My First Grow: DWC (open thread)


Well-Known Member
Well how close can they be before its too close? the highest point is about 8 inches from the actual bulb, while the rest are in between 8-14 inches from the bulb. Should i just let grow to about 6 inches? then keep it that close from here on out?
Like noted in the chart. It's in reference to light not heat. So as long as things aren't too hot, you can get the 400w hps within 6 inches before it's too much light. And if they let you put the light there... yeah, leave it that far the rest of the grow... observing for problems of course (like you wouldn't).

Also... this is HPS... MH is different.



Well-Known Member
Like noted in the chart. It's in reference to light not heat. So as long as things aren't too hot, you can get the 400w hps within 6 inches before it's too much light. And if they let you put the light there... yeah, leave it that far the rest of the grow... observing for problems of course (like you wouldn't).

Also... this is HPS... MH is different.
well i have 550 watts and 4 cfls. so i think ill leave it at about 8. Ill keep a close eye on it, but still i want the most yield i can. i think what i have right now is fine, but ill keep it as close as i can!!!!! thanks for that chart jig, and all your help!


Well-Known Member
yo stu! things are looking great man! and i see jigs is taking care of you as well.

okay, so just a few comments of my own to add to jigs. he is absolutely right about plants stretching more with the lights further away. like you, i was worried at first that my plants were too close to the HID and would burn. started off with the lights like 18" away. by the end of the grow, some colas and leaves were only about 4" away, with no harm done at all.

i also noticed that as the plants got closer to the light, they slowed down in day-to-day growth. eventually, once the top of some of the colas were above the light, they stopped growing. if you want to move the light closer to the plants, just ease them lower. but like you said, your plants are growing each day, so probably no need to move the lights at this point.

the stretch is very significant in the first few weeks of flowering, but slows down drastically after that. so keep an eye on the height, but it should calm down soon.

things are looking really good. keep up the good work and congrats on the clones.


Well-Known Member
the worst of the worst just happened. The plants have grown so much the lights had to go above the grow tent, and as i was moving shit, the tent fell on top of the plants. The biggist stem, of the biggest plant snapped at the top, where the biggest cola would have been, along with 3 other big branches. Fuck my life. Im to sad, mad, and upset to do anything right now, so im just going to get high and sleep. pics tomorrow of the damage. fml


Well-Known Member
did they break all the way... like 100%. If not they can be salvaged.... tie stuff up, get a stake and use it as a splint. You could even re-splice them in and tie it up. You might be able to save it a bit.

good luck.

sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
So its been a week since the last real update. I have slowly gotten over the epic fail i had a few days ago. The plants still really do look great, and i actually saved a few branches b/c jig told me they would heal themselves.

Been putting in a gallon almost everyday, im gunna have to by more nuts soon.

pH and temps are great. although the humidity is getting pretty high. in the 65%-70% range.

What are some ways of lowering humidity? Cheaply?

here are some pics, i tried to take a pic of where the main branch broke, and you can see in the middle it lacks a little depth because of a few lost branches.

I also tried to take some pics of the flowering, but the lights are to bright and the plants move a lot from the fans.



Well-Known Member
Also, there are a lot of yellow tips now, almost on all the leaves near the top, and where flowers are. Not many fan leaves have it tho? what could be the issue?


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ i have BUGS ON MY PLANTS!!! i think there spidermites, they are all over the underside of leaves I would say like 3 to 4 extremely small bugs on the underside of lots of fan leaves. I dont know if this is a big infestation or not someone please tell me.... from what i have read, i need to spray the plants down with alcohol and water? or detergent and water??? help


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ i have BUGS ON MY PLANTS!!! i think there spidermites, they are all over the underside of leaves I would say like 3 to 4 extremely small bugs on the underside of lots of fan leaves. I dont know if this is a big infestation or not someone please tell me.... from what i have read, i need to spray the plants down with alcohol and water? or detergent and water??? help
Dude... what did you do to the weed gods?

