Broke rule # 1, now what?


Ok my wifes friends boyfriend and I had a few too many beers Saturday night, as waxed as I was and he was I decided to show him my set up. Well I had 2 awesome plants of Master Kush growing.

Within a few weeks of harvest, well my wife nad her friend had a falling out on Monday and maybe its just me being paranoid some things she had left on Facebook made me think that her boyfriend told her what was going on.

So I decided to pull'em and go dump them in a cornfield along with 2 lbs of cannibutter and a QP of good bud.

Now my question is this; If they did call the police what could happen, since I have removed everything off my property what could the police actually do. Take someones word for it or not. What do you think?:cuss:


Active Member
Ok my wifes friends boyfriend and I had a few too many beers Saturday night, as waxed as I was and he was I decided to show him my set up. Well I had 2 awesome plants of Master Kush growing.

Within a few weeks of harvest, well my wife nad her friend had a falling out on Monday and maybe its just me being paranoid some things she had left on Facebook made me think that her boyfriend told her what was going on.

So I decided to pull'em and go dump them in a cornfield along with 2 lbs of cannibutter and a QP of good bud.

Now my question is this; If they did call the police what could happen, since I have removed everything off my property what could the police actually do. Take someones word for it or not. What do you think?:cuss:

Sister in law was a DA and now does private criminal. No evidence, no worries.

What are they going to arrest you on someones word? Please we would all be in jail if thats how the system worked!!!

Relax ( so where is this corn feild JK)


Well-Known Member
for real go back and get it even the butter if it hasnt been too many days butter still good too i wouldnt worry but u learned a valuable lesson, tell no one


He may have been cool, but its always best not to tell anyone you grow.


Well-Known Member
Damn you should have known better to involve shit starting woman!LoL!I think almost every bust is a female ratting or is some how involved.Bitches love drama.Old ladies looking out the window,Ex girl friend,Associate you piss of so she tips the police on and on.NEVER EVER do that again.What was the spat about between the two girls?I bet some super stupid female shit.


Active Member
fuck it dude better safe then sorry......... i'm faceing 9 yrs.... lost my job.... and down and out as can be..... no plant it is worth the fuck penatlys the gorv. puts on it.....
Damn you should have known better to involve shit starting woman!LoL!I think almost every bust is a female ratting or is some how involved.Bitches love drama.Old ladies looking out the window,Ex girl friend,Associate you piss of so she tips the police on and on.NEVER EVER do that again.What was the spat about between the two girls?I bet some super stupid female shit.
Excuse me? "Bitches love drama"? Am I a bitch because I'm a lady? I don't think so. I see what kind of guy you are. Have some respect for the ladies. We aren't here to be bitches n hoes. :???:


Well-Known Member
yea gotta agree! u fd up. but u and mr. 9 years (\/\/\/\/\/) need to seriously invest in a medi card!!! great investment!!


Well-Known Member
You took the stuff out of your home and paniked for no reason. Even if they turned you in that's simply not enough evidence to get a search warrant period.

The police would have to find something else like flir evidence or incriminating garbage or indoor growing shit outside or something like that in order to even get a search warrant to enter your home.

Do you know what you need to defeat flir? The sun... Grow only during the day and they can't even use the flir to see your grow period because it doesn't work at all during the day.

Do you know you aren't even supposed to open the door any time the police show up, that you don't have to unless they say they have a search warrant you are under no obligation to talk to them or open the door.

You seriously need to do your homework on this stuff. It's your life on the line basically you are talking about and if you're going to be breaking the law you damn well should know everything there is to know about your rights and all the in's and out's of what to do in situations like this. If you think I am overreacting I'm not. One simple drug charge and your life can never again quite be what it used to be job wise, and in turn every other way etc let alone prison or jail or relationships lost etc.

On youtube there's a video by Barry somethingorother about this kind of stuff, just search barry marijuana or something like that. Or up at the top of the screen here is a link that looks like a question mark. Click it, go to the law section, read, go to norml's website and look for laws in your state, read... Do not just rely on my advice or anyone elses, get your information right for sure first hand. You can even go to your state's web page for one of it's government offices and there will be laws you can read verbatim online, read... Google will help you find those.

