Dead Man ...


Well-Known Member
Yes, the true impact of this execution will only be known in due course.
It's gonna be interesting to see how it plays out!


New Member
Personally, I think its a GOOD thing. The only bad part about it was that it wasn't a public hanging right in the middle of Iraq, and televised on the big screen in Time's Square.

Can we make Pajama Boy next?



Well-Known Member
Yea, I tend to agree, Vi, I think it will play out to the US's benefit....maybe?, that would be a nice change!


Well-Known Member
don't think it would be a good idea for public due to the antagonization factor. yes people will be pissed over him dying, probably a small number though, but putting him on public television to hang at high noon would be a no-no. we would love to see it and it would give us a boast of confidence though; however, it would outraged other organizations that maybe didn't side with him but agree with his cause against us.


New Member
A world-wide, televised public hanging would be a great disincentive for other Islamofascist dictators. Especially ones who would like to see the demise of the West, don't you all think? Perhaps the president of Iran is thinking twice about his nuclear weapons development plans? Perhaps Ted Kennedy is thinking about hanging it up?



Well-Known Member
no doubt old ted kennedy has to go it is time to move along and let a new buck stop there as old teddy used to say, well he sorta said that, fuck it it is close enough lol


Well-Known Member
A world-wide, televised public hanging would be a great disincentive for other Islamofascist dictators.

only problem with that Vi, is that most of them believe in an eye for an eye. And having the dictator that we have, he would continue to up the ante until we end up in a nuclear holocaust.


New Member
A world-wide, televised public hanging would be a great disincentive for other Islamofascist dictators.

only problem with that Vi, is that most of them believe in an eye for an eye. And having the dictator that we have, he would continue to up the ante until we end up in a nuclear holocaust.
Naw ... Teddy Kennedy's ambitions to be a dictator are well past. Just give the guy a bottle of Chivas Regal and he'll stay out of the way. *lol*



New Member
only problem with that Vi, is that most of them believe in an eye for an eye. And having the dictator that we have, he would continue to up the ante until we end up in a nuclear holocaust.
I think you've nailed it. We, the big bad USA have started an escalation of world furor the likes never seen before. We Unilaterely attacked a country(Islamic) without provocation and executed it's leader. Do you think there will be reprisals? DUH!


New Member
Earth to Med ...

In spite of what you read at the left-wing blogs, Saddam was a weapon of mass destruction unto himself. And to say that we attacked Saddam without provocation is rediculous. U.N. Resolution 1441 ring a bell with you, Medd?




New Member
Earth to Med ...

In spite of what you read at the left-wing blogs, Saddam was a weapon of mass destruction unto himself. And to say that we attacked Saddam without provocation is rediculous. U.N. Resolution 1441 ring a bell with you, Medd?

He was well contained and the Middle East was at a level of peace unknown since the invasion. We've done no good in Iraq, contrary to what all the right wing bloggers want you to believe. This a "for profit War" period! Please tell me what the slaughter of an estimated 100-800 thousand Iraqis have added to the positivity you always talk about on this planet, and the death and maiming of nearly 26,000 GI.s, 3,000 dead the rest maimed. Tell me the positives of Iraq. A deposed dictator, hogwash, Iraq was much better off with Sadam in charge. Remember when he was our great friend. Cheney and Haliburton started this war for billions in profit, you know it and I know it, and who gets left holding the proverbial Bag, you guessed it the US taxpayer, in blood and treasure, us common folks get screwed!


New Member
"and who gets left holding the proverbial Bag, you guessed it the US taxpayer, in blood and treasure, us common folks get screwed!"

Your political principles are very flexable, Med.



New Member
Your political principles are very flexable, Med. Survival is primary. Not liking something is one thing but if Nazis were roaming the streets (not too far fetched of an Idea these days) I would be the first to Sig-Heil the idiots, so I could stay out of the system and work from without their demise! Being incarcerated for a trivial thing might impinge on your ability to do good things, hence, flexibility! If you are the authority, I'll tell you what you want to hear, even if it's 180 from my ideals, when you turn your back, then like a termite, I'll be chipping away at your foundation. Flexibility rules! I'll not run from you though, fire away, just don't expect me to do your research for you!