I think soap and water is good. I don't really know. Neem oil is something you can buy at the hydro shop.

I don't think what you have is a full blown infestation yet... not sure.

Check the plant problems section. Sucks bro. I'm sorry. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Dude... what did you do to the weed gods?
jesus man i know, i was riding tall on my pedestal and all of a sudden shit goes wrong..... o well

do you know if alcohol or soap will hurt the plants? i mean i have read a decent amount already but no says quantities with soap. Should i douse the plants with soap and water? or just a light spray? spray everyday? i really just dont want to hurt the plants.

I have been seriously considering just rubbing my fingers over each leaf of the plant and killing them that way. It will just take a couple hours, maybe throw some headphones on and just kill each bug one by one...


Well-Known Member
Don't think the individual thing will work bro. Or rather... it won't work. Too many. they have eggs... they are everywhere. No way you can do each leaf... even so it wouldn't do.

Don't know about quantities but I would think just like a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. And spray the undersides and get it so that everything has been sprayed... not soaking, but all got wet.

I don't know anything about alcohol never heard that.... but also haven't read much into such things.

i'll be sending good vibes your way.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to take some pics really.

pH fine, temp fine, humidity still a little high at 65% but im not sure how to lower it.

the buds are startin to show a lot now! pretty exciting.

I have been spraying the plants twice daily with dish soap and water, and i haven't noticed a decline in bugs yet, but there really arnt that many anyways. Hopefully in a week they'll all be gone.

I tied some lose string around the edges because they are starting to sag, and i wanted them closer to the light.

here are some pics



Well-Known Member
wow your plants are huge now! looking good so far. sorry to hear about those spider mites though and hopefully you get it under control. i couldn't even help you with that though since i never did experience that (and hopefully i never will). it's been a few days, are those mites under control yet?


Well-Known Member
I have been spraying it with dish soap and water, and that really didnt seam to lower the pest problem. I sprayed them water and alcohol 50/50 mix today so will see if that helps. They are really starting to attack the fan leaves, and really sucking the dry, ill put pics in a minute of what i mean.


Well-Known Member
damn man... that's no good. If the alcohol doesn't do anything, check out products they sell for that. I think it's called neem oil... or one product at least.

Good luck. I'm sorry about the bugs. Have you tried asking them nicely to leave? :roll:


Well-Known Member
yea ive been reading about neem oil and i guess it helps, but it doesnt kill the eggs. I went to a flower shop today and got some pesticide, but im a little wary to use it just yet, i think im hurting the plants by spraying them so much with shit


Well-Known Member
damn man... that's no good. If the alcohol doesn't do anything, check out products they sell for that. I think it's called neem oil... or one product at least.

Good luck. I'm sorry about the bugs. Have you tried asking them nicely to leave? :roll:
hahaha, and to add onto jigfresh's suggestion, be sure to smoke them up before asking them.

but seriously, i hope it all works out for you man.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, and to add onto jigfresh's suggestion, be sure to smoke them up before asking them.

but seriously, i hope it all works out for you man.
the one thing i cant find on this site is, what happens if i cant control the problem? i mean im doing the best i can but the buds dont seem to be suffering, just the fan leaves. If i keep it at a minimal level can i still harvest and shit? or are my plants done for?


Well-Known Member
the one thing i cant find on this site is, what happens if i cant control the problem? i mean im doing the best i can but the buds dont seem to be suffering, just the fan leaves. If i keep it at a minimal level can i still harvest and shit? or are my plants done for?
if you don't take care of the problem, your plants are done. if your plant doesn't look healthy, that means it's not producing at "full capacity," meaning the quality of your bud will probably suffer. not sure if you took a look in the FAQs here on RIU, but take a look at this one...

not sure what you brought in from the outside that had a spider mite on there, but hopefully you can figure it out so that this won't happen again.