I know why you panicked and don't blame you one bit, but at the same time you didn't have to stop or move or loose anything had you known what you need to know already.


Well-Known Member
You took the stuff out of your home and paniked for no reason. Even if they turned you in that's simply not enough evidence to get a search warrant period.

The police would have to find something else like flir evidence or incriminating garbage or indoor growing shit outside or something like that in order to even get a search warrant to enter your home.

Do you know what you need to defeat flir? The sun... Grow only during the day and they can't even use the flir to see your grow period because it doesn't work at all during the day.

Do you know you aren't even supposed to open the door any time the police show up, that you don't have to unless they say they have a search warrant you are under no obligation to talk to them or open the door.

You seriously need to do your homework on this stuff. It's your life on the line basically you are talking about and if you're going to be breaking the law you damn well should know everything there is to know about your rights and all the in's and out's of what to do in situations like this. On youtube there's a video by Barry somethingorother about this kind of stuff, just search barry marijuana or something like that. Or up at the top of the screen here is a link that looks like a question mark. Click it, go to the law section, read...
yea u dont HAVE 2 answer the door er nuthin.


Well-Known Member
where is the qp at? ill go check on it for you ;)

No worries.. its just hear say.. but dont grow for a while until things cool off... if your in a small town then word spreads fast as a grower, user, dealer, etc.... in a bigger city they prob just brush it off

I fucked up the other night and brought 1 small plant out to show my gf's friends... i was tanked and now i totally regret it.. although i smoked with her 2 friends (man and his gf) Im now worried more about me running my mouth again then of them turning me in... i got the "running mouth problem" where i gotta brag once in a great while and cant help it ... im desperatly tryin to control my mouth.. its just that growing is so freakin fun for me i want other people to enjoy it to.. but some other people wouldnt see this as enjoyment but rather very criminal and might turn us in

LOL thanx all, yeah the QP is stashed so it is accessable to me.


You broke: Ruls numba one. Nuff said.
Why dump the stuff? You doan have any buddies that would hold it, or someone you would rather GIVE IT TO than dump it?
I had a buddy in the early 80's. He and his brothers were moving a lot of dope. Eventually, he told his wife and wouldn't ya know, she gets the ass about something (Yes, like you bitches do) and told the Man about the loaded Winnebago parked up the street, which lead to some other larger get the picture. If you can not be secretive with this, you are in the wrong hobby.
Loose phucking lips........put your ass in prison.


Well-Known Member
I would have gotten rid of everything as well. What i would do now is get a hold of that guy and have a lengthy chat. Try and find out if he did indeed tell his girl. If he did, then youre fucked because she will without a doubt tell someone else which means you shouldnt grow again for a long time. I would even consider moving because someone she told could decide to rob you. Anyway, if you think he didnt then try and get him involved in the operation some how. Offer him insanely cheap prices or really anything like that to give him incentive not to blab. Because dudes like to yap too.


Active Member
Ok my wifes friends boyfriend and I had a few too many beers Saturday night, as waxed as I was and he was I decided to show him my set up. Well I had 2 awesome plants of Master Kush growing.

Within a few weeks of harvest, well my wife nad her friend had a falling out on Monday and maybe its just me being paranoid some things she had left on Facebook made me think that her boyfriend told her what was going on.

So I decided to pull'em and go dump them in a cornfield along with 2 lbs of cannibutter and a QP of good bud.

Now my question is this; If they did call the police what could happen, since I have removed everything off my property what could the police actually do. Take someones word for it or not. What do you think?:cuss:
U a gangster, thats how u live to fight another day. the equipment not illeagle, plant some vegatables or something. have no evidence.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
dude ur crazy u cant jus tell ppl shit like that cuz thats what happens u get paranoid rip ur shit up for no reason and not always can save it but also like its already beensaid if the cops come to u and ask u if ur growing jus deny cuz they wont do nothin unless u fess up jus b smarter bout it next time cuz u never kno that kid cud turn around and blackmail u for a crop or somthin