Thought she was ready to flush...then(pics!!)


Well-Known Member
Um thats just normal girly they will go through spurts, just when you think they are done walla theres more growth thats why your so much wiser than lots. This is the point you start asking not just jumping to conclusions and chopping early. Pay attention to not only the top of the cola but everything else cause the white hairs are a symbol of her still growing and filling out I would give it another couple weeks. How long has she been flowering??


Active Member
Thanks for reply Haze...and that is a very good question! I really haven't kept good track, but it has to be at least OVER 12 weeks. I grow outside, and had a real bad cold snap towards the end of everything got messed up!! I brought them inside and stuff, but the plant I had only grew to about a foot, pretty crappy too!


Well-Known Member
Shes been fl;owering for 12 weeks roughly from signs of flowers or when you cut the light to 12 12?? What strain is she??


Active Member
Just regular ole bagseed...and yeah, she got real stressed during a cold snap! I grow outside, so she just gets regular sun. I've been giving molasses here and there, went through half a small jar so far. But I shouldn't give her anymore nutes, right? I was just using organic.


Well-Known Member
You can pump nutes until about the last 10 days youll wanna flush with straight phd water and molasses. Sativas usually go for the longer flowering so you could have sativa dom. genes keep the N at around 5 or 10 ml per gallon at the end of flower and then of course the other flowering nutes.


Active Member
Thanks for all the great advice! Will do! Last year, I harvested a tad early, and got fluffy buds, but an amazing high! Want to do better this time around!


Well-Known Member
Jersy go to the Harvesting and Curing click on it and then read the STICKY Thread by FDD2BLK it will help you out alot.


Well-Known Member
Im happy to hear that, go check out the thread and then when you get done hit me up and tell me what you think. Dont forget!!


Well-Known Member
never judge maturity by the pistels. go by the trichromes and typically when the trichromes start to turn amber then its a good time to start flush.