HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
To humid to dry but tempeture just right and no money to buy a dehumidifier. my dry box reads 70% humid and 65 degree F. what to do?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Do you have a closet? or a different place that isnt so humid? if u do check the humidity in those areas

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
hey thanx for responding so quick yea i just switch it to my upstairs closet and its at 65% but i also check the weather channel and it said today will be very humid


Well-Known Member
ya a fan would help , but also as a snake breeder RH can be very hard to lower espically when adding moist plant matter to a alrdy damp room, so if u start out lower then u have less risks for a crazy RH


Active Member
If you can totally seal off a dry box you could get some "damp rid". It comes in small white buckets. It is in granular form. Really simple to use. It absorbs a lot of moisture. They sell it at walmart home depot lowes etc...We used to use it to dry mushrooms in big rubbermaid bins. It will work and its cheap!


Active Member
Yea we used coolers also. The key is air tight. The coolers took a little longer because they weren't air tight.

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
really ive read on other forums that in the dry area you need some type of air circulating so it dosent build up any type of mold but then again dont believe everything you read


Active Member
We would check them and clean them every 3-4 days. Basically what you do is set up 2 shelfs in the container made of screen. 1 about 4 inche above the other. On the lowest screen you spread the damp rid across the entire thing about an inch deep. Then you put in your top shelf and lay what you want to dry on that. The damp rid absorbs moisture and disintegrates into liquid goes through the screen and collects at the bottom of the container so you need to empty it and start fresh every 3-4 days. The first time we tried all the damp rid was gone when we opened it and we were like wtf until we saw how much liquid was at the bottom. Then it all made sense, lol!!

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
ok well i just checked the humidity in the cooler and its higher then if it was in the closet im talking about going from 70% to 85%. air tight igloo cooler. question whats a damp rid????

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
ok i understand but heres my question about dampRid how much humidity dose it take away from the room lets just say if the room is at 70% will take away 10 15 or 20% cuz im looking to put it in my basement.
desicant is extremely absorbant! people use it to dry out their basements when they flood if that tells you anything! weve had a lot of success using it with mushrooms too but never tried it with herb. just use a sealed container and start out with a small amount of the damp rid, cause i think too much of it would leave you with some super crispy shrivled up ganja! you know what man you could probably just use a closet like you were goin to but to lower the humidity you could try speading out some newspaper on the floor with some damp off speaad on top of it or maybe even a few buckets with damp off in them and have a fan circulating the air. that might work better, youd probably get a slower more even cure that way and the damp off would absorb all that extra moisture in the air and help your buds dry. just pick up a decent hygrometer if you dont have one to check humidity levels. id put the damp off in the closet for a day before adding the buds and see how much that drops the humidty in there first. if it works throw the buds in there and get your dry on homie!

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
:blsmoke:hey guys thanx for all the response but i gather some money and went to best buy and got a dehumidifier cuz i dont want to lose any getting very tired of buying and dealing with the black market. keep on smokingbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Haha...Glad you came to that conclusion yourself. How did no one say "buy a dehumidifier?" Or a portable A/C they work well as dehumidifiers and keep temps down.

I wouldn't use "Damp Rid" or any of those kind of products. They have a tendancy to get shit REAL dry. Not so much the air, but the actual buds. The moisture will suck out of them way too quick.

Dehumidifier is definitely the best answer and they are like what $70? Don't risk $100's or (hopefully $1000's) of buds over a $70 dehumidifier.

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
ok now i have one more problem humidity is right but now the temp is at 80 degree and i know its supposed to be around 65 to 75, will i see a big diffrence in taste and potence?


Well-Known Member
It's just going to to dry quicker. That generally means that you'll dry it for a shorter period of time and need a longer "cure" sorta speak. Hang them to dry and do what you can and if they are dry in 3 days instead of 7 it's okay, not ideal, but it's okay. Don't let them get crispy dry while hanging though and then get them into jars.

What I do is leave them in the jars overnight and open the jar in the morning. If there is any visible sign of moisutre on the jar (ie condensation) I know they were really wet and I will leave them for 8 hours with the lid off. The close it and let it go out hours closed. I flip flop 8 hour open and 8 hours closed until they start to dry out a bit more.

Then it's just jars closed and I open the lids 3-4 times/day to exchange the air and avoid mold.

The key is to dry the buds evenly and slowly, drawing the moisture from the center of the buds out to the outer leaves and allowing it to get nicely and evenly dry. Too fast and the outside gets crispy and the middle is wet and it'll smell like hay.

It should continue to smell like wet grass for a few days in the jars before the smell starts to really come around again.

LaZy GeNeRaL

Active Member
hey laser you been very helpful thank you. if it drys fast and cures 1,2 weeks will the bud have high potency or will it smell like hay and taste like hay?