what are the odds you will get cought with this


Well-Known Member
well i was thinking what are the odds if i open a florist shop but i have weed in the back and i mix it with other flowers could this work could i get cought if the bbb-better business bureau came could i hide this if i can i could open a shop in hideing i would not be selling in the shop just a sub for a grow room i think it would be good hideing spot selling flowers what would be the odds who would espect weed growing in a florist shop


Active Member
Ummm, so exactly which kind of rose smells like that? Im paranoid, so Id say... GO FOR IT!


Well-Known Member
lol no rose smells like that the weed will be in the back and the roses and other flowers will the the cover up and

kage its illegal to sell weed and why does it matter well flowers need water and light so leaving the light on at the florist isnt a biggie but if i had a comic show i leave the light on for a year they would say wth thats why im going with flowers i think i try to figure the big picture


Calyx LED
Why not a hydroponics or indoor growing store? You could have whatever plants you want in there, plus all the equip.


Well-Known Member
Why not a hydroponics or indoor growing store? You could have whatever plants you want in there, plus all the equip.
That would be a terrible idea. Most hydro stores go to lengths to distance themselves from blatantly advertising that their equipment is intended for ganja growing. How do you think the other shop owners would react if you are risking their livelihood by giving hydro stores a bad name if you get caught.


it's not like most florist shops have plants growing under bright ass hps lighting though... if you hid the plants in the back of the shop then it would be irrelevant what type of shop you have. but, why would you go through all the trouble of opening a business just to cover a grow when you could do it in your house where there would hopefully be a lot less people passing through??
lol wow this is one of the most ( insert derogatory adjective of your choice here ) ideas ive seen posted here.. Open a store and grow weed in the back? Sure , yea go for it..