIU seems like its turning into others now..


oh come on, i didnt insult anybody. all i said was mods are out of control, dont disagree with them, more of a warning than an insult, just because i say someone doesnt have control of something doesnt mean i disrespect them anyless or want to be insulting, just saying, they lack the necessary command for the duty at hand, not like ''you out of control drug addict with problems'' i did not mean it like that

edit - and i love rollitup. my disagreement is with the way people hired by rollitup handle CERTAIN situations, that is all if i didnt like it here i wouldnt come on and waste my time telling shit to people who wont listen to me anyways :peace:


Well-Known Member
oh come on, i didnt insult anybody. all i said was mods are out of control, dont disagree with them, more of a warning than an insult, just because i say someone doesnt have control of something doesnt mean i disrespect them anyless or want to be insulting, just saying, they lack the necessary command for the duty at hand, not like ''you out of control drug addict with problems'' i did not mean it like that

edit - and i love rollitup. my disagreement is with the way people hired by rollitup handle CERTAIN situations, that is all if i didnt like it here i wouldnt come on and waste my time telling shit to people who wont listen to me anyways :peace:

now you just disagreed with me, yet you're still here. :eyesmoke: bongsmilie :mrgreen:

nobody here is "hired", we do this for free.


i dont know any moderator that is hired for pay, i think you misunderstood me i should of used a different word sorry, if you do something for someone free or not, it is being hired, hired for pay, hired for volunteer, thats what i meant i guess :peace: anyways, yea i guess if i were you i would of banned me by now, thank god im not a rollitup mod.


Well-Known Member
i dont know any moderator that is hired for pay, i think you misunderstood me i should of used a different word sorry, if you do something for someone free or not, it is being hired, hired for pay, hired for volunteer, thats what i meant i guess :peace: anyways, yea i guess if i were you i would of banned me by now, thank god im not a rollitup mod.
we aren't "hired", we are "CHOSEN". :cool:

you do realize i'm being stoned with you, don't you? :-P


lol yea if i thought you were serious i would of given up 3 and a half posts ago :D i love this place, maybe someday you can take me under your wing and i can be fdd3blk and be the next best moderator


Well-Known Member
lol yea if i thought you were serious i would of given up 3 and a half posts ago :D i love this place, maybe someday you can take me under your wing and i can be fdd3blk and be the next best moderator

if i were serious you wouldn't have made it 3 posts. lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
Grow opium!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
i unbanned him. if he comes back and fucks up, it's on YOU. :fire:

guy claimed to be growing 20 acres of poppies. gets everybody interested. says he's got a bunch. then offers some up. he had only been a member for a few weeks. ANY solicitation of ANY kind is grounds for banning. just because others may "joke" about it, does not mean it's allowed.

:eyesmoke: :peace:


i like the analogy, i can see both fdd both as a big creepy bald dude and the emperor of rome.....creepy:confused:


Well-Known Member
Too all the treasonesss member !!!!
who chhose to go against the site ....
threatin ... seeek to ruin it
this site who has raised you LIKE A MOTHAR ...LIKE A FETUS IN THE WOMB...
nurished you .....
gave you the knowledge too grow fat buds...




Well-Known Member
I'm just here to help, and get tips. You can usually find what you're looking for without posting a topic about it. The only way you're really going to have a solid knowledge base it to read up on the subject yourself, so you know what ideas will work, and the ones that won't.

There is no reason to get offensive because somebody asked a stupid question. Everyone is new to it at some point.